Reviews from

in the past

Who knew fighting aliens in aquariums could be so fun?

Loved this as a kid but got halfway through the third tank before my unrefined child brain decided it was too hard.

i thought this was so fun as a kid that i bought it on steam, but i still haven't brought myself to install and actually play it again.

crashes when u alt tab but very fun. good game to show people

Fun silly game. Played so many times through as a kid.

As the predecessor to Plants Vs. Zombies, this game lays a lot of the foundation for what makes that game fun, while also having its own unique identity. The premise, art, and overall tone are very fun and lighthearted, but the design of the levels can make even that feel very intense. The most frustrating part of this game is definitely some of the aliens, it feels nearly impossible to fend off certain types (psychosquids...), but the game does give you many resources to protect yourself with, and it's all about the choice in what resources you use that determines your play-style.

Past the main mode, the challenge mode to get the gold trophy is very tedious to complete unfortunately. Playing each level 8 times just wears on me personally. On the other hand, the included virtual tank option is a fantastic feature, giving the game life beyond its actual levels.

Overall, this is a very fun game, and I would recommend it, even despite its few flaws. (Also the playtime is from me leaving the virtual tank running, actually completing it doesn't take that long).

The BEST click spam game ever made, no contest. Carpal tunnel syndrome was never this fun to get.

i had fond memories of this as a child, but coming back to it as an adult.. holy fuck this game is boring

boludooo en la casa de la abuela era clave


This and PvZ are the reason I play video games. Still holds up.

honest 2 god one of my most cherished games ever. i love this shit so much but the bonus pets and personal aquarium upgrades are a major major chore 2 get

infancia, lo mejor de PopCap antes de PvZ

one time my friend asked if i wanted to go play with him and my mum made me go even though i just wanted to play Insaniquarium and i remember being mad and bored the whole time because i wanted to get back to Insaniquarium. anyway game kinda sucks.

My favourite fish farm game i have 1mil shells please take it away from me

Fun little carpal tunnel simulator for the first few tanks, however it becomes a nightmare towards the later tanks. The time spent playing it all the way through will never be returned to me.

Peak Gaming

If you like the original PvZ you'll enjoy this. Simple concept with hard as balls gameplay after the third tank. My only complaint is that I wish there were steam achievements- there are clear in-game landmarks and I want to be able to flaunt beating tank 4 to my friends, dammit.

If you don't turn it off because of the boring first level you're in for one of the best games. It's incredibly fun and addicting, the only criticism i have is that the later levels become VERY mashy/ clicky especially the final boss

Who would have thought owning fish could be so fun

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I swear to god this game is trying to give me carpal tunnel.

Look, it's good in theory. Aside from the massive dose of nostalgia I got when I booted the game up and did tank 1, reminiscent of when this game was a flash game on MSN Games (a simpler time..), the first tank and most of the second tank is straightforward and fun. Use the types of fish available to collect money and buy the egg. The prices stay low early on, and your tank doesn't overcrowd easily unless you're grinding.

Then Tank 3 and Tank 4 introduce aliens with a lot more health, more esoteric fish types (the beetlemuncher is.. a lot, and the breeders make things difficult), and crank up the egg prices to insane degrees. You better have the fastest clicking speed in the world to finish.. or use a script to turn your mouse into the equivalent of a turbo controller. And then every level becomes the same: set up your tank while defending against the initial waves, get to a semi-stable population where an alien attack won't game over you, max out food, max out your gun, then let the population explode. Buy all three egg pieces. It becomes very formulaic where the only thing each new level adds at a certain point is more time, which is a damn shame because the early game is fun but this game doesn't handle extrapolation well and the challenge isn't really there - it's fake difficulty.

And then the final boss is more or less trivial unless you somehow got there without using a turbo clicker - a genuinely impressive feat, but anyone who can handle 4-5 can handle 5-1, there's less clicking and less to take care of. I understand the final boss is ceremonial more than anything, but honestly it would've been better as a joke-cutsene or if they just capped it off at 4-5.

The first two tanks still rule, but honestly this game is probably more fun in its flash version if you can find it archived on the internet anywhere.

I truly do miss PopCap and their crazy ass game concepts. I also miss the feeling I had on my fingers before playing this clicker hell.