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The 6th generation console re-imagining of Philosopher's Stone is a strange product that's ultimately too derivate of Chamber of Secrets to stand out. Its pacing is also too slow to be an improvement of that formula, even if the game does do a few things better than its predecessor.

it's fine, but not as great as Chamber of Secrets

game was very cool to a young me

só queria mesmo elogiar a trilha sonora dessa porraKKKKKKKKKKKKK o compositor é o mesmo de skyrim que bizarro. fenomenal

Kind of terrifying and basic concepts but nostalgic all the same

really mediocre in every single aspect, but the spanish dub is so bad it becomes funny

The game was fine. It's nothing really outstanding, but it plays well enough and is overall just...ok.

The game can crash sometimes and by that I don't mean "blacking out" but instead showing weird glitches on the TV. There was a time when I needed to hear Hermione speaking for 20 minutes or more. That wasn't pleasurable at all.

The camera is an absolute nightmare too!!

Not as good as I thought it would be. I think I still like the PlayStation version better... Outside Hogwarts looks really empty, the story is not complete and it's a little bit short. It is still entertaining somehow, just not as good as the 2001 version in my opinion. Plus, the ending is totally anticlimactic.

Nearly shit myself every time I was almost caught by Percy the prefect on my way to George and Fred's shop. Also nearly shit myself from the mass consumption of booger-flavored beans on my Hogwarts travels.

mm- AUGH- REVOL- mmm- AWW- URGH- mm!- YUCK- Fishy! Sardine flavor!

Developed by Warthog Games! Warthog? Hogwarts? yabba dabba flipendoo!

It's a fun game but this game is terrible with checkpoints
Also items/heals not respawning after a death during a boss fight is ludicrous

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Largely feels like a transitionary game between the PS2 Chamber of Secrets and Prisoner of Azkaban. It has unique character models and areas to represent the design document for the other Sorcerer's Stone video games, but also borrows from the Chamber of Secret ones, taking the PC version's Spongify and the PS2 version's Diffindo.

Despite a sizeable chunk of new content, the game's main gameplay loop remains the same, which unfortunately highlights most of the issues with the format. The simplicity of the design is just downright annoying. The spell challenges specifically include areas you cannot access without spells you'll learn later, meaning you'll not only have to come back just to find unlock them if you want a 100%, but it is programmed so that you have to do THE ENTIRE CHALLENGE again, collecting ALL THE CHALLENGE SHIELDS YOU COLLECTED PREVIOUSLY on top of the new ones. What's even the point of engaging with the secrets earnestly on the first go if you are incentivized to do it all over again anyway?

The secrets aren't even anything exciting to discover, there's a big, draping cloth and you need Diffindo to cut it, that's it. It's not hidden or anything, you just have to walk there. It's not difficult or fun, just annoying. Maybe if the castle's secret entrances were changed in any way, or maybe if it had its own type of secrets (like the different versions of the Chamber of Secrets did) it could work, but it's just honestly more tedious than anything, going into the same corridors and seeing the same interiors with largely the same secrets, changed ever so slightly.

Same goes for the item-collecting side quest. Seems like it was mandatory for the PS2 titles. They are once more placed in random, unintuitive locations. Waste of time. The broom helps a bit, but even less so than in Chamber of Secrets.

At least it is very easy to get all the cards this time, thanks to the inclusion of the trading system. You can actually get duplicate cards, but trading them will always result in receiving a new card. I completed my collection pretty effortlessly. The card descriptions are fully voiced, which is nice. I could go through all of them, unlike with the other games where completionism was too big of a pain.

The borrowed spells confuse me. Why use Spongify, which was possibly the most fun spell from any of these games, and then make it this extremely boring and situational ability. You don't zoom across rooms, you awkwardly jump high and hope Harry can grab the edge.

The camera is very bad. It got stuck frequently, even while being able to move it, and getting it unstuck was a challenge in its own right. There were other bugs I've encountered along the way, none big enough to mention, but altogether the collection of them made the whole experience feel unpleasant.

