Reviews from

in the past

In Ground Zeroes, we see what MGSV could have been at it's best. Big Boss (or Naked Snake (or John)) infiltrates the Guantanamo Bay inspired 'Camp Omega', a black site for unlawful CIA operations. His objective is to extract Chico and Paz, two of his child-soldier that now pose a liability to his operations. Camp Omega has brilliant, rich level design, making it a truly rewarding experience to master it's ways. It's a far, far cry from anything but three or four places in The Phantom Pain. And that's something I'll never understand why. Why do we spend so much time riding around in the deserts of Afghanistan or in the african savanna between tiny, uninspired enemy outposts!? WHY?!?!?!!?

I don't think it's unfair to say that big open world level design, as those featured in MGSV, was never one of Kojima's strenghts. The evolution of MGS's level design from the first to the third installment shows that, while Kojima was excellent at making very tight and dense spaces, he also had an interest for the idea of making spaces that could be bigger and still dense with possibilites of player expression. It is in my opinion that one of the biggest strenghts of MGS3 is the open nature of it's level design: it hits the spot just right between linear and the non-linear. From eating snakes to feeding poisonous anfibians to enemies, the absurd amount of player expression contained in MGS3 is a great deal more effective than TPP's shallow grandiosity. Ground Zeroes gave us a next-gen taste of that, it's just plain fun to mess with all the hidden secrets Camp Omega has in storage. Also, great story. This game saw some controversy for it's allusion to rape, but I personally think it was very well-handled. At least compared to fucking Quiet.

sans the vaginal explosion i think it's honestly better than the phantom pain proper

a great playable teaser for The Phantom Pain. it makes me wish we got to explore bigger, more complex areas like Camp Omega in TPP.

Better than the full game

A very pure distillation of the MGS formula. Here is some basic gear, go stealth!

Vai matar a garota mesmo, filhos da puta.

literally just a worse and shorter version of phantom pain but it's ok i guess

I wish The Phantom Pain was as carefully considered as this game is. Camp Omega is more interesting to play in than any location in all of TPP.

As someone who enjoyed MGS 2, I could not get into this. Pacing was too slow and tedious for my taste. Gameplay is fine but not addictive. Not sure about the story as a whole because I abandoned it. Didn't make it past the first couple hours.

É uma grande demo do MGSV: Phantom Pain.

Ao menos conseguimos ver a conclusão da história de Paz.

Okay so I've never played a Metal Gear game before, and I suck at stealth games to the point where I generally just avoid them. The definitve edition version of MGSV was on sale for about £3 so I just kinda bought it and hoped I wouldn't hate it. Anyway, this is literally just a prologue which is basically what I assume would be the length of a mission (assuming the game is mission based) in the main game, and it's given me a general idea of whether I'll actually be able to enjoy the main game. I enjoyed this for what it is, but there's really not much here. I do feel like anyone who bought this at the price it was released at was kind of ripped off, but I imagine someone that likes the series enough to buy this on release was probably able to get more out of it than a non fan like me that just did a super basic playthrough.

I had forgotten the controversial lunch of this game (a $20 demo, too short for its price).

When I played it, it reminded me how fun MGS can be (last time I had played a game in the series was with the version of Snake Eater on the 3DS). At some point, I ended up kneeling behind a corner, the guards being alerted, and waiting for them to come one by one to check on their uncounscious comrades to CQC them, which is a very typical MGS situation for me.

I've completed a secondary mission as well after the main one, and I'll probably try a few more before giving The Phantom Pain a proper try when I have the time. I Don't know if I can keep up with the story, but hopefully, the gameplay will be as engaging as Ground Zeroes.

I say it was V, but THIS was the game that got me into Metal Gear. Literally the best demo ever made except for maybe Peter Jackson's King Kong.

So SO good

A glorified demo, but it still stands out from the main game thanks to how expansive, dense and well designed the single map of this game is when compared to what comes after it.

I love how much people ate this up on release despite the price. Goes to show how bangers can be short too.

ENGLISH [Traducción al Español mas abajo]
At this point, it's basically a demo of what you can expect from "The Phantom Pain" as far as gameplay goes, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't have some fun... It still bothers me that you have to buy this prologue separately tho.
MAYBE!. just maybe, it would be worth it if you find it with the lowest price on sale.
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En este punto, es básicamente una demostración de lo que puedes esperar de "el dolor fantasma" en lo que a jugabilidad se refiere, pero mentiría si digo que no me divertí aunque sea un poco... todavía me molesta que tienes que comprar este prólogo por separado.
TAL VEZ!. solo tal vez, valdría la pena si lo encuentras con el precio más bajo en oferta

Would be the best game tutorial ever if it had Bruce Cambell making fun of me.

dünyanın en keyifli demosu

It’s pretty good. It’s also cool how this is technically a demo as well.

a distressing lack of cardboard boxes.

While I did enjoy the game itself, the fact it was sold separately and not a free demo blows my mind.