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in the past

Divertido, mas fácil de esquecer.

Completed with platinum trophy earned; all objectives completed in every region. Contrasting with the level-based structure of most first-person shooter games, Far Cry 5 continues with the series' now well-established outdoor open-world setting. This time around the game is set in the US, specifically rural Montana, seeing the playing cast as a deputy sheriff sent to arrest the leader of a religious cult; of course, these things never go smoothly, and the game then sees the player working to reduce the cult's influence on the region through a wide range of missions and liberating outposts within three key regions, before finally confronting the cult's leader. A wide range of weapons and vehicles are available for use towards this goal, including both aircraft and boats as well as many different land-based vehicles. The setting and premise is very much in keeping with the outlandishness of the previous games, once again pulled off in a very entertaining manner.

The level of detail in the world is very impressive, and as well as the core story missions, a large number of optional missions are scattered throughout the area, alongside other activities such as the new 'prepper stashes' - a range of puzzle and platforming-based scenarios that reward ability points and cash, replacing the towers that had become an established mechanic in previous games - stunt racing, hunting and one of the more enjoyable fishing minigames that I've played recently. Returning from previous games are enemy 'outposts', presenting setpiece combat encounters that can be attempted however the player chooses, be that stealth, direct assault or a mix - personally, I found the ability to use stealth here to be incredibly satisfying, albeit more difficult to pull off successfully than has previously been the case, as the enemies seems a little too sensitive to disturbances. All in all, there's a level of variety here that means that it's hard to get bored at any point.

Gunplay generally feels solid, if not outstanding, and while there's some good opportunity for customisation through silencers, sights and extended magazines (alongside cosmetic enchancements), the game would benefit from more semi-automatic weapons and longer-range sniper rifles. It also takes more to take down many enemies than feels realistic, even on lower difficulty levels, but not enough to detract too much from the overall experience.

As well as the core single-player, the game includes an 'arcade' which is essentially the game's multiplayer component. Arguably this isn't needed here given that this has always been a single-player focused series - a thought that I'd generally lean towards, but with a well-equipped level editor here as well, there's impressive potential to this mode, which also includes additional single-player (and co-op) scenarios.

Overall, I had a great time with Far Cry 5 and I'd have no hesitation in recommending it to anyone who enjoys FPS or open-world games.

this game is so fun when it isnt forcing you to stop playing side content and play the main story

divertido porém repetitivo, ao menos tirou meu preconceito em relação a FPS

Is it bad I love the idea of it. Like this guy who can brainwash the whole states of america is interesting. too bad the guys behind the story are not the programmers

Quite a shallow experience to say the least. All interesting bits for engaging open world are here - story, freedom of travel, side quests, items, however everything feels so empty and forgettable. Game have quite a big detailed map, but travel across it mostly feels like travel on foot in TES2 Daggerfall.
Encounters and enemies are repeative, same as tasks for the player. On top of that, cooperative expeirience is broken, with 2nd player attached like some bot for the host. Feels like half-baked mod, however playing solo in FarCry 5 is quite boring.


This review contains spoilers

i redownloaded the game on PS5 since they recently added an update that adds 60FPS to new gen consoles and i still have the same exact gripes i had with it the last time i played in that the core gameplay is actually very fun but the missions are okay at best and a slog at worst which gets even worse when the game forces you to play story missions by having a squad come out of nowhere and kidnap you and you weren't prepared at all. the DLCs are all not worth buying except maybe the vietnam one just for the weapons you can use ingame, which make more sense to be in the game than some of the strange choices floating around in the base game. also the story is really dumb and the twist ending, while ballsy to do in a big AAA title, makes the whole game's story pointless and paints the big evil cult that kidnaps and brainwashes and tortures people completely in the right. the ONLY thing i could recommend for this game is the arcade mode, which has a wonderful in depth custom map editor which gives you a lot of freedom and even has various assets from other ubisoft titles that you can play with which all of that results in one of the best custom map features ever put in a modern AAA title, which is why for some weird ass reason it WASN'T in FC6. okay.

I love the open-world and themes in Far Cry 5. As an American, Hope County is a world I love to exist in, and the cult and it's figures are captivating. Despite weird mission design and the campaign being unnecessarily drawn out, it is a game that has stuck with me for the better.

I like the design of the main villain, and as a game far cry still feels really fun to play, but thats about all the positive things i have to say.

Сюжет в этой части очень плохой. Во-первых, наш ГГ это пустышка, у которого нет толкового бэкграунда, у него даже имени нет, еще ко всему этому он не разговаривает. Это просто безымянный полицейский, который сдуру соглашается поехать в логово сектантов и арестовать их предводителя. По итогу у нас ничего не получается, мы еле как сбегаем и остаёмся в живых, а потом нам надо просто освобождать районы. Персонажи тоже такие себе, неинтересные, не харизматичные, по большей части пустышки. Из них всех запоминается очень мало. Сюжет этой части ни о чем. Нам просто дают причину, чтоб несколько часов освобождать районы и заниматься гриндом.

