Reviews from

in the past

Amava as músicas e me divertia demais.

There is some rouge-like addictiveness to it, but man, I just don't think this type of shmup is for me, as cute as it is. Even with upgrades, I never feel like I have proper control of Opa Opa, though I imagine it'd feel a bit tighter on an actual arcade stick. But while I can convince myself to spend hours practicing a touhou run, I don't feel the same for this winged ship.

BUT I would 100% play this over space harrier so

Quem quer que tenha dito que “cute ‘em ups” são mais fáceis que os shoot ‘em ups tradicionais estava, pelo menos, inebriado. Fantay Zone pode ser colorido e fofinho, mas não quer dizer que segura a sua mão. Depois de uma hora sofrendo e morrendo infinitamente, simplesmente pedi arrego e coloquei alguns cheats para poder completar o jogo, tamanha a insanidade de inimigos e balas. Com a dificuldade removida, a música e visual são até terapêuticos.

Falando nisso, crédito ao game por usar o espaço sideral como uma vazão para a criatividade fantasiosa em vez de mais um ambiente sci-fi genérico.

Very hard game but a ton of fun. Visually beautiful and has great music. I'm worried about Opa-Opa's mental health though I want that spaceship to be ok.

Played this on Yakuza 0. I HATE this with a burning passion. I really just don't find any enjoyment in side scrollers, especially when they're clunky and frustrating to play. Got to the required points for completion and then never returned again

While Fantasy Zone is certainly vibrant and colourful, I didn't really find it to be my kind of game. It's certainly interesting that you have free movement (not restricted to going only in one direction to complete a level) but stuff like coins falling to the ground and bouncing around after killing flying enemies is a pain. Music is OK.

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The game ends with the playable ship suffering a moral dilemma over blowing up and robbing the critters of Cloud Cuckoo Land upon finding out that his ship father was behind everything.

Sega's just like that sometimes.

This is one of those ones that’s just nice to boot up and play for half an hour every once in a while. It’s challenging and dynamic, and it’s got fun graphics and sounds. The camera movement can be a little annoying; you gotta move pretty slow to avoid running into stuff sometimes. That said, there’s no time limit to the game (at least not in Judgment which is the last way I played this), so it’s not really a problem.

Shooters are a lot like crimes, if you do one of them you've pretty much done them all and all that changes are a few numbers and the time you spend doing nothing.

If Sexy Parodius is public indecency and DodonPachi is terrorism, Fantasy Zone is some lame shit like smoking pot in front of the cops.

Played it in the SEGA Arcades on Yakuza 0.

A challenging yet really fun side scrolling shooter. Very colourful as well 👍

One of Sega's finest arcade classics. Super fun and unique with awesome colourful presentation.

A shockingly well-aged shooter given how old it is, though I think Super and II DX make this one obsolete. Those games are really just the same game but with more good stuff and fewer low points, so it's hard to recommend this one even if it is an all-around good game regardless. The enemy patterns of FZ1 are pretty uninteresting and can get downright irritating thanks to the weird screen scrolling and odd ship momentum. The music is also just nowhere near the excellence of the sequels.

The SEGA AGES port is the way to go if you do pick this up. The Master System port is decent, but has a lot of sprite flickering that makes it hard to see oncoming enemies.

A pretty solid standard shmup starring a vaguely egg-shaped little man who buys things with money retrieved from other, equally odd little men.

I like how dying isn't as much of a setback as it is in other early shmups; once you come back, a shop balloon usually shows up to let you power yourself back up as needed, provided if you have enough funds. The Laser and 7-Way shots absolutely tear through things, but make bigger dents in your gold; the Wide shot is sort of just there but is the least costly, so I only get it if I really have to.

Said funds you will need for the second half of the game which picks up the pace by a surprising amount, throwing more dense amounts of enemies at you to keep you on your toes. Since lots of these guys like to give chase or close in on you, it's also around this point where you're expected to take advantage of the wrap-around as much as possible, something I like a lot.

