Reviews from

in the past

Really fun to make your own mixes in this game. Making it 5 stars would be cheating considering that would be for the mods. The base game and DLC songlist could be a lot better.

I wanted to like this game a lot more than I did. Maybe I didn't give it a fair shot, but after 6-8 hours, I felt slightly overwhelmed by the amount of options while DJ'ing and wasn't exactly sure what to do to increase my score. Some levels I would "play" perfectly, and get 3* while others I felt less confident about and would score higher. Doesn't help that they delisted this game so that leaves a sour taste in my mouth as well.

сам геймплей-веселый и интересный, но во всем остальном-херота. Графон кал, карьера настолько убогая, что я из-за нее забросил данную игрушку. Всю карьеру тебя обучают, обучают, обучают.....Я ХОЧУ ИГРАТЬ МУЗЫКУ, Я В БЫСТРОЙ ИГРЕ ВО ВСЕМ РАЗОБРАЛСЯ. Если вам надо совместить хиты вашей мамы, песни из тик-тока, дискотека00-х и метал, то эта игра для вас

Made 5 stars if you consider the modding scene.

Waiting for performance updates for the Switch version, it's still kinda janky here and there.

A really fun toolset with a very talented community -- which the game does a good job of showcasing. The single player element is a bit undercooked, unfortunately. Can definitely see this being a thing I come back to every few months to toy around with.

Honestly its just fun and entertaining

Un simulador de DJ con una tecnología absolutamente brutal y una campaña que te introduce poco a poco a todas sus herramientas. Una pena lo de sus prácticas monetarias abusivas y lo de que el juego por si quizás sea algo escaso de contenido y lo intenten difuminar con que subir de nivel cuesta un huevazo.

FUSER doesn't offer much as a conventional game with conflict and challenge, but the depth of its mixing system and sheer joy of adding your own creative flare has made me drop over 40 hours on it.

It is an interesting tool, and it is somewhat impressive that it can mix all these songs, but the game part is for sure missing, there is not a lot to engage with aside from enjoying weird mixes.

the only game where you can combine distantcry's trash beats with smoke on the water

I love the basic gameplay here but
a: the campaign is kind of busted and kind of just seems like a way to remind you of all the features you already have access to in Freestyle, which is the real game
b: the selection just kind of bottoms out at a certain point and I ended up with no incentive to level up because nothing I can buy is interesting
C: there's a funny little glitch on PS4 where you can only export like a minute of video before the audio stops happening and in a game explicitly about music that kind of blows.

Still, it's a game I can sit with and be enthralled for like an hour straight just putting different stuff together, I love it.

The real fun in this game comes from messing around in Freestyle mode and combining different songs, especially with the thousands of custom songs people have modded into the game. You can make combinations that sound surprisingly great, or you can put the vocals of Bring Me to Life on top of the instrumental of Call Me Maybe. Unfortunately, in order to learn about all the different things you can do and unlock new things, you need to play the campaign mode, every level of which drags on for far too long.

Get some friends together and play this game. It doesn't matter if you have musical expertise, in fact it's probably better if you don't. Some of the most fun and biggest laughs I've ever had while playing a game have been during this.
Get it, and fulfil your dreams of being the most popular terrible DJ in the world. Or you can be a good one, that works too

A mashup creator that's as fun to use as it is to listen to

a true piece of creative art that was just not appreciated.
one of the best music games to just put your headphones on.
the mixes were so diverse sure the characters were lacking but I just don' think this game gets the credit it deserves

only played cuz i miss dj hero

This is really fun. Even the most cursed mixes I made in this game were fun to listen to. I'm not a huge fan of the "rawr XD" presentation but the stages all look cool. I wish I had played this on PC though - it really feels optimized for PC and the damn stick drift on my Switch made this game way harder than it should have been.

I don't like any of the things that make this a "game" but it's a brilliant toy that lets you make wonderful messes like this
in real time.

The concept is great, the execution is lacking in content and riddled with DLC.

I don't think this really counts as a game, as it's more of a music mixing software. So rating it as a game.

great fun. very moddable - more songs are out there than exist in the base game. the base soundtrack has a few hits, but is also completely full of utter garbage - who was the target audience?? i can't help but wonder what this game would look like in a world devoid of copyright constraints. maybe something more robust at making mixes rather than focusing on the spectacle? like this game would be incredible even with zero graphics. it's been delisted from sale due to licensing issues or something, but it's findable. if you like funny or interesting mashups, you'll get a kick out of this game.

You can have some fantastic moments in Fuser when you hit the right mix and groove out, but there are some problems holding it back. And unfortunately, the game is delisted and dead since it bombed pretty hard.

In the game, you got a bunch of well-known songs that you can mix and match in some really cool ways. For example, you can take the drum sample from one song and add the lyrics from another. And on the PC, you can save your mixes (I don't think you can do that on consoles).

The problem is that there is a timing system that is not very fun. You have to time beats to get the best scores and progress, but it makes the game feel like a puzzle game rather than a music creator.

Luckily, you can go into free mode and do what you want, but most are going to start playing the campaign, and that part of the game gets a bit annoying. It also feels a bit empty in a way, where the point of the game feels like it's about getting super good at timing beats and unlocking stages, but it's not quite enough to engage you.

I thought this was awesome but then they removed it from all stores so I never got to play it

A really fun game to just mess around with. The actual gameplay mechanics are subpar though and yikes is all that dlc expensive.

it makes my monkey brain happy :)

I enjoy putting the vocals of "Bring Me to Life" over non-fitting instrumentals