Reviews from

in the past

eu achava que eu ia jogar só um pouquinho por que um amigo meu tava jogando tbm. daí eu me viciei, joguei 500 horas e platinei. valeu cada segundo.

o comando continua sendo o melhor. quem discorda tá errado

I really wanted to like this game. I played the original Risk of Rain back in 2015 and loved it. So when I heard that the game has gotten a sequel that I missed and that it was allegedly quite good I was excited. I picked it up with basically no hesitation.

I was unfortunately quite disappointed when I finally got into my first run. My first few runs were disappointingly easy, which surprised me. I guess perhaps my knowledge of its predecessor transferred over but the game never made me feel nearly as challenged as I did in the original. And when I did die, it always felt like it was a result of the game spawning enemies out of my line of sight to attack me from places I wasn’t aware of. Every new world the game thrust me into looked and felt exactly like the last, barren, ugly, and larger than necessary. I believe the worlds in the original Risk of Rain could get away with this scale given its 2D graphics but in Risk of Rain 2, the emptiness of these worlds is truly apparent. The gameplay is much the same, in Risk of Rain 2013, the limited movesets of the characters felt like a fun game of micromanaging cooldowns but in Risk of Rain 2 I found the most effective strategy to spam as many attacks as possible, especially as many of the few moves of each character blended into each other in aesthetics. The interesting items of Risk of Rain 1 were also greatly weakened by a transition to 3D. In the original when my character shot off a missile I could see where it ended up and be satisfied that it was helping to protect me. In the sequel the missile is equally likely to fly to a point I could not see and hit an enemy I didn't know was there.

In all, I simply believe the transition to 3D is a poor choice for the gameplay of Risk of Rain. It turns these massive, interesting, and beautifully sprited worlds of the original into bland, basic cell-shaded unity worlds that all look the same. Ironically, I believe the addition of a 3rd dimension strips a lot of the depth away from the original.

This is what all video games look like to out-of-touch parents

bad for controller, never got a refund

you are like the worst rollercoaster of dopamine i have ever intaken

And his music was electric...

Whatever you think, Christodoulou is too good for us mortals

Es una locura lo adictiva que es esta formula de juego, y lo poco que se entiende si no lo pruebas.

A ton of fun with friends. Very difficult but very addictive.

I have probably criminally underrated this game. I see the potential that the game has. It is a significant improvement over the first game. I was unsure how the game would transition to 3D, but it is an excellent move. The game is still very difficult, but it now feels accessibly difficult compared to the first game, which was just brutal. The movement feels more intuitive and having more control over aim feels good. As with the first one, this game has a lot of depth to both secrets in the world and item synergies. Despite all of my praise, I underrate the game because shooters are just not really my genre. For not liking shooters, I really enjoyed this game. I theoretically want to play it more, but given my relationship to shooters, I decided to move on.

An absolute CLASSIC for the genre. a legitimate gem of a game. I initially started with the PS4 version (running on the ps5) and it was fantastic, always maintained a solid 60fps with no dips. Shortly after i got a physical copy for the switch just to have handheld (switch version actually holds up surprisingly well considering the hardware) but it wasn’t until i finally grabbed the game thru steam and started to play it modded that really opened up my eyes and say okay, this might be my one of my favorite games of all time. seriously cannot recommend it enough no matter what platform you’re on im sure you’ll get some type of enjoyment out of it.

In recent years, the genre of rouge-lite games has had many additions. Out of all of them, Risk of Rain 2 is by far the most ridiculous I’ve seen. It’s a game where there are no limits to your potential set, and you can become as overpowered as you desire.
It does follow the traditional rouge-lite formula. Fight through a level, while collecting as much loot as possible, kill the boss, and continue onwards. The major difference here is that it's actually 3D.
Overall, I highly recommend this game to anyone who is a fan of the genre or just wants a fun time-killer. It also has multiplayer.

