Reviews from

in the past

I discovered this game as a kid at CiCi's Pizza in Hinesville, GA. Every time we had a little league football party of a birthday to celebrate there, I'd be more excited to play this game than I would be for the unlimited pizza and sweets. But the game was hard as fuck, at least for me at like 9 years old, so I never got to beat it. Fast forward and the perfect combo of free time, nostalgia, and a Steam Deck led me back to this game, and it still rules.

It's really just a Streets of Rage-esque beat-em-up, with small Power Stone-like arenas for levels, and dozens and dozens of objects you can use to wail on terrorists. The combat is half of the reason I love this game, as it lets you do so much with so little. sure, picking up an arcade machine, giant fish, or even a stunned enemy and smacking someone over the head with them is always as fun as it is stupid. But the addition of guns, rocket launchers, and grenades makes combat even more insane than you'd even assume at first blush. No weapon, no problem? Standard punches and kicks make room for a bunch of grapple moves you can pull off, all of which trigger some insanely brutal animations.

The other reason I love this game is that it's tone is just the dumbest, wildest shit ever. It's like it took the insanity of Bad Boys 2 but made it WAY more 90s and I just can't help but love it. From the comically heightened quick-time events to the cheesy and awkward cutscenes sprinkled throughout, I find all of it so charming.

Turns out tho, this game is a lot easier when you aren't pumping it full of quarters. It took me about 2 hours to beat it once all the way through, and less than 5 hours to play through it 2 more times through different routes. Not many changes across playthroughs, except certain routes leading to several new levels on a remote island. But no matter how you play, you will get the same high-octane action you'd want from a game like this. This game is goofy and corny, but I loved every minute of it. Wish this had a modern port somewhere, this is the kind of game that should be available to the masses. A breath of fresh air from much of AAA gaming today.

SUPER good arcade beat-em-up but it's way too short, even for arcade standards, and i think the final stretch of the game is really anticlimactic

This game is just a blast. My girl friend and I always have a great time playing through this hilarious game. I threw an ATM at a guy and killed him. It's a great beat'em up especially with two players.

Come for the fun beat-em up with amazing quick time events

stay for the bonus feature comic book adaptation of the game featuring comic sans font

an awesome short little beat em up game, very button mashy but I didn't expect much going into the game anyway. What makes it special for me is the old school sega charm along with the different weapons you can pick up to spice up your gameplay.

Short but good, and you can punch a giant octopus

By the transitive property Dynamite Cop is a Christmas game.

Real smoothbrain gaming (positive connotation)

Short, simple, and funny. Very entertaining little beat 'em up, though it feels a bit jank sometimes (mostly with item pickups).

A very short 3D beat-'em-up that puts you through a series of discrete arenas, with various interactables and comical weapon pick-ups. Has tons of personality, and the various routes and characters give it replayability.

this games throw system has no right being as complex as it is

Bater em PIRATAS LOBOS FUTURISTAS é gostoso demais!

(O Dreamcast é um dos consoles que MENOS JOGUEI na vida, conheço pouquíssimos games. Por isso irei tentar jogar alguns jogos dele e aceito sugestões).

Dynamite Cop é um beat n’ Up 3D com quick time events em pequenos momentos. A história é surreal num nível que beira o engraçado: Lobos Piratas Futuristas (???) sequestram um navio com 2 mil pessoas incluindo a filha do presidente. Você e sua equipe são enviados pro navio (Podemos escolher entre 3 personagens sendo 2 homens e 1 mulher).

A gameplay é o grande destaque do jogo. É satisfatório descer a porrada em todo mundo, fora que o cenário das fases são totalmente destrutíveis e interativos (Você pode pegar tudo do cenário pra usar como arma). As armas de fogo também tem uma mecânica muito boa incluindo até uma arma que é um MÍSSEL ANTI AEREO.

Os quick time events são apenas usados como transição de uma fase para a outra, todos muito iguais e sem nenhuma criatividade. Outro ponto negativo é a falta de criatividades nos chefes (Apenas o Boss final é de fato difícil e desenvolvido).

O jogo tem praticamente 1 hora e entregou o que se propôs: Ser um jogo onde você não precisa pensar muito.

- Jogabilidade ótima.

- Quick time events desnecessários.
- História é apenas background.


Still pretty short, though at least you get some replay value out of the three different entries.

Janky, corny, stupid, but colorful, hilarious and rather satisfying to play.

Yeah...the first game was better.

It's just nowhere near as exciting, they basically did the same plot but on a ship and the president's daughter is- OH MY GOD WHAT THE HELL IS THIS BRITISH CARICATURE ABOMINATION

....okay, everyone in this game looks hideous, I don't know what happened but all the cool designs and colorful look of Deka 1 is thrown out the damn door. Everyone got these long weird noses and these uncanny faces. Only Wolf Hongo looks nice and he's got a fucking robotic head and arm.

President's Daughter could honestly rival kid Gun Commander from Shadow the Hedgehog as one of the ugliest kids in gaming...and we're supposed to want to save her!

Like I said, our heroes don't look any better...I guess Eddie looks decent? But definitely not Bruno and Jean...
I originally thought Cindy came back for this game but eh...yeah...

