Reviews from

in the past

Wuhu! But where is my physical copy Square?

1st one completed - 7/2/2023 - amazing

I had a really enjoyable experience playing through the remastered collection with Final Fantasy IV and V being my personal favourites.

Déso de pourrir le feed mais j'utilise ça comme notes personnelles.
Fini le premier en 4/5 jours

4 and 6 carry this collection so hard.

I just played the first game and.... that was more of a remake then a remaster right? Or am I just stupid?

Final Fantasy 6’s pixel remaster was really good. What a great way to bring it to current consoles!

100%'d each game back-to-back and (mostly) loved every second.
FFI - Way better than I anticipated, genuienly fun.
FFII - A very interesting game for sure but the trash dungeon design and weird level up system holds it back overall.
FFIII - My third playthrough of this game overall and my opinion of it has worsened with each one. Really not a fan and stops this collection reaching 5 stars for me.
FFIV - Love this classic so much, a great starting point for anyone looking to get into Final Fantasy.
FFV - My first time experiencing this game and I loved it, excellent job system, good story, amazing music, had it all.
FFVI - Forever my favourite, my appreciation grows with each subsequent playthrough.

I have not finished all of them yet, however, I think this is a wonderful way to experience the classic Final Fantasy games. Adding things to both make the gameplay easier or harder, depending on the player, is a brilliant way to make everyone happy.

These came out on PS4 so OBVIOUSLY I paid loads for the physical release and then and got the platinum trophies on all of them.

Some are good some are not good it is amazing when you play all of them, I will play them again

This is probably the greatest JRPG collection ever made.

Final Fantasy: Pixel Remaster Collection featuring a remaster of Final Fantasy 1,2,3,4,5, and 6, with all of them being available individually for purchase. This bundle itself isn't anything to write home about, it's not something like Sonic Gems Collection or Super Mario 3D All-Stars, you don't really get any of that extra junk a normal collection would give you since on console it's that type of collection which just adds multiple games to your home screen rather than being one package with a selection menu (It would've been nice though...) If anything, it's closer to the Super Mario All-Stars from the SNES with all previous games remade to fit modern standards and with a unified art style that can be hit or miss depending on the entry.

I won't review every game from the collection here because I already did that individually but if you ever thought about playing these old gems, this is definitely the definitive edition, or the GBA versions if you are feeling extra quirky since they are pretty similar, but the GBA ost is a deal breaker for me, give me that sweet orchestra.

Everything about the way these games were remastered is stunning, beautiful and downright perfect. The updated animations are spot on, the way they retain all of the charm of the original games is amazing. The QoL updates truly modernize the games. I finished FF6, and I'll eventually play the rest of them, but 40 hours of FF6 has me wanting to move on to something new for a while.

The only real problem I can say about these games is that despite QoL updates, they are very much the same games they were in the 80's and 90's. The turn based combat, the lack of clear guidance on what to be doing especially in FF6, and the by-todays-standards story writing is showing its age.

genuinely the most nothing collection of """remasters""" ever. the redone sprites are mostly terrible, assets clash constantly, and the dogshit rpgmaker-ass ui being used completely unaltered between games just makes each one lose a bit of its identity. the funny thing is they redid these character sprites under the pretense that "sprites designed for crts look bad on lcd screens", but then those crt sprites just look better anyway. ff6 also uses the gba visuals as a base without any colour or gamma correction so this so called remaster just totally butchers the game's artstyle. so genuinely the only reason to play any of these over any other versions is the """"qol"""" that lets you skip the rpg part of these rpgs. play ff1 psx, 2 psx, gba or psp, 3 ds, 4 ds, gba or psp, 5 snes with the gba script patch or gba, and 6 with tedd woolsey uncensored or ROSE. avoid this collection.

