Reviews from

in the past

Risk of Rain 2 is probably one of the best casual introductions to the rogue-lite genre while not being one. Despite how much boredom this game creates along with its issues, i am willing to recommend it to others.
My favorite part of the game is the background put together really well with its lore, art design and cast of characters. There is also a sense of bond with the player base when it comes to sharing experiences and jokes.

My main issues with the game is not fixing issues and poor balancing.
In multiplayer it is frustrating for others and yourself to play when death happens, you lose out on items. If you keep dying constantly, eventually you will be out of the game entirely, turning into a game of spectate.
The item balance is odd to me, you will come across items that are terrible, good and ones that support towards the domino effect. For example, you spawn into a map and suddenly everything is dead and will continue to be dead.
In most cases you would come across your friends and such running mods to add in quality of life changes, content and fix annoyances.

Amazing roguelike, fantastic sequel. It's fun and the soundtrack is the best soundtrack I've heard in a video game in its proggy-synthy-ness

one of the most well-made roguelikes that almost makes you feel like you're not playing a roguelike

Ok roguelite with decently fun 3D combat. Wish there was a little bit more content and bosses for replayability

the multiplayer is totally unfinished, and this game heats up my computer enough that I can grill burgers on it.

This game is fantastic, but god damn is it hard to get going sometimes

(Date is when I got the last achievement) Big, big fan of this game. The lore's great, gameplay's fun, multiplayer works great and is super super fun, and the power scaling is a lot of fun cause you just get to stack stuff forever. Despite it all though, the game feels, unfinished? Not in the sense that it's broken and doesn't work well but it just feels like there's so much potential they could've worked with, and they just didn't. They even said in an interview they didn't even have plans after SOTV. I'd be so down to play this game so much more, hell I got all 118 achievements I have to like this game, but nowadays other than the occasional one-off run with my friends or eclipse attempt, it just doesn't feel like there's much else to do. Great game though, and I especially like it for how good the multiplayer is and how well it works. It's a blast, pick it up.

Esse jogo meio que fica injogável sem o upgrade de escolher as próximas perks, foi o que eu senti, você morre muito fácil toda hora
Ele é um daqueles roguelikes que você quebra ele, chega a um ponto que você não precisa fazer mais nada que os inimigos morrem sozinhos na tela. É brabo, mas por esse motivo ele é meio quebrado se você já sabe jogar

After the 80th hour you start wondering to yourself why your favorite item from RoR1 isn't in this game, and why there are so many bad Greens.

C'est très amusant, y'a pas trop besoin d'utiliser son cerveau. On tape, on trouve des items et on tape. Bien plus fun entre amis bien évidemment sauf quand Niels vole vos items, mais bon je peux pas lui en vouloir, je fais pareil.

my ONLY complaints are:

- no tooltips for items when selecting them or deciding if you should pick them up.

- when you die, it is hard to understand what killed you or if a certain combo of items backfired.

otherwise good rogue-lite, lots of good difficulty settings, scalable, decent music (although i like listening to my own library)

The game is good and all, but Chris Christodoulou really carried it. The only time I have ever purchased the soundtrack

lvl1 crook vs lvl99 mafia boss the game 2

best rogue-like
if you disagree you haven't played this with friends

love it but it just got boring for me

Just extremely satisfying gameplay with a rewarding loot system

A masterpiece, the most fun sandbox/roguelike ever made

A great game I know is great, but don't play nearly enough of. Everything that is here shouts love and from what I've seen of the original it is such a step forward and reinvented what you'd consider your normal roguelike, a 3D shooter isn't what you would think of for the genre.

This game is tight, tight, tight! Put some league mods on there like Aatrox and this shit is bussin'

The MUSIC. Dear Lord. Also fun game.

A friend recommended this game and holy shit. Its chaotic and fun ash.

I just wish dying early in a coop game wasnt as punishing as it is now, its almost impossible to come back from that since you're missing out on soooo many items

one second ur a lost soldier next second ur a god