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in the past

I can only stand it like 1 hours, unbelievably boring and slow

call me petty but i hate when i cant walk quickly in a game im SORRY

I knew about this game via it's soundtrack a long, long time before I played it thanks to the UK official charts deciding this "bona fide classical album" (their words) wasn't actually eligible for the classical charts. ANYWAY what I'm saying is this is a very good, if flawed game with a 5 star soundtrack.

A massive disappointment. I was hoping for something compelling like The Leftovers, but instead it squanders its premise with caricatures & boredom.

Either I'm really stupid or the orb that appears sometimes for you to follow straight up broke on me and led me in cricles over and over at one point in the game. And with how slow you walk in this game, that was very frustrating.

Beyind that though, I thought the narrative was incredibly dull, while at times being a bit confusing because I'm fairly certain I saw some scenes out of order due to the orbs or whatever not functioning. The solid environmental design just doesn't make up for that for me.


I really wanted to like this. I enjoy the characters, the world is pretty and the story is quite interesting.

The major issue here is pacing. The game progresses at a snails pace and left me feeling quite bored during most of my time with it.

Truly a walking simulator. However, it has many good things about it, such as beautiful amazing music, a eerie setting that I'm obsessed with, and a cryptic ending that doesn't make sense but is still beautiful. While the mysteriousness of this game is amazing, the slow slow walking speed is so annoying and the story leaves me wanting more.

Literally the most uninteresting game I've played in my life. I stuck with it for about 2 hours, hoping for something to attach to, but there's nothing.

A slow patches indie game that I really only played for the platinum, wasn’t awful, wasn’t ground breaking. It told its story and left.

This is one of the worst walking simulators. The story is told through weird means, and there are just so many collectibles. Oh yeah, also the walking speed is the slowest I think in any video game ever. I thought the story was alright but it was just annoying to actually get it, which meant I didn't really enjoy it when I did get it.

A decent-looking story experience, but made arbitrarily slow at times.

i mean, i love games with an increrible atmosphere, where you just walk, solve some puzzles, listen to some calm music and these things, BUT WHY DO I HAVE TO WALK SO GOD DAMN SLOWLY????

This review contains spoilers

+ Graphics / Visuals
+ Music + Audio Design
- Storytelling
- Pacing
- Gameplay / Gameplay mechanics

After just playing "Gone Home", I was so excited for another walking simulation. I honestly just need to get on here to rant about how frustrating this game was. I had a lot of hope for it at first. I was in awe of how good the graphics were for a game made in 2015, and was genuinely impressed by the radio transmission and the way everything was initially laid out. I didn't know it was turning into a confusing and frustrating mess.

The visuals and graphics in general were beautiful. If you're looking for a pretty game, this is for sure one of them. Gorgeous music, scenery, and a very pleasant walk-through if you aren't expecting anything else.

I will say that the story concept was really interesting, though a bit rough to decipher. I love games and films with a story and lore to pick through. I was upset that I never got that "oh my god," revelation moment from this game. The story concept felt rough and unfinished, not giving a really satisfying snap-into-place ending.

With the story, I found that not only was it difficult to follow, but it was extremely repetitive. I understand things like this need to be put in place for a non-linear game, but wow. It was bad. It would go from Stephan panicking about this 'thing' being alive and having a consciousness to "I think there's an influenza outbreak". In the second act of the game. Though the concept was interesting, trying to pull it apart was bizarre. I noticed lots of star motifs around the map, astronomy, pulled together with Christianity, and a thought-to-be pandemic. Parts of the story fell away when we noticed the man's shoes near the train track, implying everyone is naked if clothing can be seen and doesn't disappear with you.

I was so excited to explore the story concepts more but it just felt like it scraped the surface of what could have been.

The pacing and walking speed was absolutely brutal. I felt like I was pushing the joystick the entire game and wishing I could go faster. My partner noticed how slow it was and at first I told him the reason was "so you pace yourself and take your time to enjoy your surroundings and take in the story", but by the middle, I was looking up "is there a way to run" and jamming all the buttons on my controller.

The numbers. Really had me at first, I was so excited to collect them all on a piece of paper and decipher them. I wanted there to be a big moment where we find a way to cipher them and find something underlying throughout the entire game. NOTHING. ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. I was relying on this mechanic the entire game to bring something new and exciting to the plot.

The following the light mechanic felt so broken, and without receiving any instructions, I was unsure what I was supposed to do. Some balls of light were static in a bedroom, the others going around the valley quickly. I was unsure why they would make me walk halfway back around the map to show me a path I'd already been on just to let me know I missed a 10-second conversation about someone cheating on someone else.

