My favorites list are all the peaks of their respective genres, FACT. Indie games kick so much ass.
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Hollow Knight
Hollow Knight
The Binding of Isaac: Repentance
The Binding of Isaac: Repentance
Shovel Knight: Treasure Trove
Shovel Knight: Treasure Trove


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short and sweet around 4 hours, what a fantastic game, I can't believe that I got so invested in this game's story

Fantastic game held back by some dumb writing decisions and bad waypoint placements

Extremely good game the movement is so tight. The map design is also fantastic. I don't usually like a lot of metroidvanias but this one holds up extremely well. It's pretty short and I didn't get lost very much. The maps were very memorable and the platforming challenges even more so I imagine this game will stick with me for a long time. If I had to complain, you're able to throw your weapon, but I nearly never did this because if you lose it you can only get it back at the nearest save point, it kind of seems unnecessary and discourages you from actually using this mechanic that they put in. There also really aren't any boss fights aside from one at the start and one at the end, this game definitely could have used those more intense action moments to break up the platforming (would have been nice to have a boss before each major key). The game is also a bit buggy with the camera just going nuts randomly especially when you're trying to do a tight platforming segment, but it was never too bad as this game is very forgiving with its health (I died like once at the start and then never again. the story was vague and weird and I didn't really get it, but I loved how every part of the map came together in this castle area. It really is a great game and 5 bucks for it is a steal.