Reviews from

in the past

Maybe it's just not being used to 3D roguelikes and playing with friends who were already experienced with the game, but I mostly just felt confused when playing. Avoiding damage seems much more difficult than I expect, and loot being per player feels rough. Will likely need to re-visit it solo to give it a fair shake.

I just don't like rougelikes.

Here's to hoping Gearbox doesn't grease this one up.

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idrk what "completing" this game is, ive beat mithrix? i guess?

Very good roguelike, I could plauy alone or with friends any day. Very fun character variety abilities and overall a well made game!

Played since PS4 physical release, peak of the game was while the updates were rolling out for sure. Really unique and a ton of fun with friends.

Every build is a glass cannon build if you play a run long enough

its ok. a lot of fun with friends but the game isnt really there. the moment to moment gameplay is pretty bad and when you actually boil it down there is little to no player agency when it comes to builds. running is too slow and i NEED this game to implement a sprint toggle. PLEASE. one of the cooler looking roguelikes though, and I like a lot of the specific characters and the amount of variation they add. between runs the game handles super differently, keeps you coming back. overall its ok, maybe i just dont like roguelikes that much. i do wish it felt better to play though, the shooting especially kind of just sucks.

A great game to play with friends. I had already played Muck by the time I played this, so for the sake of making a comparison, this game is like Muck mixed with rouge like. Normally, I don't really like rogue like games, and even sometimes this game can he pretty unfair and just feel like shit, but overall, it's super fun. Love the characters, the different environments, and especially the bosses. 7.5/10.

Beat the big guy once but I can't go deep on this one like I did on the first. I'm getting old, and roguelikes without permanent progression just feel like I'm wasting time. Sad but true...

soundtrack is beautiful and i destroyed it with mods

Certain characters are just outright better than others. But overall, it’s so fun. So much build variety and so many modifiers to fool around with.

Probably the best shooter roguelike ever. Amazing modding community with a great soundtrack.

I can’t give a 6 or a 7
It’s a good multiplayer but It’s just not my type you know


didnt play it enough to rate it well

MUITO BAO (saudades de jogar com o tiaguin 💔)
(talvez pegue pra platinar)

one of the only sequels to take everything good about the first game, translate it into a whole different perspective, and then proceeded to make everything BETTER. Damn

gets old fast when playing solo

Very fun roguelike, if somewhat janky at times. Not the best of it's style - but I've had fun.

one of the rare few roguelikes I don't hate playing, you can even turn off the RNG and make your character run so fast they fly to the skybox if they hit a small rock

runs feel the same, items don't feel like they change my playstyle, just that more things happen

in risk of rain your main risk is rain

in valorant your main risk is system vulnerability thanks to almighty vanguard

very good but sadly needs mods nd dlc to reach its full potential

Rogue like avec une ambiance unique, les ost et paysage sont superbes. Arsenal immense.

The most RAW fun I've ever had in a video game, outside of maybe Terraria. This game makes my neurons fire so powerfully in so many acute ways that no other game can. I got it on release and played so much that I gave myself some kind of strain injury for the first time in my life. If this shit existed when I was a kid it'd easily be my favorite game of all time, but now it sits as one of my current favorites as an endless source of fun

In recent years, the genre of rouge-lite games has had many additions. Out of all of them, Risk of Rain 2 is by far the most ridiculous I’ve seen. It’s a game where there are no limits to your potential set, and you can become as overpowered as you desire.
It does follow the traditional rouge-lite formula. Fight through a level, while collecting as much loot as possible, kill the boss, and continue onwards. The major difference here is that it's actually 3D.
Overall, I highly recommend this game to anyone who is a fan of the genre or just wants a fun time-killer. It also has multiplayer.

You are a member of a spaceship responding to a distress beacon sent from an unknown planet. In an attempt to find any survivors, you get sent down, completely unprepared for what’s to come.
The story is there mainly to set the scene. There isn’t much of any narrative while actually playing the game. Still, for those interested, there is quite a lot of lore, as every item and enemy has a description.

𝐌𝐞𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐜𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐠𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲
As I said, it follows the standard rouge-lite formula seen in many other titles like Enter the Gungeon, The Binding of Isaac, and many others. It is simple, but highly effective and addictive. What sets Risk of Rain 2 apart from the others, and allowed it to become such a popular game, is its lack of restrains.
There aren’t any limits on how many times you can find a duplicate item or how fast you can clear a stage and so on. Becoming overpowered is the point. Being skilful at this game isn’t just about being able to dodge all the projectiles, it's about being able to maximize whatever loot you are given to create a build that can take you to the end and beyond.

It's simplistic and by no means detailed. Still, I can’t imagine there will be a time when this game will look ugly and outdated. It’s a timeless design that conveys what it has to.

The atmosphere is all over the place, first, you fight robots and bugs in a tundra, then lizard men and jellyfish in a desert then… you get the idea. Although perhaps because it never takes itself seriously, it works. It's distinctly “Risk of Rain”.

An incredible soundtrack has been made for this game, and I can’t imagine any other that would fit so well. My favourite part is “The Rain Formerly Known as Purple”.

𝐅𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐓𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬
Me when the weather reports show that there is a risk of rain.