You are a member of a spaceship responding to a distress beacon sent from an unknown planet. In an attempt to find any survivors, you get sent down, completely unprepared for what’s to come.
The story is there mainly to set the scene. There isn’t much of any narrative while actually playing the game. Still, for those interested, there is quite a lot of lore, as every item and enemy has a description.

𝐌𝐞𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐜𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐠𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲
As I said, it follows the standard rouge-lite formula seen in many other titles like Enter the Gungeon, The Binding of Isaac, and many others. It is simple, but highly effective and addictive. What sets Risk of Rain 2 apart from the others, and allowed it to become such a popular game, is its lack of restrains.
There aren’t any limits on how many times you can find a duplicate item or how fast you can clear a stage and so on. Becoming overpowered is the point. Being skilful at this game isn’t just about being able to dodge all the projectiles, it's about being able to maximize whatever loot you are given to create a build that can take you to the end and beyond.

It's simplistic and by no means detailed. Still, I can’t imagine there will be a time when this game will look ugly and outdated. It’s a timeless design that conveys what it has to.

The atmosphere is all over the place, first, you fight robots and bugs in a tundra, then lizard men and jellyfish in a desert then… you get the idea. Although perhaps because it never takes itself seriously, it works. It's distinctly “Risk of Rain”.

An incredible soundtrack has been made for this game, and I can’t imagine any other that would fit so well. My favourite part is “The Rain Formerly Known as Purple”.

𝐅𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐓𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬
Me when the weather reports show that there is a risk of rain.

Curto bastante a ideia do jogo de te desafiar a quebrá-lo, juntamente com você não precisar "pensar" enquanto joga.
Tenho muitos momentos bons com amigos de apenas entrar no jogo e ficar falando sobre coisas aleatórias.
Sinto um pouco de pena pela má administração que a Hopoo Games teve com ele no inicio, e logo após passar para a Gearbox foi deixado de lado pela mesma. Fico muito contente que eles perceberam o erro e estão começando a dar mais atenção para o game (pelo menos é o que prometem).

meu roguelike preferido!

amo o fato dele ser 3ª pessoa e como cada personagem tem uma gameplay tão única e original.

o temporizador como um dos fatores determinantes para a dificuldade de cada run é algo que vai separar quem é "zé lootinho" de quem não é (risos)

o multiplayer cai muito bem também, dando total liberdade para repetir ou não os personagens como também a possibilidade de definir builds diferentes

além dos coletáveis, missões e níveis secretos, há outros modos de jogo, o que amplia ainda mais o leque de diversão que o jogo proporciona!

e por último, tem uma trilha sonora PERFEITA!!!!! (pra quem curte rock, é um prato cheio)

so much cool, ok the graphics are not detailed but the base game is 2 GB!!
and it's awesome! And the graphics are refined rather than simple.

- All the different objects allow complex and varied builds, same for survivors.
- It can be played alone or with others
- mod support so more items!!
- musics are sooo cool, some times it's like pink-floyd and sometimes it's remind me some C418 music (Minecraft) or Lena Raine (Celeste)

It is a very well done job

This badass soundtrack has a mad decent game to back it up.

An objectively good game that I didn't enjoy. Killer art direction, a solid soundtrack, and fun moment-to-moment gameplay is ruined by abrupt, unsatisfying conclusions to runs - no game feels worse to die in than this one. Couple that with a feeling of unbalance that I just can't shake leaves me feeling disappointed overall. It's honestly a shame, because the movement and bossfights are killer. I'll likely come back to this, but unless something in the future changes my mind, my rating stands as is.

