Reviews from

in the past

This game shows its age a lot, but also? Pretty good!!

Writing: 4/5
Gameplay: 5/5
Art Design & Visuals: 3/5
Voices & Sounds: 4/5
Atmosphere & Immersion: 3/5

Honestly strangely playable still, but I think this has the least interesting plot out of the four main games, and the gameplay is... not terrible but not great.

1998 was the greatest year in video game history, and MGS was a headliner in that stable of watershed achievements. It hasn't aged as gracefully — thematically, in its direct sequel's case, and mechanically, for the third installment — as its successors, but that should be a given. The game holds up, and its sound design is as breathtaking as it was over two decades ago.

Love CAN bloom on the battlefield and this game proved it.

Ugh, tell me about Metal Gear

3 hour exposition dump

wow is this one of the best games ever?

As far as Metal Gear games go, I feel like the first Metal Gear Solid is the most cohesive and consistent overall with its design, storytelling and themes. While later games would excel in specific areas or take different directions, MGS is a highlight reel of the great direction we love from the series as a whole.

Look, I get that you can technically understand the plot of this game without playing Metal Gear 1 & 2, but man, I am so glad I did play them. A couple moments here wouldn't have been near as great as they were without that context.

Anyway, it's my somewhat hot take that early 3D gaming has aged possibly the worst of any period in gaming; this game simultaneously is primitive enough in its gameplay to be annoying while simultaneously too advanced to really forgive it in other areas. Metal Gear 2's story was impressive for pixelated faces speaking text, but fully voiced and animated cinematic cutscenes bring a much higher standard. The controls of this game were a real bitch to get a grip on, and even after I got used to them the lack of analog inputs and some of the problems specific to the PC port still annoyed.

And yet, in the times I found myself not playing this game, I was more eager to jump back on and play than I was for MG1/2, or hell, for any game for quite a while. I have my gameplay qualms and problems with the story (basically anything related to female characters, bar maybe Naomi) but both were still more than enough to suck me in and keep me itching to play more. I beat this in only nine and a half hours with HowLongToBeat averaging eleven, so clearly something had me motivated. This was a damn good time and a very good direction for the series, and I'm eager to see it improved into hopefully something amazing.

It‘s genuinely amazing how well many aspects of the presentation, voice acting and story hold up. The weakest link is the gameplay, which is outdated to a point that the game is a little too hard for players such as myself.

I can‘t get over how brilliant this game is. I hate to say it but Kojima was ahead of his time.

De los mejores juegos de PS1, el juego que inventó un género

Snake, Did you like my sunglasses?

Dated game, but still worth playing. Hoping for a remake in the Fox Engine, Konami.

(Quick Note: I played MGS1 on the Duckstation Emulator, so that might influence my opinion on this game.)

This is a very, VERY strong start to a franchise. As someone who's main experience with Metal Gear up until this point was mostly memes and playing MGSV (which is very different from the rest), this game still delivers for me.

Where to even start?
I think I'll start with the presentation. I think we can agree that some aspects have definitely aged, such as the character models with their lack of emotions and kinda stiff movements. I think the writing and voice acting makes up for this but we'll get back to that.
I honestly think a lot of the limited graphics gives it a unique art-style. Something about it just ticks right, and it also benefits the atmosphere since it takes place in a snowy, dark and mysterious island.
Secondly, game-play. I definitely can see that this is very bare bones compared to other MGS games. I still enjoyed it either way, doing my best to sneak around and, in emergencies, fighting off foes. Some parts kinda frustrated me (LOOKING AT YOU, FURNACE) and many of the bosses were good fun.

Now we get onto the story. This story is excellent. It starts off already crazy with the initial premise, but as you go on and on, things start to open up and it all feels so natural. Just finding and learning more about the secrets of Shadow Moses. Not to mention the insanely good characters that are accompanied with highly talented voice acting. I absolutely enjoyed listening to the dialogue since they're voice acted so well.

Overall, a solid PS1 game, and one to possibly drive me into a Metal Gear Brain Rot.

Not the best stealth but its stil good game, best story in a stealth game.

this game damn Nice old ps1 times. Snake SNakeeeeeeeee

It's batshit over-the-top while still somehow letting the player take it seriously and I admire Kojima's direction and writing for that a ton

Greatest game I've ever played. Call it nostalgia, but I loved it when I was 4, and when now at 22 I still love this game.

MGS is definitively a classic. Despite what others may say it has probably aged well enough. The game has a 90s Japanese game design to it that I love (backtracking, little secrets/advantages in boss fights, simple combat). While I don't know about the original JP version the story, themes, and dialogue are simple, to the point, and well done. Nothing really deep, but it certainly deserves to be lauded for its sheer novelty at its time. I think by that alone, this game should be played.

completing this game is one of my proudest gaming accomplishments

I wish I didn't have to backtrack at the very end because of a stupid puzzle but other than that pretty good

Well, great game but too much time has passed

¿Y tú por qué luchas Snake?

A classic stealth game for a reason, a wild and thrilling ride through and through.

An amazing game that started or helped boost the shooter/stealth games has amazing innovations making full use of console capabilities at the time to improve in the whole game experience and amazing story and characters tho you can feel that it aged well also start noticing limitations due to this but all in all an amazing game

A game so good, they made it twice.

Um dos melhores jogos de PS1 que pude jogar. Nunca consegui zerar, mas isso nunca me frustou a ponto de parar de jogar. Lembro de resetar o memory card só pra poder jogar tudo de novo até a fatídica parte em que eu ficava preso por não saber o que fazer. Um dia vou zerar esse jogo com mais calma.