Reviews from

in the past

Greatly improves graphics, moving from 2D to 3D with the new operating system. Slightly stiffer animations however.

A solid game, but feels pretty underwhelming compared to its predecessors. Also pretty short, with not much to do in the postgame.

ill probably hate this game after i play the others

I didn't think I liked it but I cried at the end. Hydreigon best boy

The redeeming quality here is that there's a Dunsparce but if you're looking at MD titles, I recommend the older ones as I felt the stories were stronger.

was too hard for 7yr old me so lent it to my friend and never got it back

If I had to describe this game in one word, it would be "exhausting".

EXTREMELY overhated game. Every complaint about this game boils down to either "it's not explorers" or "gen 5 bad" and I will die on that hill (although I do agree in wishing that the roster of playable Pokémon was just a little bit bigger).

Quagsire is the realest character in all of fiction.

Literally put me to sleep in the middle of playing...would have a lower score if it wasn't for the heartfelt ending

my first experience with pokemon

Bro I went to Walmart on Black Friday as a kid and tried to get this game, I had exactly 30 bucks I think and this game was traditionally 40 with a sticker on it for 10 dollars off on Black Friday. When we brought it up to the counter the evil lady there told us the sticker deals were only until like 8am that morning despite no signs in the building saying that. I was fucking devestated, and ended up never getting this game. Maybe one day man.

Needs a replay from me. I don't think I ever beat it. And it sucks too, cuz gen 5 is my favorite gen.

"Ragged Mountain" is one of my favorite tracks in the entire PMD series.

Sure the first half of the game was bleh and the late game was cheap with bug bite/incinerate, but the endgame and ending is fantastic. And the music is the best in the series.

Not bad, actually loved how it played with the camera

I played this game quite extensively when it was released, and it was genuinely an enjoyable entry of the Mystery Dungeon series. Magnagates were a cool feature that utilised the camera function of the 3DS as this was something new with the release of the 3DS console series. Overall, a great entry to the series.

the magic of prior mystery dungeon games is gone. this game had none of the emotional stakes i had placed in either of the previous games, and i know it's not nostalgia talking because i replayed EoS at least 7 times.

The worst of the PMD series, it's mid and not nearly as good as the rest of the series

made me cry, but I had such a good time, one of my favorites in the mystery dungeon games

meedi. story is ok but it's a test of patience getting through the slow ass gameplay and slow ass dialogue boxes

extremely overhated, i do feel like it needed more content and it is kinda undercooked but holy shit i love this game's story and soundtrack. wish it was harder tho it's so easy to get through.

the text speed being slow is really annoying (although didnt matter that much to me on a first playthrough) however in replays i use a mod to have it actually be a reasonable speed.

Genuinely the best cast from one of these games. They do manage to be more than one note for most of it and the game doesn't repeat itself as much as explorers. Partner is also a complete and true bro tbh

Now the actual dungeon design and gameplay is a mess when you have guest party members constantly outlevelling any of your own. Even though most locations have two times less the floors of explorers and rescue team, it still feels the same length due to how so much of GTI is narrow corridors in dead ends.

Very underrated game and the story seems to me to be the second best of the pokemon mysterious world, also hydreigon is god as a character and the music is very good it is true that the pace of the game is tedious and the bosses are not very memorable but the ending seems to me the best of the saga and the message it also gives:
Rhythm: 4
Final grade:5

This game is a legit masterpiece to me. The gameplay is fun, the story is amazing, it's emotional, and the characters are just amazing. I'm sorry if society can't see this game for the overhated under appreciated masterpiece that it is.
Also I think this goes without saying but this game is the reason why Emolga is my favorite Pokémon. He's the best character in the series to me.

This is where the magic started to die. Such a disappointment after Explorers.