Changes between satisfactory and unsatisfactory depending on factor (VOID CHEST ITEM X)

cool physics, crazy amount of variety and bosses and it's satisfying to play

I can’t give a 6 or a 7
It’s a good multiplayer but It’s just not my type you know

Really fun rogue-like with lots of items, enemies, and characters to play as. Each run ends up being just different enough with different items and environment configurations. Especially fun to play with friends and try to outlast massive waves of enemies.

horde of many overloading gup

Ben Roguelike oyunlarını çok severim. Bu oyunda oynadığım en iyi Roguelike oyunlardan birisi. Oyunu açıyorsunuz, karakterinizi seçiyorsunuz ve aksiyona başlıyorsunuz. Ben oyunlarda bu karakteri build etme her oynanışta farklı hissettirme muhabbetini çok severim, oyun bunu size dibine kadar veriyor. Aynı zamanda süre çok önemli; yeterince hızlı olmazsanız düşmanlarınız sizden önce gelişiyor ve hasar veremeyecek hale geliyorsunuz. Tüm Roguelike sevdalılarına önerilir.

This review contains spoilers

Wrote on the fly, sorry for spelling/grammer issues

This game was my first ever roguelike. Got into it initially on ps4 in 2021 and despite the many bugs that the console version had its still a favourite of mine. Had to repurchase when I finally built the P.C

There are a handful of distinct classes whose abilities all sync really well with items which can create limitless power fantasy. Different items are more/less useful for different classes which creates alot of gameplay variety and interesting co-op dynamics. One item can make or break an entire run (or do basically nothing). This creates an atmosphere very similar to intensive gambling, gameplay elements such as the different shrines and lunar items provide varying levels of risk and reward and can significantly alter a run.

There is no better gambling addict feeling than losing a run with really good items only to be sent back to the menu to immediately start a new one. This is the Video Game equivalent of gambling away your house, only to immediately take out a second mortgage and put it on black. Combine this with mod support on P.C and you will likely never get bored of this game. Whenever I need to boot up a game for no reason I boot ror2. If casino's made a game similar to Risk of Rain 2 only using casino chips and money instead of the coins you gather from enemies, my life would be a mess and I'd become an alcoholic, gambling addicted degenerate.

Even with the game's randomized elements, there are still elements of control such as the printers and hidden item bazars and tri stations and other ways where you can choose between a set amount of items. Also every item is stackable on some sort of logarithmic scale which can lead to tremendous boosts in power to where enemies immediately spawn and die (the game's difficulty eventually catches up to you though). My favourite part about the items is how intuitively they synergize with eachother. One item's effect can trigger another item's effect, which triggers another item's effect and so on. Which again adds another dimension of gameplay variety.

In my opinion this game is best experienced with a friend or two so you can all go nuts at the wacky difficulty spikes, rare item drops and argue over who stole each other's items after the teleporter boss.

Only downside to the vanilla game is the final boss level is terrible. I hate everything leading up to the final boss. Mithrix is a pretty good/satisfying fight and can brutally end an entire run in a fun pathetic masochistic way with only a single hit, keeping you on your toes the whole fight which is the only fun thing about the stage. Some characters simply do not have enough mobility to traverse the unnecessarily long lanes of the final level and require copious amounts of mobility items which are naturally not guaranteed with the game's randomized nature. This is basically the only stage designed this way. I remember a glitch on console with the Lunar Chimera (Exploder) enemy dealt way too much damage with its aoe puddle attack thing to the point of it pretty much one shotting the player. Combine this bug with not knowing that you could make the teleporter loop on stage 4 and it made beating the game for the first time feel like hitting your head on a wall repeatedly. Still if you consider finding item's to compensate for a character's weak points and loop an extra time if necessary than it is indeed doable on every character.

Overall, a good time, hours of fun, inexpensive (not full price), and runs exceedingly well on most P.Cs

note: Most of the glitches I experienced on console I did not experience on P.C. The Console version i would rate 3-3.5 stars due to its many weird bugs that would effect longer runs such as fire enemies being way too strong and if a fire variant horde of a boss enemy spawned as the teleporter boss you would immediately melt. Not sure if those bugs have been patched yet but yea the P.C ver is waaayy better

Review of survivors of the void soon (maybe not). New account so im tryna bang out reviews to fill my profile.

it's fun for a while with friends but it just gets too boring after like 20 hours

why is it not 5 stars? blind pest.