Reviews from

in the past


It's as boring as reading a Shakespeare's script of an stage as a book, and then it's literal history of VNs, but boy in any case it's clear it's old

Ever17 is a very compelling sci-fi story with a downright excellent mystery and twist which manages to mindfuck you in the best way possible, and is very well put together. What I find more impressive though is how it gives some of the cast members meaning in a manner that is unique to the twist, which is so nice to see when some of his work reflects the opposite. In general the cast is a good point for this VN, it has a few standout good members. Unfortunately bogging this game down is the pacing (a number of scenes are just boring because of the poor SoL and meh cast dynamic) and some other characters who I feel aren't good, as well as its involuntary forced PhD in structural engineering. I also just have issues with some of the execution of a particular part of the final route that takes the wind out of certain sequences. Overall still a great VN and worthwthile read though, I think the good parts make up for the flaws.

Very long and poorly paced. Having already played the Zero Escape games, those do similar things but better (even when they're also rough). The plot is fully about the twists, which get hinted at too often and too early, so none of the reveals really hit. They were just a relief as each reveal brought me closer to the end.

This VN has the single most mindblowing plot twist ever put in a VN. The plot spends 4 routes perfectly fleshing out the characters and introducing both physical and metaphysical concepts that will be integral to the story's solution while keeping all the ends loose, and then on the final route wraps it up in such a spectacular way that will leave you K.O. for a long time before you even get out of the shock to continue reading. Get a flowchart though, you don't want to risk missing the true ending.

[if you're reading in english, make sure to play using the himmel patch!]
had half of the twists ruined for me unfortunately because i played the zero escape series first, which is basically bargain bin ever17 as a whole (to be specific, i think this game resembles 999 the most in core structure).

the routes will start blending together and the romance is quite shallow, but the separate heroine routes are absolutely needed for meta reasons, and you'll see when you get to true end, which is genuinely quite a spectacular show of sci-fi answers so ridiculous it becomes almost amazing. almost.

Ahora que lo he estado rejugando si he tenido algunos problemas
sin embargo ta muy bien
lo recomiendo

theres probably a lot of parts in this game that didnt really need to be there and characters take forever to explain things, and in my opinion are sometimes kinda ridiculous about things to the point of just being annoying

but like honestly i think the plot of this game is really well put together and the twists are kinda fuckin nuts sometimes that it makes up for it.

also i think the characters are just pretty enjoyable and even though the first two routes arent as interesting as the later ones i enjoy the characters enough to find them fun

Como un no fanático de las novelas visuales tenia mis dudas sobre si disfrutaría de esto, y como dice la calificación fue un viaje sorprendente. Ever 17 toma lo que es una premisa sencilla y hasta cierto punto cliché para detonar en un sin fin de giros argumentales y siempre mantener al espectador con dudas y preguntas sobre que está sucediendo realmente.
Si tuviera que encapsular la cosa que más me sorprendió de esta novela, no es la historia en sí, si no su estructura poco convencional y que utiliza el medio interactivo lo mejor posible, y es que cuando mas lo pienso mayor es la sorpresa en como enlaza todos los hilos y dudas en la ruta final, sin contar ese giro argumental final el cual demuestra lo único que pueden llegar a ser los videojuegos siendo irrepetible en otros medios.
Aun así no todo puede llegar a ser bueno, ciertos eventos y conversaciones pueden ser mas largos y cansados de lo normal, además el factor romance se siente un poco fuera de lugar en algunas partes, esto debido a la gran inclinación a los temas de ciencia ficción y es muy notorio la pocas ganas de los escritores en escribir romance hasta el punto de ser un pequeño impedimento para ver lo que realmente importa. Fuera de eso mi ultima queja es con cierta conveniencia argumental en eventos concretos. Ever 17 esta plagado de elementos cancerígenos que pueden arruinar cualquier historia muy rápido y aun así se las arregla para no caer en tropos típicos o anticlimáticos la mayoría del tiempo pero a veces es necesario o llega a ser muy conveniente chocando con la demás narrativa.
Para dejar una conclusión e incitar a otros a leerla puedo decir que en un principio fruncirás el ceño en más una ocasión preguntándote si esto tiene sentido y a medida que avanzas algunas dudas se resolverán, pero otras surgirán y todavía más confusas que las anteriores, aun así esta es la magia de la novela, toda duda tendrá su respuesta a su debido tiempo y yo como testigo de conocer muchas historias de ficción logro sorprenderme en más de una ocasión.
Because only you are in the infinity loop

As a veteran of later Uchikoshi works, I came around to this off the back of a disappointing experience with Remember11, and was pleasantly surprised. The pacing issues it's famous for are definitely there, but my brain was able to just sort of gloss over them and focus on the interesting parts, which appealed to my sensibilities a lot better than R11. It's very amusing to see the blueprints for all sorts of super-specific details in Zero Escape and AITSF that originated here.

This game has a few great character ideas, but it's clear that character writing isn't what it's focused on at all. It wastes so much time doing nothing interesting only to have the most asinine use of meta I think I've ever seen. I have no idea how people say they find this more satisfying than Remember11.

i rarely leave a piece of media thinking it was a complete waste of my time but i guess there’s a first for everything.

my favorite out of infinity trilogy,good job at improving the game 👍.

This review contains spoilers

I knew this man reused twists but didn't realize just how ridiculous it got until playing this after experiencing the ZE trilogy.

Anyways it's still kino who cares

Aburrido en su mayoria pero las partes buenas lo valen

truly a gem and pioneer of visual novels to the western audience.

El autor se fumó tremenda falopa. Me encanta.

It's very good, you should play it!

Parts of it dragged on and bored me to tears, but other parts also made me genuinely intrigued, especially the Kid routes, which were significantly better than the Takeshi ones. I was originally planning to give it a 3 star rating, but the final route was pretty great and wrapped everything up nicely, so I'll bump it to 3.5.

This is a fun time, but it's a dip for Uchi imo. Prior Infinity releases handle minutia and repetition better than this one and Zero Escape forms entirely different approaches. Sea Disney tho.

A game that deserves to be played regardless of how poorly it's aged in certain areas.

uchi's first dive (haha get it? cuz they're underwater) into the people trapped in a location scifi genre. it sucked but paved the way for future good games by him. it's kind of like how jesus needed to die so we could all reach salvation

look the last 5 hours or so are cool but the rest is so soul crushingly boring
Pi-yo-pi-yo, pi-yo-pi-yo

I FUCKING ADORE THIS GAME SO MUCH. I love the ocean, I love science, and I already knew so much of the physiology detailed within this game that I felt so fully immersed and cool and so gaming and YEAH IT WAS EPIC PLAY IT

There are some good ideas here that get realized towards the end, but chronic issues with tone and pacing make the first 3/4 a terrible experience to get through.

If you don't place much of a premium on your time and don't mind dealing with a slog to get some good payoff, then Ever17 will probably be worth it for you. Otherwise, I'd look towards Nakazawa's and Uchikoshi's later works to see many of the same ideas with far better execution.