Reviews from

in the past

Only real OG's played this game.


i really think this game deserves a remake for the switch in some form. they really have perfected the combat system in this spinoff series with almia. the first game was too hard and the third was too easy. this one is just perfect. i wouldnt recommend it to just anyone, but i do feel like pokemon fans all should play through this one. the plot is maybe sun/moon equivalent. it is amazing for a pokemon game, but not amazing for just a story game. i have a lot of sentimental memories with it, so i am biased. i really would recommend this to pokemon fans tho. 5 stars for being perfect for what it is.

Strangely gameplay that's about drawing a ton of circles quickly was pretty fun from what I can remember a decade ago, though my main motivation was just to get the transferrable pokemon lol

Catching Pokemon, legendaries, going around, using their powers, amazingly fun game and my first one for DS. I had it even before getting a DS

i don't remember anything about this game except for the tutorial

I hope whoever made Chroma Ruins eats lead.

Perfect upgrade of the original in every way!

le meilleur ranger!! je l'ai fais et refait bcp trop de fois

pokemon ranger shadows of antifa

Great story, weaker on gameplay than Guardian

cool! story and world are pretty nice

This was actually my first Pokemon game ever, even before the mainline games. I didn't know what the gameplay of the mainline games were so when I got this I was like "where are the pokeballs?"

Fun experience, but the difficulty curve is obliterated by sidequests which I really want to do. Really enjoyed having multiple partner pokemon & Barlowe is a king.

GOATed game. I NEED to play it again.

Tan parecido a su predecesor que ni los distingo.

this didn't catch my attention as much as the mainline games as a kid but i had some fun with this

Lo hubiera disfrutado mucho más hace 10 años, ahora me pilla un pelín grande. Estaba cansado ya a la mitad del juego y lo he terminado por compromiso.

It's more than just drawing circles this time.

me lo pase como 2 o 3 veces, muy guay

When my wrist hurt because of Pokemon Ranger and not fapping