Reviews from

in the past

Not as good as To the Moon but still a banger.

Nicht ganz to the moon, aber wieder deutlich stärker als a bird story

Cute game. Memorable soundtracks. Very emotional, somewhat a bit more than To The Moon. Loved every bit of it - Except for puzzles which felt worse than the previous game, but that doesn't make this game any less of a masterpiece.

A sequel to one of the best written narratives of all time, Freebird Games and Kan Gao ride home yet again that they have figured out the meaning of life and are not afraid to show the intimate, emotional, and silent moments of that truth. Finding Paradise is the best iteration of the story it is trying to tell, and it blew away my expectations. It's a drama that can be hilarious, a thriller with sci-fi elements. This is a game and series you need to play, and one that I hope keeps delivering some of the best the industry has to offer.

I didn't cry with To The Moon. I cried with this one.
This is everything a sequel should be - not only more of the what first offered, but also something that expands and sheds context on the world and the story. If you liked TtM, this one is unskippable.

Make me cry some more, why don't ya?

Pretty damn good, but nothing crazy by Freebird Studios' standards. OST is great as always though.

what's up with that Neil guy, huh? anyway, it's an RPGmaker story with neat puzzle elements, play this for linear story where you get to interact sometimes

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Collin Reeds is by far the least interesting individual that the Freebird trilogy has focussed on. His is a life with little real trauma or turmoil outside of his early loneliness, rendering the services of Sigmund Corp largely redundant. In fact, the removal of Sigmund Corp was the key to unlocking Collin's final wish. For that reason, this game is likely my least favorite of the three.

However, the great thing about finding paradise is that is also likely the most relatable of the three. Collin has already lived a full and happy life, and the beauty of this game is allowing Collin, in his final moments, to see it for what it is rather than what it could have been. Collin built a family, learned to fly, taught countless co-pilots, and grew old with someone he loved. By all accounts, it was a full life. This game balances the dichotomy of the heavy weight we place on our individual choices with little clarity as to their wisdom with the ultimate meaninglessness of these regrets in the grand scheme of a full life. We all live with regrets and confusion as to where we might have ended up, but, at the end of it all, Finding Paradise illustrates that contentment comes from positively affecting others and seeking out value in the world around us and our place in it.

I will never stop crying. Thank you very much.

A gorgeously told story which builds off the intrigue established in To The Moon.

definitely preferred TTM over FP but I still quite enjoyed my time with this game. i'd recommend it to pretty much everyone who played the first one if you want another game under the same umbrella

While not quite on the same level, Finding Paradise is a nice follow up to A Bird Story and To the Moon. Heart-warming and gut-wrenching.

I've played this game 5 times through and everytime I cried like a baby at the end

i will never be whole again. incredible game

The forced gameplay elements right at the climax almost ruined the game for me, but it was so worth in the end.

This is a biased score. I loved the game even though I didn't touch it again since its completion.
Play A Bird Story before trying it.

Bajón de calidad que flipas respecto a To the Moon. Mucho potencial que se queda en poco.

Loved it just as much as I hoped it would fun twist on the genre of the story they've got going on and I cant wait to see how they expand upon it in Imposter Factory!!

I think it's a real step down from To The Moon, and totally misunderstood the balance of its individual pieces that it mastered with that one, but! credit where credit is due:

I was open-faced sobbing at the end, harder than I believe I ever have for any story on any platform, so: ya got me there!

damn you kan gao, fiquei a chorar novamente

Bitirdiğinizde 'vay be' dedirtecek oyunlardan.

Initially I was kind of disappointed in the direction the story went in but I've warmed up to it over time. It's a solid follow-up to To the Moon that expands upon its lore and themes in some very neat ways.