Reviews from

in the past

The owl boy flaps and does thing with wooden crates or whatever. Very relatable.

wonderful little game, 10 years of pixel art definitely shows, the whole world has such a wonderful charming feeling. the gameplay itself consists of puzzles, bosses and it all flows very well I do hope to see more in the future from D-Pad Studios.

Gorgeous visuals, a rich soundtrack, strong level design, and solid platform/puzzle gameplay leave me wishing it could be two or three times as long. As it stands, Owlboy is an impressive achievement for a small team, though the final act of the game feels unifinished.

Beautiful, fun, and entertaining. The pixel art looks fantastic and it was enjoyable through and through.

It's an enjoyable platformer, though as much as it hurts to say, I don't really see the quality that a statement like "It took 9 years to make this" promises.

Borrowed from a friend, shelved it around the flying... autoscroller? infinite runner? section. Gave it back some time after shelving.
Good game up to that point though, great story.

I think I let the hype got the better of me because I was a bit disappointed by this game. Don’t get me wrong it’s great! Best pixel art out there even, but I just didn’t love the gameplay

Such a shame that a game this pretty has gameplay this boring.

I just straight up did not enjoy the gameplay of this at all. It was cute but just not enjoyable to play.

Te lo comes con patatas porque se nota el mimo y el cariño a cada jodido paso. La historia es maravillosa y es gracioso a rabiar. Jugadlo, que es corto y súper disfrutable.

Really cool pixel art and I like its' unique gameplay.

Little guy looks like and owl and can't even fight I love him

petite merveille un peu cachée

Played through the first level of this game and was very underwhelmed and turned off by it. Seems to have a decent amount of charm in places, but just found it really boring and not at all engaging. I might try to pick it up again, but I have much better games I could be playing.

Has some charm and nice visuals, but I wound up losing interest.

No entiendo como carajo un juego te permite romper sus sus reglas varias veces seguidas y sin ninguna consecuencia.

Lo único salvable de este bodrio es su apartado visual, por lo demás el sistema carece de coherencia con lo que establece la narrativa.

I remember the antagonist motivations annoying me

Music and art is nice, I like the characters, but I dindn't like the gameplay very much

Easily the prettitest pixel game.

Tbh just played this for 30 minutes to see if my thumb still hurt from playing games, came back to
Amazing, quiet little game, felt very peaceful and was very pretty looking, I love the color design. I kinda wish I did the side stuff but I didn’t have the drive once I saw all the side stuff

This game has an IMMENSE emotional importance to me because not only is it my favorite genre, Sci-fi-Fantasy, but I heavily relate to the protagonist. More than any character I’ve known through out books, shows, movies, or other games.

Playing this game made me feel like I was transported back to the days of the SNES. Owlboy succeeds at marrying crisp platforming, beautiful 2D graphics, and a story that perfectly unfolds.

La parte en la que Owlboy hizo eso de Owlboyearse fue increible.

The equivalent of a nice bowl of soup.
Its a good old-fashioned adventure with a good story, great pixel art, lovable characters, and Zelda inspired puzzles and combat.

It was pretty, but I remember it being a bit boring overall

There's a rule I've imposed upon myself in the past few years: "If you're not enjoying it, stop playing it". This unfortunately falls under that category. I think the pixel art and music are spectacular. I thoroughly enjoy the writing as well. It got a few chuckles out of me, but also knew when to take itself seriously. I'll probably watch a walkthrough just to see how it plays out.

The biggest barricade was the gameplay. Even when a dash was added, movement never felt right for me. It was fluid, no doubt, but just didn't click with me. I got a little over halfway through it and I got this on sale, so not a huge loss for me.