Reviews from

in the past

Yeah why not.

I was there from the beginning.

This crud is freaking awesome dude shit

When I found this I was looking for ms paint comics and seeing what types of art people were making with it. The original mspaintadventures website was one of the first results. As a text adventure fan, I really enjoyed the inspirations homestuck took from older computer games and other similar content. It just hit with me, ya know? I was pretty young when I found this, and it all seemed so different and creative.

After i finished the first act tho, i started to really get confused with the additions of so many characters, and had to drop it. I think I tried to keep up with the series through reading people fan works and youtube videos, but I never ended up understanding the full adventure. I still really cherish the time I spent with the story, and I still do think of Homestuck on April 13th.

I have no idea why this is here of all websites but

It alright

My favorite character is one that appears for like a solid 1 minute and he's like the only thing I retained after reading it

La mejor obra de ficción (y de no ficción también) de la historia, con los mejores personajes, mejor música, mejor animaciones, y sobre todo la más memorable e importante para mí.

if i had 20 hands i still couldnt count on my fingers all the things this comics prevented me from enjoying

insert another: "why is this here" comment

i found homestuck through a chain of events that started with one random deviantart journal about some animation vs up or something....back in 2010

i started reading it, gave up, and then tried again not long after and eventually was able to read as it updated

homestuck lead me to tumblr, which i will not say is good or bad, but if u wanna get technical and connect a bunch of random dots together with some string u could say homestuck is what lead to me getting a uh...thanks homestuck????

i lost interest really after the original ended so i havent bothered checking out the games or the sequel or whatever else has been put out and from what ive heard thats probably a good thing

I need that kanayussy so bad........

0.5 on principle because I frequented internet forums during the height of its popularity

When video game is not video game ?

Was truthfully a large part of my interests online during those years. Very much a product of the time, but definitely spent tons of hours reading updates as well as the theories around the fandom. Probably not worth giving a read these days, both due to it being dated and because Flash went down, but the community seems to remain strong so that's cool.

Also, the music still slaps.

this game is overhated and i refuse to give it a rating because i know i will get shit for it no matter what i give it
it's complicated as balls, but i would be lying if i said it was the worst thing i ever sat through, because i dont think it's that bad
i guarantee the only reason people hate it is the toxic, troll fucking, sharpie-bathing fandom but like, fandoms are kinda easy to ignore?
in my honest as balls opinion, i enjoyed it. i didnt think it was the best thing ever, but i still managed to sit through it all.
we could get into the strange things that happened behind the scenes, because there's many things i heard about andrew hussie that are kinda questionable, but i don't wanna end up slandering someone so i can't say anything until i know for sure anything is true. even if it is true, you can still separate art from artist.

i think it's alright, not the worst, but far from the best

This counts as a game???

Anyway the only good things that came outta Homestuck were the banger various-artists Bandcamp OSTs (love you, Toby) and the fact that it gave LGBTQ teens & college kids a space to comfortably explore themselves in and engage with other like-minded individuals. This much is undeniable about Homestuck: it was integral in shaping the identities of a lot of queer people on the Internet, and it deserves credit for that.

And only that, because this comic is fucking terrible. Awful, self-centered characters with either too much screentime (Vriska) or nowhere near enough (75% of the cast), unfunny and overlong writing, too many convoluted and unceremoniously-dropped plot threads, annoyingly insistent terminology that drags the coherency of the setting down, meaningless worldbuilding that gets dropped to the wayside in favor of HILARIOUS!!!11 references like Nicolas Cage and Troll Adam Sandler, a horrible NFT-like artstyle that blatantly copypastes the exact same armless character models over and over again ad nauseum, and one of the absolute worst third acts in recent memory, where everything after the Dancestors' appearance nosedives into an abyssal mire of baffling writing and the growing psychosis of the author, this problematic and overly-verbose auteur that literally ships himself with the most unlikable character in the entire comic and tries to pass it off as a joke.

The beginning is also pretty awful too, so Homestuck is more like a bookends-comic where the first three acts and the final three acts are absolute derivative shite and the middle of the comic is merely "convoluted and noisy and full of far too many half-baked ideas". Ideas so half-baked that Andrew Hussie created a genuinely fascinating and interesting world where Social Darwinism, violence, and a brutally-divisive, discriminatory caste system reigned supreme, only for him to blow it up and leave it behind in the exact same act we actually see Alternia for the first time. Man literally made a world worth setting his story in and decided "nah I'm gonna blow it up and have everyone play this game where most of the locations are also unexplored and death is functionally meaningless".

