Reviews from

in the past

Pretty good. I liked the cutscene direction, the animations, the music.
Unfortunately, it has some of the worst dungeon design I've seen. They are just long.

The action combat is almost great, but the balance makes it just good enough. You end up spamming so many potions because of the ridiculous damage you take. The game knows this and gives away money and puts shops in the dungeons to make sure you're always stocked. I really liked how seamless the transition is from combat to exploration. The enemies just appear and disappear, no battle transition.
Once you get a bit into the game, you can easily break any encounter using aoe spells or buff abilities.

The voice casting is surprisingly great. I loved hearing Steve Blum as Zegram. There are other big names here too like Yuri Lowenthal. Pretty good dub for a game of this time.

I don't regret playing through this game, but it could have been so much better.

This review contains spoilers

This is the worst game I have ever played to completion, I think it looks pretty nice, that's it, it has no other positive attributes. The combat it broken, I just used AOE spells which would lock the characters into an animation and kill the enemies before they could move, then I did that like five thousand more times. The characters are all terrible; why did this dinosaur-looking guy join the party? he was a villain a few minutes ago, he has no arc in the game, it doesn't have time for that, instead here's more terrible dungeons to grind. Also, what was the deal with that girl that narced on us? If she's a famous idol why is she working at a ticket desk? Was she friends with the robot-boy? Nothing is ever explained! The story barely makes sense, after a full game, the female character is presented with the opportunity become a princess (or something I can't really remember) but with the caveat that she can never see her friends again, and you know what? She just says "yep, sounds good, goodbye forever protagonist". Though this is kind of undone in the last seconds of the game it is a perfect, completely unsatisfying piece of shit as the characters sail off into a sequel that will never happen.

Remember crying over the ending in high school, probably should unpack that more

Un po' un parto, ma ho apprezzato davvero la storia che di per sé è banale quanto meno diciamo nel suo intero ma carina tutto sommato in alcuni frangenti (la questione di deego ma anche la vicenda di Steeve e lo scienziato). Il forte però rimane il gameplay, la grafica e a mio parere anche i design di alcuni mostri da cacciare. Forse il malus sta nella lunghezza, non mi sento di criticare i dungeon che nonostante nella struttura possano risultare similari in verità hanno comunque una estetica differente tra loro quindi non pesa come cosa

Junto a Dragon Quest VIII, el mejor JRPG de su generación. Adoro Rogue Galaxy y no me canso de rejugarlo con el pasar de los años. Banda sonora increíble, personajes carismáticos, una trama que te mantiene enganchado desde el principio y un sistema de combate de acción que funciona a las mil maravillas.

Do fundo do coração: eu realmente queria ter gostado mais desse jogo.

One Piece espacial + Monster Hunter + Pokémon

Dropped in 5 hours, watched a few cutscenes later on.
AMAZING atmosphere and worlds, I really love the charming environments they created. The characters are pretty cool. As for why I abandoned it, read other reviews for more detailed complaints, but personally it was solid but I wasn't motivated to improve my characters, and the encounter rate wasn't even that bad, but... I don't know, it was a bit flat. Playing through the jungle planet when I wanted to get to the big city already was annoying. Dunno. Kinda gives me plain vibes I guess? I expected a much cooler, bigger world from the beginning where I felt so much anticipation at finally being able to set out to space.

I keep putting off this game because it is just so amazing down to the last minute details. It's so charming and perfectly embodies the mysterious vastness of PS2 games. I haven't played an RPG that made me feel like a kid with no prior experiences in such a long time. I really want to enjoy every second of it.

Fuck that final boss I don't feel like doing all that bullshit, I literally was just maining Zegram and Lilika so the rest of the crew got no love from me after the 30-hour mark. the weapon leveling system is actually a fucking slog holy shit, if you play this you'll see why I only focused on like 3-4 characters managing all that bullshit is actually headache-inducing and just straight-up not fun. the game has its redeeming features like the world setting and characters but after that 30-40 hour mark shit becomes a slog that just wastes your time with an average story and repetitive gamely.

Treasure Planet but for weeaboos (me)

If you didn't play it as a child, you just won't understand.

uma ótima obra com uma ótima gameplay com um cast mediano mas muito, muito injustiçada.

