Reviews from

in the past

Me ha emocionado bastante el final, y eso que creo que no he entendido ni jota.

Este juego es mágico, jugadlo sabiendo lo menos posible de él.

I feel like it was a bit too high brow for me. some definite good moments in it for me, but otherwise i feel like the entire experience went over my head

krz owns, it's been coming out for so long that i got new things from it in 2020 that just weren't a part of my life when it started coming out. my favourite parts are the intermission between acts 4 and 5, and the diner scene in act 4. wonderful game.

I've never played something quite like this before

Loved the writing, but it was too long-winded at times. I think people comparing this game’s writing to Disco Elysium set up unfair expectations. I still enjoyed it very much and the final scene made me emotional in a way few games ever have.

Somehow completely devoid of game play yet one of the most engaging pieces of media I've ever encountered. Fucking reading simulator made me cry

Played on windows? Kinda played need to replay

Stunning gothic dreamscape. Best book about the horrors of capitalism in Americana I've read in a while.

Did I understand half of what was happening? Not at all.

Just a normal delivery sim nothing to see here

This one just didn't click with me. While I respect what this game is trying to convey with its message and setting, I must admit I didn't totally understand what the game was trying to say until reading an online summary.

It's probably not fair to judge this game on fun factor, but I just didn't find it to be a gratifying experience.

I'm kind of a sucker for southern gothic shit and narratively this was right up my alley. I love "Too Late to Love You" so so much and Ben Babbitt's cover of "This World is Not My Home" might be favorite version of that song. Lovely game, very sad.

Hauntingly beautiful/sad/determined/angry/grieving/hopeful.

Kentucky Route Zero is a special experience. Equal parts collaborative poetry and campfire story, KRZ manages to nail it's very specific tone so utterly I fail to find the proper words here.

KRZ captures the essence of Americana tinged with a surreal horror while telling a subdued, melancholic supernatural story of the prison of capitalism.

The interludes are all stand out, each one completely unique and utterly captivating.

My recommendation, should you decide to immerse yourself in the quest for Dogwood Drive, is to play in bed right before bed. Allow the game to usher you into dreams every night... it will make for a magical experience.

If there was one criticism I could make, and it's a small one, is that I find it frustrating the VR version of The Entertainment is no longer available.

Kentucky Route Zero is maybe another contender for one of my favorite games of all time.

Combining the aesthetics of semi-dystopias and hazy late night drives and modern art, with the storytelling methods of both American folk tales and theatre (which as a theatre major I just loved) and adding the rare use of the removal of player influence to sell the story's impactful moments just blew me away.

It uses all of this to tell a beautiful story of the effects of Capitalism on both individual through the accrual of debt, and the way it effects larger communities through improper care in search of greater profit. It does all this while not feeling super trite and having compelling and interesting characters.

It's mind blowing that I left it this long for me to play it, and that it isn't constantly being brought up as a reference point for other game devs. Maybe because it's so singular in it's vision that it just can't be replicated, who knows.

There will probably be nothing quite like KRO ever again, and that's okay with me.

The excellent writing, visuals, and sound design of Kentucky Route Zero make for an incredibly engrossing atmosphere, doubled down by uniquely varied and engaging diologue trees. Despite a strong final few chapters, however, occasionally clunky exposition and character introductions prevent the mysterious and unsettling tone from prolonging throughout all five acts.

Really beautiful game. Well written in a way that games aren't normally well written - normal when people say that a game has good writing it's another way of saying 'the dialogue is snappy' or some such. This feels much bigger than that, and solves many of the issues of "story games" for me. The game itself is sort of a point-and-click adventure game but stripped down largely to character interactions and given direct control of the cast. The 'gaminess' of the game is all in service of the story and, as such, makes it perfectly suited for this format.
I have quite literally just finished this and have so many thoughts about it that I can't really coherently put them together but all I can say is that it's magical, daring storytelling that you're unlikely to see anywhere else.

(Initially reviewed this with 4 1/2 stars but amended to 5 after stewing on it for a bit).

Required reading. Video Game Canon. The GOAT.

A wonderful story with some of the best writing I've seen in a video game. A tale of failing rural America with plenty of weird mystery to keep you tied to the ensemble cast. It is also filled with interesting side stories for those who want to look for it, which helps expand this world and dig deeper into the characters. Any game that still have me thinking about it days after finishing get a top recommendation from me.

Kentucky Route Zero is a point and click adventure
game about a secret highway running through the
caves beneath Kentucky and the mysterious people
who travel it. The player controls Conway, a delivery
man tasked with making an important delivery for
an antique shop, alongside their dog. The player will
encounter a wide variety of interesting characters
that are unique, quirky and play off Conway and
each other incredibly well. Kentuckv Route Zero is a
game that doesn't stick to the typical tropes of
point and click adventure games. The visual style,
art design and thought provoking nature of the
writing kept me thoroughly engaged. While the story
was weird, and sometimes confusing I was
completely engaged and often times was left
questioning what I was witnessing on my screen. I
thoroughly enjoyed my time playing Kentucky Route

The atmosphere and art design
The narrative
The characters, dialogue
The soundtrack

Pace of the narrative
Open world map and traveling
Played on: Xbox Series X via GamePass

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Extremely dissapointing.
The game is extremely boring at times,in fact,is the only game that i nearly fall asleep playing,it is one of the most pretencious games i ever played,and that build up for act 5 that is by far the worst part of the game,it feels like a waste of time that wastes all the build up from the previous acts.another that this game does badly is conway,he is the character that we most see and he just dissapears and we never seen him again,no conclution,no develompent,no nothing,characters in general this game does badly,they feel flat af.
By far the best part of the game are the interludes,my favorite being the third one,it gives me a really good sense of exploration and makes my imagine how the place,eventually we see how it is in act 4 and it kinda kills that sense of imagination of the interlude,but still by far the best section in the game,another thing this game does right is perpectives as they are constantly changing.

This game just feels as it doesnt stand tall on anything and feels incomplete and a waste of time.

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Exquisite, infuriating, pinch of Lynch. Play it for the soundtrack if nothing else (and there's plenty 'else'). Justice 4 Conway!

"I have absolutely no idea what's going on" - Homer Simpson

There may never be another game quite like Kentucky Route Zero, but that's fine with me. Just makes it even more special

this isn't a game, this is art

I've never wanted to like something more, but struggled so hard to actually sit down and enjoy it.

A surrealist poetic tragedy. I struggle to call this a game, and it’s definitely not for everybody. This game is mysterious, artful, and deeply impactful. Most of the game boils down to watching character interactions and making small dialogue choices. The writing is incredible and very provocative. I’m going to be thinking about this game for a long time.

I find this game difficult to explain. It's hauntingly beautiful and I've never played something quite like this before.

Es uno de esos juegos donde tienes que darle bastante vueltas. Un título centrado en sensaciones y experiencias. Viñetas. Experimenta y busca cambiar su estilo continuamente. Diría que lo aprecio más de lo que realmente me gusta.