Reviews from

in the past

A nice upgrade over the first. Better bosses and stages. Nice music too.

Malditas sejam as balas finas

BADASS BULLET HELL!!!! I love these types of games! This game popularized the genre and I see the reason. There is an adrenaline rush playing these games you can't get anywhere else! dogging a bunch of bullets and ending bosses and enemies in your path is so much fun.

cool and spectacular, maybe too easy on ps1

Divertidasso, me despertou interesse pra jogar outros "jogos de navinha"

Um salto ABSURDO de DonPachi, seja em relação ao seu estilo que melhora muito, dando uma variedade maior aos inimigos e cenários, além de tudo ser bem mais harmônico, não que já não fosse, mas tem uma melhora. E as músicas, meu Deus, que coisa mais linda, frenético e divertido, independente de eu ser ruim, consegui jogar inteiro com um sorriso no rosto.

Just got a new work issued gigantic monitor, first thing to do once I plugged it in: go vertical and get some DoDonPachi.

Better than the original. The best improvement is the boss's HP bar, something that has become the standard in the next Cave games.

Hell yeah! Now that's what I'm talking about! Wow, SO much better than the first game. Bullet patterns are way more fun to dodge.

Pretty easy to see why bullet hell shooters became dominant after this game, because god damn

This game is so much fun that when I’m not playing it I can’t stop thinking about it.
The best thing about this game is just the gameplay. Blowing up everything in sight and dodging bullets is extremely fun. Even dodging simple patterns makes you feel amazing.The two firing modes also make the game feel unique from other shmups.The graphics look amazing especially the explosions and other effects like that. Even though the game is really difficult it honestly only makes me want to come back more. The controls are very sharp and concise, and make every death feel like it’s your fault. My only main issues with this game is the music felt a little generic and on a few stages the bullets can get a little difficult to see. Besides that very minor flaw this game is extremely fun and I recommend you give it a shot.

A great game for many things but not that amazing of an experience for just a noob 1-all. I feel like the tacked on final stage really shows and the game would have been better with 5 stages instead of 6, preferably removing the first one. A lot to like but not as good as people make it out to be. Clear took me 12 hours and almost 200 attempts so not overly insanely difficult if you have some experience but def. not beginner friendly.

important to modern shmups, daioujou a bit better though

poderia ter menos stages, ainda melhor que donpachi

esta guay, muy buen feedback y toda la pesca pero no mucho mas, otros shoot em ups tienen mejor diseño de nivel y los bosses muy samey entre si

Even better sequel with some bangin' music

Damn I love this game. This must be my favourite danmaku. The only thing I hate about this is the final boss Jesus Christ that's impossible to beat.

Jogo foda. Ainda não fiz 1cc, mas não acho que a nota vá mudar anyway.

absolute insanity. maybe one day i'll make it to the second loop

This game is weird to rate, really weird. On one hand, some sections and bosses of this game are one of the most fun I have ever played through in a shmup. On the other hand, there's a bunch of stage sections where it feels like they just sprayed a quintillion number of bullets on the screen and called it a day (looking at you Half of Hell). Stage 1 feels like it could have been cut and nothing would change much, it is too easy for Survival and even scoring.

Talking about scoring, some people sing praises for this game's scoring but to me it feels like the weakest in Cave's library. You cannot fuck up anywhere, and you can't bomb or get hit. You miss a chain in the middle of the stage and your run may as well be over. Having 0 recovery spots or ways to fiddle around the GP system like with other DDP games makes it actively frustrating. I'd even prefer DonPachi's scoring system over this.

This game does have a lot of options for the player, with 6 shot types across 3 ships. Sadly, the balance between is kinda wack for the 2nd Loop, and playing anything else that isn't the Laser types for a 2-All is going to be extremely frustrating. Overall all the ships are good enough for a 1-All and there's a ton of differences between them so that's nice.

It's a pretty good game but one with design decisions a bit too unrefined, and with some sections that aren't that fun to play, but overall, it's a good recommendation for people that want to try a Cave game for the first time.

do don do don do don


GMM Day 13 - DoDonPachi
Visually stunning game, love the spritework. Brutally hard game for me, the severity of which was lessened once I found out the slow button exists. Despite how hard I got fucked up, it was still very fun.

When it comes to shmups, it's very simple, Caves just the best to ever do it.

Love this game. Almost feels like a remake of batsugun, which tracks as one of the founders of Cave actually did work on this game. I think it's visually stunning and very fun to look at. A friend told me that it was some what satisfying to watch, of course it probably would be a lot more if I wasn't dying every couple of seconds but regardless.

The movement feels great, not too fast not to slow. It gives the perfect amount of control to dodge around the insanity of color circles at you. Shooting is also very intuitive. A press of the shoot button shoots machine guns bullets in a wide range, holding the shoot button create a powerful laser that's smaller and focused. Just these two controls offer a lot in terms of figuring out stats to most effectively kill the enemies. It also has the stable bomb button, but something I adore is how the game rewards you for using the bomb at the right time. In these games shooting off a bomb clears the screen and should be used in an emergency. In this game it does the same, but it turns the bullets into objects to pick up and give points. Incredibly simple and satisfying to do on a boss screen.

Anyways I probably talked to much about a very simple game, but it is an easy rec to anyone who has never played a bullet hell/danmaku game. It's simple enough and challenging, but when you get in the zone with it - extremly metitative.

Japanese Policarpo Quaresma.

Can I really count this? I only got the bad ending...

The reason I hesitate to declare DoDonPachi as a game I've beaten is because it probably represents the most a vertical SHMUP has intrigued me. I won't get into narrative spoilers, but the entire trajectory of what the series is completely pivots on that bad/good ending junction. And what makes the difference? Simple: clear the campaign on a single credit.

I always struggle to get into SHMUPs because there's effectively a binary at play: you can either continue, or you can't. If you're in Free Play, you can continue. If you have a stack of quarters, you can continue. If you aren't or don't, you can't continue. If you can continue, you will do so right where you left off. If you can't, you can piss off. Sure, there's variations, but they don't mean a hell of a lot to the SHMUP experience for me when they all reduce to that simple binary of design. If I can continue, I don't need to learn the game. If I can't continue, I don't want to learn the game.

It is DoDonPachi that seems to exist as a third option. You can't continue, but if you actually bother to get good enough that you don't need to, then you get the good ending. Which is to say: access to the second loop and the final boss! That's right, chief, if you get good at the video game, you get a full-game victory lap followed by friggin' vertical shooter final bosses. Don't worry, you don't have to stay single credit on the back half.

Is this a common design space in this genre? I've dipped my toes in it quite a bit, but I've never seen this as the device used to try and get players to get good. This is essentially one of the only arcade games I've ever seen that wants the player to spend as little money as possible, since that's what it would take to get the best ending. Yes, the game is hard, so it's a long process to actually get good at the video game. Maybe that's how they earn their money?

There's much I can say about the game itself - the GORGEOUS spritework, the good cadence to combat, all these things such that would make a player enjoy coming back, etc - but I think I'll leave it at this note for now. I can review the game proper when I get good enough to see the second loop. Because this feels like how you justify that lives system and encourage a player to learn the game. It's sure encouraging me.