Reviews from

in the past

i have a deep love for non-Mario/Zelda N64 games, even if they're bad. this game is ugly, weird, and incredibly rough around the edges, but has neat ideas some heart that pulls its rating up for me

Borrowed this as a kid, in the olden days when Blockbuster still existed. It's charming and I enjoyed the mix of puzzles to action sections. The shaking gimmick is funny and implemented with enough variety to feel inventive without being overly complex.

Sadly, child me couldn't beat it in the time I had before I had to return it to the video store. 100% playthrough foiled by 90s capitalism.

Not a lot of people played this when it came out, but it made an impression on every person who did.

That's the whole review.

It's an interesting one, even if a lot of its visuals feel dated.

Shake Shake.

This is one of those games you hear all the time about being an “underrated gem” but it’s not. The story makes no sense, and the gameplay is fine but nothing spectacular. It’s slower mega Man X with shaking. Marina is cute and I think THATS what most people remember along withe the music and graphics which are also good. Overall, it’s not bad at all, just not the masterpiece everyone says.


O plataformer mais único e diferente que já terminei, o jogo com a maior variedade de fases que já vi, nenhum level é igual, muito autêntico.

Os gráficos são uma mistura de 2D e 3D, felizmente envelheceu muito bem, é bem bonito.

A Marina é um amor, super carismática, o resto dos personagens são ok

A gameplay também é única e assim como os gráficos envelheceu super bem, no início você vai estranhar de leves a mecânica, mas depois que se acostumar, vai se apaixonar assim como eu, é MUITO divertido

Soundtrack impecável.

E é um jogo bem longo viu, vai perder uns dias jogando ai, foi uma experiência maravilhosa que valeu super a pena, recomendo

The benevolent gesture of a box of broken toys bequeathed.

This game really pissed me off as a kid. It was real bad and painfully ugly. I hated the way everything in it looked.

I honestly can't even remember how it plays or what it was about at all. All I remember is pure hatred.

If you showed me this game a few months ago and told me that this was a PS1 game I would have believed you without question.

There has never been and may never be another game like this one really. Shake shake!

Every time Treasure makes a game for a game system, it's always a contender for one of the best games on the platform. This is no exception! this is my favorite n64 game. during recess i would grab kids bigger than me and try to shake them while saying 'shake shake!' because i liked the game so much.

One of the best games on N64, very charming platformer that I was introduced to due to an old machinima series. Has my favorite boss of all time in it.

Blatantly unfinished, but what's there is great. Some of the best movement in a platformer; I'd love to see a spiritual successor that recaptured how fun it was to control Marina.

O único cartucho que eu não precisava ficar assoprando, jogo muito bom mas meio difícil pra mim na época. Vontade de jogar de novo, mas por causa dos controles é bem difícil de jogar em outros lugares

One of the coolest and greatest games of all time. Particularly great story and boss battles.

This was pretty fun! It's obviously known for being one of the only true 2d games on the N64 but it does some fun things with polygons and sprite transforms. The grab-based, non-direct combat was also pretty inventive, and is something I feel like would be right at home in a modern indie game. Some of the bosses were a bit frustrating but not too bad, and the forgiving saves helped a lot.

This game is equal parts a mixed bag, and wonderful.

One the one hand, the "shake mechanic" and overall gameplay aren't necessarily my favorite. The game is hardly "perfect", and certainly could have played smoother, or had some more interesting level designs.

On the OTHER hand, on a system that had all but abandoned 2D gaming (to my great sorrow), here was a game that helped illustrate WHY they shouldn't have. The game is mostly 2D, with prerendered graphics, though there are some stages, and even bosses, that have polygonal elements. But it is a pure side scroller, and while it's not THE most beautiful game (Yoshi's Story looked better, well, at least the sprites did), it still helped to illustrate what games like Symphony of the Night had already proven. That there was still a LOT that 2D gaming had to offer, and with more powerful 32/64 bit hardware, there was a lot more that 2D games could do than we had yet seen, be it graphics or inventive level designs, etc.

This game isn't amazing, by any means, but I was still very fond of it, and it was one of the handful of N64 games I actually owned myself in the late 90s, on my original system. There is still a good amount of fun to be had, once you get used to the gameplay, and it's still one of my favorite N64 titles.

Oh god I love this game

Was playing it when I was a little brat, couldn't understand English, yet it was a game that I loved so much I replayed it again and again... Even to this day !

And now that I understand English, it's waaaaaaaay better 'cause I can see how funny this game is !

And don't even get me started on the music... :D

New fun gimmick in every level!
To punish evil forces, I have been charged!

This game will destroy your hands but, it is so much fun.

2D platformer in which grabbing is the primary mechanic. You grab, you throw, and you shake stuff and see how every enemy, projectile, and object reacts (they almost never do what you expect them to).

It has some low points in the later levels, especially in the second part of World 4, but goddamn, the highs are incredible. I'll be remembering that final battle for the rest of my life.

Innovative on every level, silly when it has to, and consistently enjoyable from start to finish.
And, at least for me, that's what video games should be all about.

What a great and unique game. A bizarre mixture of platforming, combat and a strange shaking mechanism. The graphics and music are top notch. The bosses are all amazing and I can safely say that the final boss is one of the best in whole gaming.
Btw Marina's "Shake! Shake!" and "Through fire justice is served!" live rent free in my head even today.