Did anyone playtest this game? It just feels like a common courtesy to the player to block off or not suggest that a path doesn't need to be taken. ESPECIALLY in a game where you're unable to take a shortcut through bushes. I found there were a few times where there was a dirt path that I'd follow for a few minutes and get to a locked gate at the end that wasn't able to be cleared at all. This goes for houses that don't have any story inside as well. THIS was one of the things that really made me walk away.

My final straw was finding a walkthrough on Youtube (which I don't do often) to figure out where I was supposed to go. It turns out, a specific door doesn't open (beside the flashing pylon) until you hit every spot around the map and unlock every conversation. You're telling me that I might have to walk upwards of 15 minutes to the other side of the map to hear some chit-chat before walking back to unlock the end of the game? I feel like non-linear games like this need to be playtested by people of all types before being released. I left the game at that point, it felt like it was mocking me and wasting my time.

I didn't understand the shaking mechanic with the controller. It happened twice? Made me think I had some sort of powers and then released "i" don't exist. Why do I have footsteps? Kate was clearly the last person on earth and that was pushed.

Anyways, just needed to rant. I was expecting something beautiful and came away frustrated and thinking of a better game with more potential.

One of the more tedious walking sims you could play. But I will say, I am a fan of some of the story plots, specifically with the priest, and majority of these stars are because of the OST.

It remains one of my top favorite video game OSTs of all time. I adore it.

A few clever ideas buried under a sea of walking sim cliches.

First bought it on PS4, played it briefly and turned it off again. Then bought on PC, played for a few minutes and turned it off again :D I don't know but somehow I didn't get the feeling that this narrative game was doing anything particularly new or original. The story seemed quite interesting but the pacing was also sooo lame, somehow it didn't get me...maybe I'll pick it up if^^

Was really hoping for this to go somewhere profound, as I was really digging the vibes and I was into the themes it was exploring, but it doesn't really. This is a pure, through and through walking sim, there's no real gameplay to be found here. That puts a lot of pressure on the writing to deliver, and the story just isn't quite strong enough to carry the game.

I didn't realize this was another game from The Chinese Room and as someone else said, a "spiritual sequel" to Dear Esther. Although I thought Dear Esther was terrible, I played it to completion.

In the case of this game, I struggled to motivate myself to explore new areas because in many ways, it is very reminiscent of Dear Esther -- although there's significantly more branching and exploration available for hearing stories and even some resolutions to make by seeking out pieces of stories, I couldn't get past how boring the game felt.

In essence, it's better than Dear Esther, but to me, is undeserving of a rating any higher than Dear Esther.

It's so pretty, and so interesting, and .......I don't know if anyone else has mentioned this but .....SO FUCKING SLOW.

just play Edith finch instead

I like where this story is going, but man is this game slow. I like narrative walking sims very much, but this is really slow

great story and characters. the presentation of that story is unlike anything i’ve ever played before. a real stand out of the genre. and jessica curry conducts one of the most beautiful game soundtracks i’ve ever heard

my one problem, and this is for sure a nitpick, if you’re going to have a walking sim like this you gotta like clue me into who i am actually playing as. especially in this game once you know the full context.

As a fan of "walking simulators" I was severely disappointed in this game. I don't know entirely know why but this game very much overstayed its welcome to me.

It looks great for 2015 but it’s boring as shit, I learnt absolutely nothing new from beginning to end, the narrative is just a convoluted mess with zero structure and not much sense to it either made a lot worse given the fact hardly any of the characters are likeable. Gameplay is just a bad as far as walking simulators go, the yellow orb thing is a pain in the ass that changes it’s direction constantly, sometimes it won’t even move so you’re sitting around for like a minute waiting for something to happen before the orb itself wakes up from falling asleep to this snoozefest of a game.

Simulator of walking with good picture and intriguing plot

ngl I didn't know what was going on but fuck it we ball

Games need to learn to shut the fuck up.

Had wanted to play this for a long time, ended up a little disappointed. Was a pretty good story but you just move so slowly and the map is way bigger than I expected and I got pretty bored in the first half. Some of the story areas were just better than others. Ending was pretty good though, and the music was really good throughout.

Dude wtf is this. I loved Firewatch SO much that I felt the need to inhale another "walking sim", and this game was a gross insult to the genre. I was so bored, I was so unintrigued, and I was walking SO SLOWLY.