Everyone also got these lifeless dark green I like how they lose clothes more they get hit this time as opposed to losing them between levels gradually...but do you know what this means? If you play well, you're stuck with this lifeless colorless bore of a design...

Also you can play as Bruno and Cindy from first game! ...If you collect all concept art and buy the DLC....sigh...aaanyway....Cindy's model is from the first game, sweet! And you play as her over Jean, also sweet! Buuuut she doesn't lose her clothes for some reason...even though they have models and textures for this...why not port em, man?
Bruno's model sadly isn't from Deka 1, which really dissapointed me...and of course he doesn't lose clothes in this mode either....for such a big reward and DLC, you'd think they'd put a bit more effort in...

They also really dragged the game out by having the same thing happens with some different outcomes by splitting it into 3 missions...first game was straight to the point with one campaign and I loved that...I understand sequels need to go "bigger and better" but not with padding! But when I went to check Missions 4-6...I realized they're literally first 3 but with challenge stuff...lovely...yeah since I beat the 3 unique missions and tried out everyone, I consider this game beat.

I like the weapon choices, you got the usual guns and melee stuff but also fucking casino coins, buns, anti tank missiles, you name it!

The gallery is pretty cool...there is a loooooooooooooooooooooong gallery of concept art, to the point of me not wanting to check it further lol.

They included an online promotional comic, which adapts Mission 1 and I really love it's energy and one liners. Eddie looks like he's referenced off Will Smith in one panel, I love Bruno saying "I'm a one man chorus line!!" and kicking Hongo in the face! Also sweet end with Banana (Bruno's monkey) getting the laser shooting helmet with the "implication" that he'll take over the world! Oh that silly monkey! His model doesn't even appear outside of character select and ending cutscenes but he's such a fun guy!
This thing could be rare or lost media if they didn't include it here, so I appreciate that

Appereantly Arcade has some differences like no FMVs and looking more like a Saturn game (huh)...interesting, too bad I don't care enough about this game to check!

Most enemies don't stand out at all by the way...I like the Punisher lady and those skeleton tribal guys are memorable but most of the enemies are so damn one note.

Bike sequence is sick.

I couldn't care less about that island.

Overall, I just didn't like this as much. It's like first game but everything done worse and just not as fun or colorful or unique. I tried this before in early 2023 aswell, without having played or seen anything of Deka 1 and I got far only to lose at the final boss (who's really damn cheap in this game) and I quit it and I just wasn't as enjoying it back then either...I liked the general vibe and the amount of ridicilious stuff you can use as weapons but that wore off a bit quickly.

Oh that's another know how in first game, you can play a submarine game in either Saturn/Arcade or PS2 version to get more credits to use since it's an arcade game? Well guess what! They included another classic Sega game but it doesn't do shit! It's just an extra without a purpose, which sucks cuz it was a really cool way how they utilized it in the first you're stuck with 9 credits...back then, last one ran out on Hongo.

This time, I beat him on Mission 2 (first mission I played) on the last life....second time on Mission 1, having unlocked stuff got me infinite credits...third time on Mission 3, game insisted on dropping me down to 4 credits, so I said fuck you and used Infinite Lives cheat to finally finish it off.

Stick to the first game, if you ask me...wonder how Asian Dynamite is?

You get to wield a big fish as a weapon at once point. What more do I need to say? What more do you need to hear? Play Dynamite Cop.

I hit someone over the head with a baget and i'm happy

Within the first five minutes, I slammed a missile into the ground and it caused a nuclear explosion. Peak gaming.

Die Hard Arcade (Or Dynamite Deka) was already a pretty fun game that was delightfully over the top. Dynamite Cop (Or Dynamite Deka 2) is a VERY fun game that's ridiculously over the top. We went from terrorists to fucking pirates with a bionic captain (And it's the same villain from the last game). None of that is bad. By all means I had big goofy grin on my face the whole time.
Kooky tone aside, the gameplay feels snappier and overall better than the original. I liked playing as every character (Jean is the best, sorry Bruno). And I do like having 3 scenarios to play through. Just a shame they all aren't that different from each other. Sometimes the order of rooms is changed up, but the enemies will be the same no matter what. They may try to give those same rooms different skins. But it's the same room nonetheless. This isn't as big of a deal since each mission is pretty short, so it doesn't the game.
Play this if you get the chance. It's fast, fun, and funny. You will not be bored.

One of the most fun co op arcade games I've played

I played this in the arcades with a friend twice through. While it was quite short, rather easy, and not particularly deep, it deserves 4 stars purely because that was the absolute most I have ever belly-laughed while playing any video game ever. The ability to use any part of the environment as a weapon is an effective gameplay gimmick, but is also used to hilarious effect; the ability to throw cake at enemies or to pick up a phone by the receiver and then swing it around like a nunchuck lends an almost Jackie Chan-esque vibe to what would otherwise have been just a regular beat em up.

(Not) Die Hard is pretty good experience, even if it is quite brief. I like short games and there is nice replayability in the characters and choices in the intro, but wow it flies by so quickly! Also gives me a reason to play a Dreamcast game proper, even if it's technically an arcade game and has a PS2 port shuuuuush be quiet...