Terminei o FF1 - 10h - 15/07/2023

Shelved until I obtain the physical Switch release
FFIV: Owned and Played
FFV: Owned and Backlogged

Solo he completado el Final Fantasy 1 y 3 (me da alergia el 2 ajjajaa, otra vez pasa) el Final Fantasy aunque esta algo anticuado aún se puede disfrutar, ni hablar del 3, aunque no me gusto tanto la mecánica de trabajos del 3, hay algunos que se desbloquean ya casi al final del juego, y lo peor es cuando tienes que utilizar un trabajo casi obligatorio, rompiendo la ilusión de crear tu party como te guste
los otros juegos de Final Fantasy veré en un futuro que versiones jugaré

Final Fantasy I only.
Notes written while playing:
"Middle section of this game has about as much narrative depth as a bargain bin hidden object game.
Enemy variety is as broad as it is hilarious. Enjoyed starting out fighting typical high fantasy enemies and eventually fighting mechs armed with nukes and various dinosaurs.
Ending had a relatively effective twist involving time travel that somehow actually makes sense.
Fantastic sense of progression, especially with the party evolution midway through the game.
Overall dull setting, though the flying fortress was an interesting location.
As it went on, it became apparent that many time-wasting design techniques implemented in order to bolster the game's length. These are mostly negated by the "Pixel Remaster" version's lowered difficulty."

Only finished playing through 1, currently playing through 2 right now. I could just be stupid but the games can be vague and hard to follow. Still a great story regardless

This collection is incredible, but it gets marked down half a star because you can't choose the 'classic' font as a default, so you have to sit through the entire intro of each game looking at the awful, glaringly out of character smooth modern font until you are able to get into the menu to change it.

Del 1-6 (no cuento 3 y 4 porque solo he terminado los de nds) es interesante ver como en cada videojuego implementaban modificaciones en el sistema de lucha, desarrollo, mundo, etc y como yo veo en los 2 ultimos de la saga todo desdibujado y sin apenas inspiracion...

Finished FFI
Started FFII and dropped it
More than half way through FFIII
Haven't started FFIV
Haven't started FFV
Started FFVI less than 5 hours in.

Enjoying everything I've played except FFII a bit.

FF I - 26/11/2023
FF II - 28/12/2023
FF III - 01/01/2024
FF IV - 11/01/2024
FF V - 22/01/2024
FF VI - 01/02/2024

Final Fantasy: 3/5
Final Fantasy II: 3.5/5

Final Fantasy III

FFI - 2/07/2024 -> 2/09/2024, 17.5 Hr, 4/5: Great introduction to what should be an amazing journey through Final Fantasy. Fun and polished, and for a game from 1987, it really does hold up well. I look forward to FFII!

FFII 2/19/2024 -> 5/21/2024, 2.5/5: Certainly a step down from it's predecessor. FFII took me 3 months to complete vs the 3 days it took me to complete FFI, and for good reason. FFII's leveling and stat/weapon system is completely different, and I found FFI's system to be much more enjoyable. With that being said, it's not a bad game. I did have fun with the story, and the actual turn based combat was the same as FFI which is good (though I didn't realize you could use AOE spells until the very end of the game - oops!). I hear FFIII is more story based, so I'm looking forward to see what's in store for me.

Great remasters of six great games. Highly recommended if you’ve never played any of these before.

I'm glad this exist despite me not liking every game.

For V and VI. The remasters definitely help get the games back into the hands of a lot of people, but I'm not a fan of the remastered sprites for the most part. The font was so bad, I downloaded a patch to fix it and make it feel more authentic, and less like a mobile game I was playing on PC. The remastered music was okay, but I wish PC players got the original tracks as an option, like console players got. I'm not a big fan of orchestral tracks replacing the original music like this.

Still, it's a pretty good modern release of the games. I, II, and III will never interest me (as I've played them before and didn't care for them), and I prefer the DS remake of IV. If you're looking for a decent port of the games, then you can get a good amount of fun out of these.

(talking about my personal thoughts on specifically the PRs, the actual main games it's a completely different matter, so don't get scared if I rated a certain one this low):

FF I: 8/10
FF II: 7/10
FF III: 9/10
FF IV: 5/10 (they killed the difficulty)
FF V: 8/10
FF VI: 5/10 (awfully buggy and glitchy)

They are fine and good way to enjoy the classics.
III was an absolute pleasure and would probably replay again.
VI, aside from the opera scene, disappointed me the most.

For I, II and IV I would suggest the PSP versions better.

I'm gonna treat the whole thing as a unique game still. I know they spent time and effort for each game, but overall it feels they remade/remastered the original NES and SNES games with more balancing (as much as in some cases dreadful bugs/glitches) in Unity.

A huge problem about this collection is also the V-sync on the PC versions. I suppose something that isn't on consoles, even though on PC I guess it can be fixed somehow (welp, I tried but without success).