Reviews from

in the past

I found FTL much more replayable than Into the Breach, which borrows a lot of the former’s ideas but also couples them to a fairly bland and static set of worlds. The actual gameplay and tactics are a lot of fun, but presentation needs work.

every little mechanic about this game, the limited moves, the situations that constantly get out of control engulfs the player in this unshakeable doom that is oppressive yet provides a glimmer of hope to do better, to be smarter. well, i've yet to be smart enough to win, but you've got to hand it to the two men who made this game for making something so solid and meaningful.

Not good at it but it's really cool! i love to play robot chess

A rather short but enjoyable strategy game with a lot of ways to try and complete the objective with the options you have.

Roguelike de puzzles increiblemente adictivo, desafiante y muy rejugable. Los creadores de Faster Than Light lo volvieron a hacer.

No habia jugado esto aún no se bien porque, es espectacular, funciona perfectamente como juego de puzzles/estrategia y no es la aberración anterior en cuanto a dificultad de FTL, infinitamente contento con el.

Awesome pick up and play switch puzzle game. Played this before FTL, and it made me want to go back to understand where the dev's come from. One of my favorite strategy/tactics games in literal years.

Check out our book club style gaming podcast, Garbage Game Club on Into the Breach -

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Into the Breach reminds me significantly of FTL, one of my favorite games of all time. Every battle is crafted in a way that seems unwinnable until the player forms a better understanding of the basic mechanics and the cost/benefit for their actions.

On top of this, everything about the game is attractive. The art and sound design are amazing for the scope of the experience and the depth of the run customization options provided make it easy to start over and over again. I found myself learning something new about an interaction between my mechs, the environment and/or a certain enemy type and wanting to immediately restart to exploit that idea.

I would recommend Into the Breach to those who love to solve small positional puzzles (i.e. chess puzzles and rubik's cubes), fans of FTL and those who are willing to try a short rogue-lite with a unique primary mechanic.

wish i had the time to dedicate to really learn a tactics game but what i have played was very fun!

Easier and breezier than Subset's first masterpiece, the cruel and crushing FTL, Into the Breach is nonetheless a challenging and intense game of tactics. It strips away many of the rough edges of randomness and unpredictability that made FTL so immersive, but isn't any worse off for it thanks to its commitment to informed, tactical choice making.

My only wish is that it had PC-Switch cross saves so I could play it twice as much.

Feels closer to a puzzle game than an actual tactics game but a good time nonetheless. Made me want to pick up a real tactics game every time I played it though.

The creators of FTL decided to get rid of ALL RNG basically in the game, which makes for an extremely strategic experience, although a brutally difficult one.

Feels deeper than I have patience for but great execution & art

While some the later levels can be a bit too difficult (bordering on bullshit at times), Into the Breach is an awesome strategy game! Especially if you're a mecha enthusiast.

Beat the campaign once. It was very fun to do, but even though this game is designed for replay ability I lost interest in it right after.

Solid strategy game. I only wish it were a bit less repetitive when trying out new teams.

Chess but robots and civilians is more fun than it seems

exactly like chess, chess 2, if you will

I see a lot of people comparing it to chess. I enjoy chess more. Didn't really get into this one, but maybe I should give it another try

Would rather have a story than a roguelike here, but a great play regardless.

a real favorite, super fun and satisfying to play but just this side of too chilly to fully adore

Nie sądziłem, że tego typu gra jest w stanie wciągnąć mnie na dziesiątki godzin. Troche obudziłą wspomnienia Batle Isle na Amigę, chociaż mechanicznie to inny rodzaj gry.

I love tactical combat games, and this one is good. I didn't get to play it to much but I enjoyed it a lot.

Es una barbaridad de juego, lo satisfactorio que es convertir lo que parecía un callejón sin salida en el enemigo destruyendose a sí mismo no tiene nombre.

Pretty fun and thoughtful compared to others using this formula, keeps you focused as you will painfully learn the stark difference between rushing and thinking out your plays. This is one of the best rouge-likes I've had the pleasure of playing. It feels a bit passive to dedicate time to but releasing it on mobile makes it perfect for me

first mobile game that doesn't feel awful to play in like, 5 years.

Este juego me produce análisis parálisis, puedo tirarme una hora planeando una jugada (para luego encima cagarla igualmente).

Perfectly designed little kaiju-battling strategy.