It has its share of unique ideas. Not a fair share, but a share. Collecting potion ingredients is kinda cool, though it doesn't seem like any of the enemies or mechanics used were fully finished. The worm, from which you require a mucus, seemed like a particularly big victim of a lack of animations or mechanics. Worth mentioning is that this game has barely no loading screens around the castle. The door-opening animations are longer, and there are now doors on every floor, but it seems like a lot of it is somehow all rendered at once. Kinda impressive, a little bit.

The story is told more nonsensically. They show certain things that weren't mentioned in the movie, even expand on some book-only events, but then they also skip over major story beats or invent their own. My favorite thing is that the day after you defeat the troll in the girls' bathroom, the Herbology class spell challenge requires you to beat two more. Like, what? Didn't McGonnagal say that not many first-years could knock out a troll just 10 minutes ago?

The final boss is awful, for some reasons they reuse the Gytrashes (these dog-like ghosts roaming the grounds at night, which fear the light) before the actual Voldemort fight, and they're ANNOYING. There's 4 of them, they look identical, run off-screen, shoot you with soundwaves, chase you, and if you eliminate one, Quirrel just respawns it! The task is to defeat them in a very short time-window, basically all at once, but it is a very stingy window. There is no good way to avoid them once they start chasing you, and each hit takes away precious time. It's just really awful design. The actual Voldemort part is confusing, as you have to stay still while standing close to the face of the mirror, so a beam comes out and nullifies the damage, while allowing you to dish out a special attack. It's quite difficult to aim it with the perspective you are given.

Perhaps this is not the worst 6th gen title should you pick it up as the first one, that honor would then befall the Chamber of Secrets most likely, but it's worth remembering that this actually came out AFTER Chamber of Secrets, with all the assets being thrown into the laps of a different studio so they can churn out a title while the work on Prisoner of Azkaban was underway. With that in mind, should you play these games as they were released, rather than following the movies, you'll see the sort of slip-ups and a lack of polish present throughout, which were largely not there in Chamber of Secrets. That game might have had more running back-and-forth, but it was somehow less mind-numbing.

não lembro tanto quanto gostaria, mas talvez seja melhor assim

Worst than its predecessor in everyway.

Juegazo de aventura y exploración.

I believe this one came about from the success of Chamber of Secrets for the PS2 - it plays incredibly similar with just the first movie's plot, plus a couple of gameplay clean-ups. Doesn't stick with me the same way Chamber does.

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This is Chamber of Secrets on a time limit. The Story is the same as the movie, with changes like going into the forbidden forest for a potion ingredient instead of getting detention and getting to the forbidden corridor by having Draco challenge to a dual like in the book but turning up to send you though a trapdoor instead, this is a good way to bring the story to the chamber of secrets format. The Graphics are nearly the same as chamber of secrets, but less finished, but the atmosphere is finished though, so that's good, the classroom on the third floor is now the forbidden corridor, the forbidden forest door now leads to Hagrid's garden, and the potions room is open for lessons, herbology is open too. The Voice acting is bad, moments are either feel like they are reading the lines without emotion, or over the top for these characters. The Gameplay follows the chamber of secrets engine, but with a fifth menu for lost items, 6 spells instead of 8, the potions classes have you collect potion ingredients from Hagrid's garden, stealth is made worse by removing the tense music with barely noticeable music, so it's not as scary, flying lesson and quidditch is ruined by just flying through rings too fast to easily go in them, and music removed completely, and getting the highest grade is too easy thanks to the game automatically letting Gryffindor win without even needing to find lost items if you aren't perfect in classes, Lumos is used to have gargoyles to create platforms to climb on, Spongify is used to jump on certain tiles to jump into the air, half the night missions don't have prefects meaning the stealth isn't there as much, and the fact that the stealth now sucks doesn't change that fact, there's also a prefect inside the restricted section who's , you save Hermione from the troll despite the fact that the thing that made her cry isn't shown in this game and makes her lie for the boys even more pointless than it was in the movie, boss fighting trolls are boring, you can also fight venomous tentaculars though, just spongify the ground before he clubs it, even the house point totals can be checked when going by, and the cutscenes with them have no one in them, Hagrid also says go into the forbidden forest with you to keep you safe, and yet he only stands near the entrance well go to areas with the danger alone, a chess game that doesn't work like chess should, all these problems I mentioned during the explanation of the gameplay are just the ones that won't take me all day to type, clearly . The Music is great, but they aren't where they should be, the music is from the last game, and many moments are worse than the last game thanked by the lack of beautiful music every moment. Sounds are also terrible, not satisfyingly booming as the effects in the last game. Philosopher's Stone is a game that is only made good by copying a previous one, and the rushed production stop this game from being as good so much, that the few minor good added features barely register.

