Reviews from

in the past

insert another: "why is this here" comment

i found homestuck through a chain of events that started with one random deviantart journal about some animation vs up or something....back in 2010

i started reading it, gave up, and then tried again not long after and eventually was able to read as it updated

homestuck lead me to tumblr, which i will not say is good or bad, but if u wanna get technical and connect a bunch of random dots together with some string u could say homestuck is what lead to me getting a uh...thanks homestuck????

i lost interest really after the original ended so i havent bothered checking out the games or the sequel or whatever else has been put out and from what ive heard thats probably a good thing

Happy 4/13. I don't know why the fuck this is in here, it's not even a game, but it's a nice reminder of something I was big into during 2017-2018

I prefer Problem Sleuth because Hussie actually gave it an ending.

homestuck might be my favorite video game, actually

My first thought was "WHY IS THIS LISTED AS A GAME" and my second thought was "true and based actually." Truly, Homestuck is a multidisciplinary work of post-modern literature.

Like the Bible if it was good

Good comic throughout like act 1-5 and then the writing got so shit at act 6 that somehow the ghost of jeffery epstein himself decided to slip into the comic TWICE

Act 5 fucks hard though so im not giving it a half star

I unironically love this piece of shit and think it's fantastic and if you are an internet user that has been in fandom spaces and all that you should read it. It's had such a strange impact on the internet but even beyond that it's just a genuinely good and enjoyable piece of media that can be enjoyed in isolation.

i aint readin all that 🤣🤣🤣

This is a reread.

At my first readthrough 6 years ago, i could not understand english, and the translation in my language stopped at act 6.

Now i'm bilingual. And i understood everything.
Every joke, every time travel bullshit all the shenanigans, why horses are so ironic.

I fought the homestuck. I like to think that for once, i beat it.

i was only into it for the kawaii yaois

if i had 20 hands i still couldnt count on my fingers all the things this comics prevented me from enjoying

damn, maybe living is worth the effort after all :')

Was hit with the sudden realization that this was technically the first VN I ever read... I've gaslit myself for 8 fucking years...

Anyways, the music is so fucking good though hoooooooly shit I am mentally ill.

this shouldve been listed as sburb, do better whoever the fuck put this on here.

Was truthfully a large part of my interests online during those years. Very much a product of the time, but definitely spent tons of hours reading updates as well as the theories around the fandom. Probably not worth giving a read these days, both due to it being dated and because Flash went down, but the community seems to remain strong so that's cool.

Also, the music still slaps.

I will never forgive post canon for what they did to jade.

The absolute pinnacle of mediocrity. The most 6/10 experience to have been produced. A thing of all time.

I have no idea why this is here of all websites but

It alright

My favorite character is one that appears for like a solid 1 minute and he's like the only thing I retained after reading it

Wait Does This Even Count As A Video Game?? I Though This Was A Webcomic???

i have a newfound disdain for what it became after the trolls, for its author, and for its effects on me as a idiot tween, but i have to acknowledge that this middle step in the formative pipeline towards who i am is just as important as what began it:

youtube poop

(is there any reason they kept calling it act 6, i stopped reading this comic over a full decade ago)

Andrew Hussie should be executed by the state

There is a gallon of milk. you bring it along as you decide to start a trip with your friends. During the trip your car breaks and you and your friends are forced to reach the destination in other ways. The trip becomes significantly longer, your friends start to show tiredness and problems. Some of your friends start dating and then break up. Others do mistakes to each other that can hardly be forgiven and they’ll never speak again. Others start thinking about their problems. Others come out as transgender and/or queer. others reflect on their action. At one point, you all arrive at your destination, your lives forever changed. You open your backpack only to find the milk that traveled with you this whole time, you offer it to your friends before you all separate. You pour the milk. As you and your friends drink it, you come to a realisation. The milk is expired.

Homestuck is like the trip, because it united people and characters and changed them forever. Homestuck is like the milk, because it expired very quickly, and very badly.

Due to its significance, its rich art variety and characters and internet context, I recommend it to anyone to read it at least once.