It is so fucking bad, man. It's so bad it actually defies logic and expectation. How could something be so awful for so long? Homestuck isn't just a quick or even medium-sized burst of campy awfulness, it is a long, dreadful, and often-boring slog where most of your thrilling experience will be spent skimming through colored text logs often inundated with Leetspeak because H4H4 15NT TH4T QU1RKY 4ND R4ND0M??? If that gave you an aneurysm, then imagine the entirety of this review being written like that.

That's Homestuck.

Homestuck is basically one overly-long joke that only the author ever really seemed to get, he just happened to strike gold by inventing some relatable Trolls with a goofy romance system and that was enough to capture the attention of Hetalia fans that had grown bored of shipping countries together. Hell, maybe the fact that no one actually got the joke added to Homestuck's appeal, because at least you could scream loud and funny buzzwords like fuckass and do the windy thing!!! and haha i warned you about stairs bro. It's completely and utterly random and that's the point XD XD XD

I honestly do not think Homestuck could have been made today. Part of Homestuck's mass appeal was the fact that it honed in on the quirky, random, motivational-meme humor of the 2000s and early 2010s where Nyan Cat and Oppa Gangnam Style were the peak of comedy. Humor and internet culture has changed since then, and the brand of comedy and atmosphere Homestuck brought to the table feels antiquated and embarrassing. Every attempt to make Homestuck relevant again ever since its ending (the Epilogues, FriendSim, Hiveswap, Homestuck 2-- fuck, Homestuck 2, that is a thing that exists) died on arrival and have small cult statuses at best. Why? Because the joke isn't funny anymore. We never actually got the joke in the first place, and pretty much everyone has moved on to better and less secondhand-embarrassing stories (Undertale) because the parts of Homestuck that most people were actually into (Acts 4-6 or so I'd say) were a good, long while ago. A combination of way too many hiatuses, too many obnoxious characters, and the distinctive, growing feeling of having your time wasted (not to mention a finale that many people did not like) just made people get bored, grow up, and move on. Indeed, a lot of people grew up and moved on, something Homestuck was genuinely unable to do. Even as time marched steadily onward, it thought it could rely on the laurels of its' own Joke to carry it into the late 2010's. Clearly, Homestuck was wrong, because Homestuck is dead. Art is dead, and Homestuck killed it in its sleep.

If you like Homestuck, then-- I don't fucking care lmao, go talk about it to the lingering fans that are still out there somehow, still desperately clinging to the nostalgia of an unfunny and mind-numbingly boring comic that was lucky enough to capture the attention of a fandom far more progressive than the creator of this fucking shlock. I honestly wish Homestuck was better, I really do. Queer people deserve something less garish to call their own. The sad thing is that somewhere, buried in the ghoulish, pulsating mass of grating jokes and awful Vriska moments and horrible, unpronounceable words like "auspistice" are... good ideas. Some genuinely good ideas. Ideas that threaten to make the comic interesting and fun and special. Ideas that were unfortunately buried by the author's crushing arrogance, auteurism, and likely some undiagnosed ADHD and the lack of anyone telling him to maybe trim the fat and stop typing so much.

Maybe I should do the same and end this here. Homestuck bad. I do not like it. Homestuck? HomeSUCK. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Eridan is the best character. 1/5

why is homestuck on a game rating website. This shit good as fuck tho i wont lie. Wouldn’t reccomend if my life depended on it tho

This review contains spoilers

Homestuck is a very mixed bag, with each of its 4 parts varying in quality drastically. Part 1 (Acts 1-4) is very charming, it's funny, epic and can genuinely make one feel nostalgic for their childhood. Part 2 (Act 5) is flawed due to it introducing the trolls, but it's ultimately really good as well. The problems begin with the comic's second half (Parts 3 and 4), where the plot, characters, pacing and other things become worse and worse, until the comic ultimately loses all the charm and personality it once had. Homestuck is still really likable though, despite its issues. It's definitely the most unique story I've ever seen, both the plot and format are something straight up out of this world. 8/10, it's not for everyone but I highly recommend it.

Wait Does This Even Count As A Video Game?? I Though This Was A Webcomic???

The absolute pinnacle of mediocrity. The most 6/10 experience to have been produced. A thing of all time.

A heavily flawed but fascinating work that I can neither recommend nor ever want to experience again.

I read this whole thing in a month because I was depressed.

I crave the abyss.

Good comic throughout like act 1-5 and then the writing got so shit at act 6 that somehow the ghost of jeffery epstein himself decided to slip into the comic TWICE

Act 5 fucks hard though so im not giving it a half star

i was only into it for the kawaii yaois

Andrew Hussie takes creativity seriously


note: i will make a full on review of this sometime, but a webcomic of this size is hard to speak about