Reviews from

in the past

É difícil dizer o que tem de errado com grow up, mas vou tentar.

O jogo supostamente é para ser uma melhoria de Grow Home, sendo mais aberto, com mais conteúdo, mais coisas a fazer, mais ambicioso... mas tudo isso acaba sendo meio falho em comparação a simplicidade do jogo original. Todos os eventos parecem menos importantes, o mundo não é tão bonito, a exploração é menos interessante, as habilidades fortes demais para necessitar qualquer tipo de estratégia.

Tentando ser melhor que o original Grow Up se torna um exemplo que as vezes mais é menos...

Beaten here means finished main story line... haven't collected all the crystals and barely did any of the challenges.

Grow Up meanders from the simplicity that was Grow Home. It's more of an open world, which is fine in theory, but as the glider lets you almost glide forever, at some point in the game it's possible to go to the highest point you've reached and just float past platforming.

There's more to do, but still has that not quite finished feeling that Grow Home had... but there's more stuff, so... eh.

Ubisoft doing the Ubisoft special of fucking up their own titles

Okay, this is actually one of my favorite games of all time now. It's the perfect "exploration/adventure" game. The mechanics are great. The Freedom is awesome. Absolutely NAMEBRAND.

Just wow. Right? This is probably one of my favorite games of all time, and it's definitely up there as one of my favorite Ubisoft games. You wouldn't expect that from such a "small" package, but really! This is top notch, exceedingly well done, and it's something that I'm going to be recommending to people for a long time. Just wow!

As a sequel to Grow Home... it's like they took that game and iterated on everything that made it good. Now, we don't have nearly as dizzying of heights, but the exploration, and the adventure therein, is some of the most top notch stuff you can find in the genre. I don't think I have ever seen a better "sequel" of a game really. The glider is such a welcome addition and the ball mode was so much more fun than you'd think lol. Traversal is stellar. truly the first Strand type game, lol.

The game is a bit short. But I find that to its advantage! I don't think this is something you sit down and binge in a session, but rather, it serves a great purpose for those short play sessions when you don't have all that much time. Or, maybe you're binging another game, and you need a break from the monotony of it. Grow Home can serve to fill those holes with some of the greatest gaming joys you can have.

The only minor issue I ever had was finding stuff (at the end game). There's not a compass that points you right to em, and even the crystal locator isn't as helpful as I'd like. But it's still fun. Still emphasizes the exploration and adventure. Shocked at how good it is for being a little 4 hour adventure. Will definitely be returning for years to come.

Objectively the best game ever made with no fault or sin. It takes the template given to it by its predecessor and runs with it beautifully. While still short, exploring the world and using all the different platforming mechanics like growing plants with different effects is very fun. The world itself is also a sphere, so you can do some Mario Galaxy like gravity tricks. If you're reading this and haven't played grow up, then your life is incomplete

100% of trophies earned. I enjoyed Grow Home, so this has been a game that I've been meaning to get to for a while and it's a nicely-done extension to the first game's premise, with a larger world to explore and a few new mechanics. Sadly, the game's somewhat glitchy and, while this in a way could be seen as part of its charm, overall I'd have preferred a but more polish. I don't regret my time with the game, though, as its climbing mechanic is a satisfying one (even post-Breath of the Wild), augmented with the world exploration and collectibles which always have some appeal to the completionist mentality that I have.

Fun, bouncy, vibrant game that doesn't overstay its welcome. Imaginative gameplay and satisfying progression.

sequel to grow home
its ok bigger map and new abilities focused mostly on flying and its pretty fun but also once u get these flying abilities which u can do very early most of the game becomes very trivial

Personally I like Grow Home better, but this also has good ideas/upgrades but the goal just isn’t there anymore.

Honestly a 10/10 experience. This sequel perfected the first in every way possible. I enjoyed every aspect to the point of 100% the game (not too hard since it's a small game) but still was worth the time. Such a treat, again I have to recommend!

Expande de manera significativa el mundo, su énfasis en mecánicas de escalada y salto siguen presentes ahora acompañadas de herramientas que permiten experimentar el sistema, a la par de la expansión del mundo se implementan mecánicas de vuelo que a su vez se potencian con coleccionables que se consiguen explorando o bien realizando desafios concretos, sin duda experiencia solida y satisfactoria.

Expanded just enough on the original to make the item collection fresh. The scale of the round world takes the awe of Super Mario Galaxy to another level.

While some would consider this worse than Grow Home, I personally love the changes they added. The game is incredibly open ended and you can do any objective at one time. This forces you to explore this pretty detailed world and uncover all of it's secrets.

Gaining upgrades was the most enjoyable time in my playthrough as it was so exiting to see how B.U.D would become even more powerful then before. Researching plants was also a joy as there was a massive variety in how they transport you. Both these points highlight how the movement in this game is incredible. There are many ways to go from point to point and this allows for experimentation.

Time trials were added as well to test your movement knowledge and skill. These were all a joy to beat because you would unlock a new costume which isn't just an aesthetic change. Combine this with the open world elements and you have a game that is quite a bit longer than the first game, taking me around 4 times as long to beat it.

Somehow I had never heard of these two games until summer 2020 but I'm glad I got to experience them.


funny robot grows multiple throbbing trees to give his mom even more seeds (and also fix her but whatever)

Not only was the project no longer given a budget, no plot appeared, the graphics remained the same. Also ruined the gameplay. Now this is an annoying game about the crooked construction of mushroom pyramids)

I don't know why I bothered finishing this game it was so boring

Surprisingly good fun. The hand-gliding alone was worth it.

Similar to the first but expands on it to be more open, I think the first is better but this is just as good of a time

the movement mechanics were too clunky for me

Very chill platformer. Your meant to struggle climbing around and gathering parts. As you progress you get more movement tech but it still involves mostly climbing which is pretty unique for me. Honestly my biggest take away is how peaceful the game can feel yet still be such a massive world. I hope we get a sequel.

dude this game was so fun. even the little pod challenges were engaging. if you see this on sale, try it out, my words can't describe this good fun

Not that great, honestly, I can't see that many changes compared to Grow Home. Don't get me wrong, it's great and it's fun. But I expected a bit more. At the end of the day It's still cheap, y'all should try it but expect more of the same. I just prefer Grow Home