Está lejos de ser un sobresaliente, sin embargo, es todavía un videojuego bueno. La historia es decente pero tiene una conclusión desastrosa, la banda sonora simplemente está bien, la jugabilidad se puede volver bastante repetitiva, pero aún así, disfruté de este videojuego y aunque es extramadamente largo, estaría dispuesta a terminarlo de nuevo. Un videojuego simplemente bueno que merece ser disfrutado.

Everything prepared for farming and harvesting items, I ain't doing this shit.

Last boss I faced forced me to play as a new party member I just got 1 hour before. Each swing dealt 48 damage and the boss had 10800 HP. If I died I had to do the boss previous to retry. This game is is a button masher with so much forced grinding. Don't waste your time

Joguei quando criança... Não lembro muito da história mas lembro que era amplo e bonito.

Un gran jrpg da giocare assolutamente. Sembra stupido all'inizio poi la storia riserva svariati twist.

This would've been so much better had it only been 7 chapters instead of 13, but the Level-5 Charm™ carries it even when it's dragging. Gameplay's a little rough but feels absolutely incredible coming off of the terrible combat in the Dark Cloud games. The grind for the platinum trophy almost sent me over the edge. Whoever decided the level 99 trophy was a good idea is not seeing heaven.

This game started off really strong, but the writing really took a nosedive by the end. Lots of generic plot points that didn't have the writing to back them up. Also the dungeons were really long and kinda monotonous. The final boss was also pretty awful, being able to one shot you from the max health the game will allow if you aren't really careful.
But ultimately, I still kinda enjoyed the game, since the gameplay was pretty fun. The battle system was actually kinda good, and there was a lot of side content in the game. The characters were okay too for the most part, with some decent development for some of them.

Very fun game even for its time. Genereic but touching story and characters. Final boss sucks though.

main story good side story is all over the place especially simons. weapons good. charecters good didnt like playing simon. enemy's easy. use desert wind or any other aoe abilities bosses alot of bosses in this can 2 shot you and some can do it as fast as you can blink so yeah thats fun but yes i would highly recommend this 1 other note if you plan on 100% it will take days due to 1 quest were you got to kill a certain number of each enemy in the game and there random fastest i 100% this was 84 hours

Ever wonder what you'd get if you combine Star Wars with Treasure Planet and Devil May Cry?

Apparently you get one of the best damn J-RPGs of the mid 2000s.

Diferente e bem legal de se jogar, eu ultimamente não tô com saco para rpgs de encontro aleatório. esse aqui foi uma exceção pela mecânica única de fundir armas.

o jogo além de uma mecânica única também possui uma temática diferente, puxando para um star trek de piratas(literalmente piratas) muitas coisas do jogo são legais, trilha sonora é o ponto alto, Fantastica!

eu teria dado 4.5 estrelas se não fosse pelo final...(sem spoilers adiante)
o jogo termina em aberto, cara, eu nunca vi um rpg terminar em aberto...(não do jeito do rogue galaxy) é tenso tu passar literalmente 40+ horas numa aventura muito boa para entregarem um final tão... Foda-se o jogador?

é isso, rogue galaxy é um ótimo jogo, porem se encerra de maneira tanto faz, que era algo que eu não esperava de um jogo que criou um universo tão rico...

This game is so fucking long. In a lot of aspects, it's 5 stars, but there's just so much of it; it becomes mediocre (to me). I want to go back and finish it, but I've got other shit to do.

Gotten to around chapter 8 and I'm gonna be putting it down for a while, but wanted to get my thoughts down. There is so much content in this game it's crazy, between the customizable weapons and alternate costumes for all of your party members. While some of the teammates come off as somewhat annoying, they are all distinct and have reason for being on the journey. The amount of exploration, space pirate aesthetic, and things to do in this game including insect chess tournaments, this is the fun expansive JRPG experience that Level 5 is best at, and would do even more broadly with the Ni No Kuni games. While a big complaint is the repetitiveness of the dungeons and the amount of power grinding the game asks you to do to complete the "hunter ranking", it didn't affect the simple fun I had with the game. I look forward to completing the story although I likely won't go completionist for this, but I may always return to it for brief periods of colorful fun and pretty much everything I could have wanted that Final Fantasy 12 didn't deliver on at the time.