Reviews from

in the past

I enjoyed this game significantly more than I expected to, being a long-time Pikmin fan. It has enjoyable ambiance, level design, and gameplay, with thoughtful references to older entries in the series. It is nothing incredible, but a pleasant romp regardless.

Nope, nah uh, fuck you, Arzest. I collected all 30,000 Sparklium to fuel my ship and leave. You never once said that I needed to get a ship piece in World 9 when I'm already preparing the cyanide martini at World 4. I slogged through your dreary and depressing pacing and level design only to be stopped by an obstacle you made up like a bratty child insistent that he didn't get out despite getting hit by the dodgeball. You said 30,000 Sparklium and I was done. Not my fault you implemented once-a-day bonus levels I could exploit using the 3DS's settings or buying the now $80-$100 original amiibo to farm those amiibo statues.

Normally I don't score games unless I have beaten them, but as far as I am concerned, I accomplished what Hey! Pikmin asked me to do. And part of what it asked me to do is play one of the worst games I have ever had the misfortune of experiencing. It's dreadful. It's a puzzle platformer that takes one thing from the original Pikmin games, treasure collecting, and makes it boring. Gone are the time limits, gone are the real-time strategy elements, gone is the resource management, until all we're left with is a poorly-designed, slow puzzle platformer with puzzles meant for children yet discourage speedy efficiency lest you accidentally destroy the way to a treasure, because God knows Pikmin has never been about managing your time and being as quick and efficient as possible. Hit detection is spotty, so trying to get those stupid "found and saved all 20 Pikmin" medals are for shit.

Only gets a 2 instead of a 1 because of the cutscenes of Pikmin and the characterization of Olimar via his logs. Arlo was right. Fuck this game.

Some levels have nice ideas in them, but I found the game mostly repetitive and boring.

i was playing a spinoff game of some other series when i realized that treating hey pikmin like it was bad solely because it wasnt a mainline pikmin game was really wack!
so i acquired this game from the freeshop and tried it out and
yeah it wasn't very good
never beat it though i did play through several levels so it's not like i didnt try
but man
theres so many other more interesting and fun games out there
i mean truly this game is in a dilemma
it's not interesting enough to be fun for new players, and it's extremely disappointing to old fans of the pikmin series
so thats sad

Strange how we have only 3 Pikmin games and Pikmin Bloom, you’d think they would make another game or something between 3 and 4 at some point but I guess not, weird…

Nope, Never Happened, Doesn't Exist

at least I can actually aim in this game :^)

Completed it a long time ago, but now, after playing it for a couple worlds, yeah it can definitely be a 10+ hour-long slog that I probably wouldn't want to do again and would rather just focus on my backlog, but it's still fun, and the Pikmin cutscenes were pretty cute to look at (that you can skip after seeing them the first time), alongside the description for treasure being just as grand as always. I say it's worth at least one try.

My least favourite game of all time. Fuck this game and everything to do with it.

It could be so much better but its just boring :((

Huge fan of the pikmin series but this one just left me scratching my head. I guess its about as good as you can get for a 2d platformer on the 3ds with a protagonist that cant jump or platform but like come on nintendo do not pull a chibi robo on pikmin.

this is just zip lash all over again genuinely the same game

No es tan malo como lo pintan pero tampoco es bueno.

Es un juego de exploración en niveles 2D, aquí se castiga muchísimo más el perder Pikmin, pues en cada nivel hay varios objetos que sirven de coleccionables, algunos tendrás que recogerlos con todos los Pikmin del nivel, si alguno se te muere ya puedes ir reiniciando.
Varios puzzles que tiene están interesantes y sabe aprovechar bien que ahora es un juego 2D, pero la IA de los Pikmin tampoco es muy buena, así que se puede hacer molesto en algunas ocasiones, perdiendo algunos de la nada.

Lo más malo que tiene:
- Si vas con más de 6 Pikmin el juego empieza a ir a pedales, 4 fps para hacer honor a no ser el verdadero Pikmin 4.
- Cada vez que te encuentras Pikmin en cada nivel sale una pequeña cinemática de los Pikmin haciendo tonterías, al principio es gracioso pero se va haciendo chapas al quinto nivel.