Геймплей мало чем отличается от прошлых частей серии. Разнообразие арсенала оружия, модификаций на него и транспорта велико. В ходе прохождения, будут добавляться союзники, каждый из которых имеет свой определенный навык. Это могут быть, как люди, так и животные. Товарищей можно подбирать под определенный вид задания, чтобы легче было справиться. В основном я использовал только Бумера и Ника Рая.
У нас есть 3 района, которые надо освободить, а для этого надо заработать определенное кол-во очков. Каждый район принадлежит члену семейству Сид. В открытом мире есть разные задания. Освобождение гражданских, уничтожение собственности секты, доп. квесты и т.д. За выполнение этих заданий мы и получаем “очки сопротивления”, после того, как мы получаем определенное кол-во, только тогда мы добираемся до босса. Весь этот контент невероятно скучный. Некоторые доп. квесты только неплохие, которые могут хоть чем-то привлечь. Но к большому сожалению, их мало. В игре есть доп.задания, такие, как рыбалка и гонки, их можно назвать неплохими, но если бы их не было, то ничего бы не поменялось, т.е это и не плюс и не минус.

Сеттинг у игры отличный, он мне очень понравился. Визуальный дизайн очень классный, у игры в этом плане все отлично. Пейзажи у игры просто невероятны. Мир проработан на славу, здесь ничего не сказать. А вместе с очень хорошим саундтреком создается просто шикарная атмосфера. Композитором является Дэн Ромер. Много известных композиций можно услышать на радио, кантри-рок отлично подходит всему происходящему в Монтане.

Кстати, в игре вполне добротный кооператив, без каких-либо проблем всю игру можно пройти с другом. Поэтому, я бы рекомендовал проходить ее исключительно с товарищем, в соло здесь нечего ловить, она вам очень быстро наскучит.

У Far Cry 5 явные проблемы с сюжетом и персонажами. Геймплей не плох, если проходить его с кем-то, потому что закрываются глаза на многие его недостатки, скучнейшие задания, потому что с другом определенно проходить это все веселее. Рекомендую эту игру проходить исключительно с кем-то, если у вас нет такой возможно, то забудьте про эту игру, вы ничего не теряете.

Rejoice. It's time for Ubisoft to take you on another regurgitated mishmash of frustratingly contrived cutscenes and escort missions where they try to sell you on the painfully mediocre villains and side characters that you couldn't give a rat's ass about while you wonder when it is that you can shoot your weapon again. Ah, but don't worry because when you finally get there you'll immediately notice the awfully meaningless stealth and scouting mechanics when you realise that you can just walk up to anything in the game, punch them a couple times and they immediately drop dead, or better yet, just fling a bat at them because apparently that's all it takes to kill someone. And if that was where the trouble ended then it wouldn't be such a big problem but the list of issues feels essentially endless. Ubisoft's corporate homogenization has dissolved these Far Cry games into a vague slew of conflicting design ideas to appease the lowest common denominator and rake in as much money as they possibly can from the absolutely shameless and downright insulting microtransaction system in a full priced, predominately single player experience. Overall an absolutely brain rotting experience. Avoid like the plague if you have already experienced Far Cry games before, and if you haven't go play 3, or 2 and you'll get the jist.

Tem uma história e um vilão baita interessantes, porém com o gameplay mais mediano do mercado. As vezes jogos assim fazem você apreciar mais os que você gosta.

historia incrivel, o fato do jogo não ter protagonista deixa a desejar mesmo, mas é diferente de tudo que ja joguei, uma relação de amor de ódio pelos vilões

graficamente falando o jogo é incrivel, ambientação incrivel e o mapa é gigantesco

I had fun playing this game, but it is just a copy of Far Cry 3 in Montana. The only things different about it are that we have an unnamed and mute playable character and we are in Montana. Everything else is just the same, and it makes the game feel dated and not special at all.

actually a good far cry game, I was very hyped for a sequel and wanted a post-apocalyptic sequel out of it, but got a colorful mess instead.

Kind of a chore, boring villain.

[ Story: 8/10 | Gameplay: 8/10 | OST: 4/10 ]

Obligitory 'CHRISTIANITY IS EVIL AND A CULT' concept, but I actually really love the execution they made for this; the Seed family is great.

This still remains to be my favourite far cry game, mostly because I still need to play more of 3, 4, 6 and New dawn (I dont have high hopes for 6 and new dawn). Joseph Seed is one hell of a protagonist and I think this is the only time in any of the far cry games your protagonist is silent (New Dawn is just a fancy dlc for this game it dosent count) and I like it that way because Danny wont shut the fuck up in 6, honestly its so fucking annoying. At least with 3 and 4 your characters didnt speak that often. Anyway a whole different game. This game is very good.

You've played one, you've played them all.

Idk why i liked this game so much but damn its my favorite far cry game. the world, story and gameplay was just so good in my opinion i think i really need to replay this!