Reviews from

in the past

Mercenarios de RE5 es probablemente uno de los mejores, y esta expansion del juego es sin duda increible, el problema es la plataforma, el 3DS no es precisamente comodo.

Competent port of the Mercenaries mode from the 360/PS3 era of RE games. Pretty easy to pick up and play. Definitely needed more in order to be that truly great game on the 3DS, but does a great job of adding some RE action before RE Revelations came out.

its the mercenaries, fun but limited

Dommage qu'il ne soit sorti que sur 3DS. Le jeu est excellent.

Yeah it's not worth full price. Yeah physical copies had no way of deleting save data. Yeah like a quarter of the game's stages are tutorials. That all sucks. But at the end of the day it's still Mercenaries mode with a bunch of playable characters, and Mercenaries mode is really fun.

Para lo que proponía estaba bien.

it's portable re5 mercenaries and for that reason it's good

it was definitely overpriced but with the power of a modded 3ds and a dream you too can skirt around that

Was a great time at the 3DS launch when there wasn't much to play. I sunk a lot of time into this game cause it's very addicting.

An enjoyable portable version of the mercenaries for the 3DS. Could use more content, and Leon is strangely absent, but worth getting if you want to play mercs on the run.

An absolutely great and fun game to play! Just pure arcadey fun that Capcom should port to PC and modern consoles! PLEASE, Capcom!

Surprisingly addictive game that you can always take with you wherever you go. Super fun with your BFs

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This is a good time consumer. If you enjoy mission based games which only focus on you shooting zombies this is for you. This is easy to play and the unlockable characters are fun. I personally love playing as Hunk. However the controls aren’t the best… but also the best you’ll probably get on a DS.

A very impressive port of RE5's gameplay to the 3DS, considering this came out near the handheld's launch.

Speaking of 2011: I got this for 5 dollars on an eShop sale in 2022, and felt that was the threshold of "fair." I could see people having beef paying full price for this at launch, as it's less of a game and more of a MODE meant to enhance a single-player narrative.

It's still fun for drop-in score attacks. Menu navigation is needlessly weird, and it's also odd the menu makes the Jet Force Gemini "computer noises."

Mercenaries is always fun in Resident Evil games so this game is a nice lil package that fits the handheld :)

o que mercenaries reunion devia ter sido e ao mesmo tempo a beta do modo raide do rev
Nerfaram o hunk e a rebecca 0/10

Capcom ha hecho un trabajo genial llevando el modo de juego de RE5 a la consola portátil de nintendo. También es un gran logro técnico para esta. Al principio es un poco rarillo de manejar pero te vas acostumbrando. El cooperativo debe de ser divertido pero dudo que alguien quiera seguir jugando este juego en 2021. Al final del dia solo es un matamarcianos glorificado pero esta guay si por alguna razon se te antoja matar zombies con hunk o claire redfield.

Eu achava que esse joga ir ser épico!!! Mas mano é bem paia, tentei jogar algumas vezes faltou capricho hein e olha que eu gosto de qualquer coisa que é resident evil, com 30min de gameplay vc quer fazer outra coisa do que jogar isso.

Its an expanded version of RE5's Mercenaries mode, so what's not to love? A shame this was never ported to modern platforms.

probably philosophically interesting in a way i can't quite articulate yet. weird ass menu design. fun game

Bought it for $3 on the eShop. Back in the day, people bought this so they could get the demo of Resident Evil Revelations...probably one of the last recorded instances of something like that happening.

A $40 tech demo, Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D is cool in its own right. Especially when you were there in the 3DS' early days. It's very impressive how smoothly this game plays close to Resident Evil 4 and 5! And the novelty of reusing assets from those games isn't really too much of a blight, since you've never seen them "demade" in this way before.

Unfortunately, that only takes the experience so far. Enemy variety is extremely underwhelming, which is a huge misstep when the entire game is centered around slaying enemies and not much else. There's a lot of potential material (all from Resident Evil 4 and 5), but any RE veteran at the time will constantly think something is missing.

The playable characters themselves have plenty of variety, but it gets old when you're fighting the same exact ghouls and beasts over and over again. And over a decade later, the novelty of this game is kind of lost, especially since pretty much all Resident Evil games are playable on multiple handheld systems these days.

Very overlooked gem in the gloomy early years of the 3DS, I wished Capcom made a port of this little fun game on current gen consoles and PC, oh well. At least RE: Revelations got updated and ported on 7th gen consoles and PC.

Me sobraban 10€ en la eshop y debe ser que me quemaba el dinero porque vaya puto mierdón en el que me lo gasté. No jueguen shooters en la 3DS.

An interesting offering from Capcom focusing on the Mercenaries unlockable action mode that was popularized in games like RE4 and RE5. This particular games follows the formula of the RE5 Mercenaries mode adapting to the 3DS hardware.

The limitations of the 3DS hardware are evident and the netcode was most definitely not the best for this game but all in all it was a decent effort from Capcom that managed to provide a portable version of one of the most fun modes in RE gaming at the time.