Good spin-off Pikmin game, only complaint is that it’s a bit too easy since you literally just have to tap the screen to defeat enemies. Other stuff like the bosses and music are good though.


I've never actually played this, I just think that marketing this game alongside Miitopia was extremely annoying when it came to buying Miitopia promotional material. the extremely mediocre gameplay is icing on the shit cake

This is a sad excuse for a pikmin game. soundtrack slaps and the gameplay can be fun at times.

La gente lo trata fatal y me esperaba algo mucho peor, obviamente no es una locura pero me ha gustado más de lo que imaginaba, los enemigos son bastante originales y la musiquilla me ha gustado bastante

What a piece of garbage. Runs like shit, looks like shit, gameplay is shit.

I like to pretend this game never existed

this is not pikmin,but i liked the little duck dudes

This review contains spoilers

After playing all 4 mainline games with throwing them around and solving intricate puzzles, I decided I gotta finish the series so I booted up my 3DS and started HEY?!?! PIKMIN. A strategic puzzle solving task managing series of games turned into a very slow platformer where you throw stuff. The first half of the game was very slow and samey, I was just pressing forward and spamming the touch screen, throwing Pikmin. Towards the second half of the game, it got pretty enjoyable. Every sector has bosses where you gotta hit 3 times basically and you beat them. The final boss was that big thing from Pikmin 1. But the FINAL FINAL boss in sector 9 (google said there’s 8 sectors), is a venus fly trap plant thing with 3 heads, i beat it, plant thing grows legs, I beat it, then plant thing turns into a dragon and starts firing lasers, I’m like yooo wtf and first death of the game, and how it gonna turn into dark souls. Pretty chill overall experience but it ain’t necessary for the mainline series.

10h 21m
RED 255 / YELLOW 146 / BLUE 93 / ROCK 112 / WINGED 75 in PIKMIN PARK

Ain’t gon lie I did fast forward the time once for the SPARKLIUM springs just so I can reach 30,000. ONLY ONCE.

I've had to just stop playing this mind numbing experience. The idea at a basic level is not terrible but the level design is so uninspired, the pacing is extremely slow and the game keeps cutting the flow of gameplay at every opportunity for really long cutscenes of the Pikmin getting up to hijinx. It was cute to start with but oh man, it gets real grating as time goes on.

The enemies are weirdly over and underpowered at the same time, leading to some frustrating moments and the boss fights are as slow as the rest of the game.

But ultimately this does go against the idea of Pikmin. Pikmin sparks joy. This does not.

this game is like if pikmin was a tv show, and pikmin 1 was the console tie-in game, and then this game was the one they put on gba just to say you can also play it on a handheld

Game is known to get a bad rep, but it has some fun ideas and some really good tracks on the OST. Definitely inessential but fun and a worthy playthrough for those curious. Boss fights also had some highlights. If you like those 2D Nintendo games where most of the fun comes through combing through everything for collectibles (most Good Feel games when I think about it), this is one of those.

This game just seems like an onslaught of missed opportunities. None of the Pikmin, asides from Winged Pikmin, assist platforming in anyway, the puzzles are extremely bare bones, and the game does not expand on the Pikmin series in many interesting ways. A 2D platforming Pikmin game seems like it could be really fun if done right. But I think Hey! Pikmin just doesn't really do anything interesting with this concept.

I don't completely hate this game though. Hey! Pikmin still has aspects of the mainline Pikmin games that I do enjoy. While not to the same extent as the mainline games, Hey! Pikmin has some enemy designs I liked quite a bit. The Eye-Stalker Bulbeel and the Long Water Dumple are two that specifically come to mind. This game also has a Piklopedia and Treasure Log. Once again, it isn't as indepth or enjoyable as the mainline games, but the Piklopedia here is still a great feature. Especially since the Piklopedia was absent from Pikmin 3's original release on Wii U. I also really enjoyed the soundtrack to this game.

I can't say for sure, but I think that many Pikmin fans hate this game more than they normally would since it was the only real Pikmin video game inbetween Pikmin's 10 year gap between Pikmin 3 and 4. If Pikmin 4 hadn't released yet, I would probably be less forgiving to this game as well.

This is just a mediocre platformer with just a little bit of charm of the Pikmin series still present.