Reviews from

in the past

pienso en esto mas de lo que deberia

I love Genie . I will get her out of there

It's mid

The combat is better(?) than most rpgmaker games like this since the difficulty isn't piss easy but the complete lack of direction doesn't really work for this game since it seems like there is a plot and point to it

Surreal graphics and confusing gameplay, but it's a recommedable experience.

per quanto alcune scene capisco che sia godibile il design ma nel complesso non è nulla di realmente particolare o ispirato, capisco pure che la narrazione sia molto chiusa ma qui è chiusa per nascondere il più possibile il poco che ha da dire

So striking visually, such a cool idea, but such poorly made & confusing gameplay. I got softblocked very quickly.

Es injugable, pero está guapísimo.

Putting aside the "dev is a very bad guy" stuff, because he isn't profiting from downloading a free game, I think Middens is an interesting but very flawed game. Its artwork is amazing and the dialogue and world very intriguing, but it falls flat as a game pretty hard. It's trying to be a Yume Nikki-like exploration game, but with actual RPG combat. This is fine but you're never really told what to do, which in truth is as simple as "kill 20 guys and get to the endgame lol". You can run around forever without realizing that and be very confused, and probably die a lot along the way, or know about it beforehand and end the game kinda fast-ish. I think some manner of tighter level design would greatly help Middens as a game, but I can't help but feel that its confusing nature fits the setting extremely well. Ultimately, I think it's worth playing.

a game i really wanted to like but ended up disappointed.
the visuals and story as sorta interesting but do not a lot to stand out amongst muuuch better alternatives (such as ETCETERA or other yume nikki style games). the rpg maker combat is not JUST rpg maker combat...... ok it is but with the added bonus of literally not needing to be there at all.
it's just not an experience i would ever want to go back to.

if only the dev was not a total nonce and also full of himself

Estética nivel Dios en la tierra y gameplay de lo peor que he jugado en mi vida.

Same visual charm as Gingiva, though with a bit more focus on gameplay. Gun is janky and killing peaceful overworld npcs does nothing in a mechanics standpoint. No way to tell if you're supposed to be able to take an enemy or not until you're already in battle.

there are a lotta cool things about this game but honestly with getting whacked at nearly every time i accidentally trigger an encounter and not being able to just sink my teeth into how Open it is, im gonna have to put "Mid" on the shelf

played this a year after it released and oh man, the nostalgia

this might be the worst thing to ever exist and I think the guy who made this game is an asshole or something so that makes me automatically right

see when i played hylics i was like "woah this game's kinda weird it's like different lol" but i still played through it like normal. when i played this game i had no idea what to do, where i was, or what the fuck was happening at any time

Oh, Middens, I wanted to like you so bad. This game is the definition of aesthetic to me. It's just stunning. The visuals are trippy and bizarre, like a more painted Yume Nikki. In fact, I think this game would've been better without the combat. A lot of RPG Maker games are plagued by being way too easy. However, this one swings in the exact opposite direction.

It's got the same open world exploration thing as YN, and in a game that looks like this, you WANT to explore, because you never know what you're gonna find around the corner. However, it's very hard to tell whether or not an overworld entity is an enemy or an NPC. Cutting the combat from this game might've been enough to save it, but we'll never know. Is there linear progression to this? Is there an actual story with an endgoal? I don't know, because every time I play it, I go exploring, get my ass beat by some stupid strong enemy, and then I give up because I felt like I was punished for exploring in a game that very obviously wanted to encourage exploration.

In an endless sea of carbon copy exploration games made in RPG Maker (really all just glorified walking simulators), Middens is the only one, to this day, that failed to make me fall asleep on my keyboard. Turns out all one had to do to make these work was to add dialogue, proper diagonal movement and a simple, yet not braindead turn based combat. This game is essentially everything I was expecting to get out of Yume Nikki, after pretty much everyone and their mother was hyping that game up non stop a few years back.