I think the one thing that's stopping me from wanting to go through multiple loops are the weird extending tubes which serve as the final boss. It's sort of a puzzle; you're pretty much guaranteed to die against the last one unless you brought a Heavy Bomb or two with you. The problem is, since your special bombs replace regular ones in this game, it's not likely you'll make it there with one before dying anyway given all the bosses you have to go through first.

That being said! I think Fantasy Zone is really nice. Most of this series is nice, really. It might be a Scrimblo Bimblo series to you, but I have no regrets trying it.

Arcade aburrido con controles pestosos.

A very colorful shooter that at times echoes Kirby-like visuals, but the gunplay itself is pretty standard.

absolutely miserable. shit game.

played through yakuza 0, i thought it was a pretty neat shmup, but i don't know if it's one i have it in me to actually try and dedicate myself to beating. i definitely like aspects like the way the main gameplay loop is and the fact there's an entire shop with upgrades for your ship which i was not expecting at all, but man after level 2 or 3 i get my ass whooped in this game and it is pretty annoying to lose powerups i just bought in the shop after losing a life. i might try and come back to this one though, i think it may just take some time to appreciate more because i think there's definitely something here

Pretty fun Shoot em up, it's really unique in its genre.

she opa opa on my fantasy zone til I master system

(Played via the Sega Ages Switch version)
Easily superior to the Master System version. Looks better, sounds better, and goddamn the rapid fire feature easily makes it more fun to play. The enemies and bosses are far more fun to go against, even if the mooks can be overwhelming.
The final boss+boss rush still blows tho.

It took a while for me to remember play this since I mixed the name up with Space Harrier (Welcome to the Fantasy Zone!) and the character with Twinbee so I kept thinking I played it already.

It's a pretty game that sounds well and has a great trippy aesthetic, but everything that makes it an arcade game is also everything that hurts it. Your ship is always moving meaning you have to account for that in your positioning. Bullets can flurry at you from the other side of the screen without you even knowing they are coming. Hitboxes also aren't exactly lenient, meaning one touch is your doom.

It's also a what I want to call "Momentum shmup". As in, if you manage to get the ball rolling you're good to go, but if you don't then you're out of luck, especially in later levels where even with modern gaming's rapid fire (a rapid fire weapon was an upgrade but imagine the pain of pressing shoot every time you wanted to fire) the main ships are super bulky as you're barraged with homing shots from all angles. You also need money to buy upgrades, which you get by going to the ground after defeating enemies. But if you're fast, you'll get more money. Play the stage slowly, and you won't make all that much. In the shop itself you have very little time to actually think, as you only have 30 or 10 seconds seemingly based on how the game feels. That doesn't acocunt for cursor navigation time to even click and buy your item, and the items aren't even all on one screen, it has to scroll too! You aren't allowed to use Continues in Lost Judgement, but I doubt I could 1CC it like this.

Also to any shmup with foreground elements hazards can hide behind: Stop doing that.

I forgot which one I played in yakuza

I wish I would have known about this game back in the day if I had it I probably would have put some time into it. A colorful shooter where you can buy weapons and upgrades in a shop mid level. You can also purchase shields and extra lifes too. For it's time period it's pretty great.

That boss music goes hard.

Played via Yakuza 0. Yes I did manage to get 100'000 points thank you.

It's on the easy side, as far as clears go, but just a little tricky for a no-miss. The upgrade system is a little unfair when you can just buy a gun upgrade after getting killed, especially considering that only the final boss is really that dangerous. It's a great game though.

Probably my favorite shmup of all time, I've played this on-and-off for years at this point. The fact that levels are open-ended and side scrolling plus the upgrade system being currency-based means you really can set your own pace at which to play the game, and it makes speeding through the game super fun and rewarding. The final boss is kinda dumb tho ngl and was the thing keeping from me marking this game as complete all this time. The visuals and music are top-notch as well, the songs are catchy and upbeat and the game is vibrant and colorful. It may be a bit on the easy side of things in the realm of shoot-em-ups but it's still a solid challenge for those unacquainted to the genre, so it works well as a good beginner shmup too. shoutouts to opa opa

One of my favourite pasttimes in Yakuza. So frikkin addicting