It’s no secret that I love the first four Harry Potter Games on all the consoles they’re on. However, this one stood as the one I hadn’t played up to this point. Turns out, it’s a solid installment in the series. Starting out with the negatives, firstly the visuals are a mixed bag. The game looks (and is, but we’ll get into that later) barren. There’s very few NPC’s on screen at a time, and it’s not the console I choose. The GameCube was only a little worse than the XBOX power wise. The models have not aged well, however, quite a few of the environments have, so it’s 50/50. Another negative against the game is that there were numerous bugs I encountered that halted my progress for a little bit. as well, Final Boss of the game is not good, and if you die you only respawn with a 6th of your total life bar. Seriously. This game had big issues with life management, because when you start a new level you don’t actually get your life restored. The final negative that comes into the game is that there’s a lot of waiting for excessively long animations and cutscenes to play out. Far too much of the game is spent not in control of Harry. However, past that, this game is pretty damn great. The greatest thing here is how fun Hogwarts is to explore. As you learn new spells and gain new abilities, you can basically open up the entirety of the map and explore. It’s so much fun and it really lets you take advantage of every piece of Harry’s arsenal. Hogwarts as a big giant level to explore carries this game SO HARD. It’s also extremely rewarding to collect the cards in the game because every 20 cards you collect gives you another Health Bar, up to 5 additional bars. Another great thing about this game is the dungeon design. Although simple, it really helps you get accustomed to each new ability you gain in them. Really this game is a simpler Legend of Zelda Clone, and I think I’m okay with that.

Even thinking about the bit in the final battle where Quirrell summons all the ghost dogs that continually respawn and knock you down when you're trying to take out all the other ones makes me want to drop to my knees and scream at the heavens

Decent little Zelda clone with some fun challenges and exploration elements.

This is €120 to buy in cex

I know that it's primarily directed towards children, but this is laughable at times.

The level design is annoying. Dialogue and cutscenes are unbearably slow, and unskippable. The controls are slow and clunky, and sometimes even unresponsive, with the gameplay almost constantly working against you. You spend most of the game picking up hundreds of Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans, and Harry tells you the flavor of each bean he picks up, and it gets annoying after three. There are big gaps in the story that wouldn't make sense to anyone if they haven't read the book or watched the movie that honestly didn't bother me because I just wanted it to end.

I played this game all the time as a kid (ALL THE TIME), and I can still see why, but this is not good. Fuck this game.

Been playing old HP games as I'm currently in a nostalgia trip.

This revisit of the Philosopher's Stone game after the release of the Chamber of Secrets for PS2 feels very improved after it's equivalent for PS1, however, the gameplay is quite short in comparison. They left out many main and side quests for this one.

No need to get overly critical, still is a children's game.

it's like a more polished version of hp 2 without all the stealth bs
more interesting for like being a philosopher stone game that came out after Chamber of Secrets on consoles

i’ve never felt the amount of anxiety that i felt while trying to sneak past percy without being locomotor mortis’d

a fun complementary experience to the movie as it only comprises all the action scenes, not that the story needs more elaboration but it somewhat takes away the immersion