Reviews from

in the past

the visuals are so pretty and i absolutely love how everything looks like a painting

i'm also very happy that this game is quite beginner friendly and i'm already having a lot of fun with it

A fighting game that requires timing and patience. Don't just mash, wait for your opening.

hey fuck you SNK give your fantastic games actually playable netcode you shitheads

Fun neutral heavy game with super powerful options. Story mode was slightly limited but added just enough personality/lore to the characters to make me care about them. Final Boss is annoyingly dumb on anything past Easy. Charlotte is fun.

Me chupa un huevo la netcode este es el mejor samsho

a game where the visuals are beyond incredible and has really great fighting mechanics

This is one of the best fighting games I have ever played. It not having rollback and being released right before the pandemic was a tragedy.

I've played a ton of fighting games in my time, it's my favorite genre--but even someone of my experience knows how to brute force through one when push comes to shove--an option I didn't have in Samurai Shodown, which is an experience I've been truly hungry for. SamSho asks you to understand the dynamic between two fighters in a fashion truly all fighters do, but only this one arguably requires to perform well. As someone with an admitted short fuse with gaming, it certainly didn't hurt that the presentation and characters in this game are just amazing--fully engaging and entertaining no matter how often I lost, and dying a lot made learning the ropes and winning all the more rewarding.

I'd say the game's only flaw is Shizuka, perhaps the worst boss battle SNK has made you encounter. I'm sure some masochistic designer was really patting themselves on the back for making a boss battle with so much emphasis on challenging defense, when the reality is that the battle's focus on drilling specific weak points really causes it to shift into a mindless button masher, the precise antithesis of what makes the game so great in the first place.

The gameplay in this is truly stellar for anyone learning about fighting games. There's no combos except for special cancels, and the spacing and footsies really asks you to time and choose every move carefully. On top of that, the cast is vibrant and fun, and for a fighting game in its simplest form, every character is interesting to play. I wish I had picked this up sooner.

navigate a japanese fighting game lobby challenge (impossible)

game is unplayable also

Un juego guapo
un delay malisimo
por el culo lol

Compared to other fighting games, Samurai Shodown is not as focused on combos, but rather on patience and punish game. With a PC port coming, it's a great time to get involved in the community.

love this game but i wish i could actually play online with other people

Ironically probably one of the better fighting games to learn as a beginner. Emphasizes big high risk high reward so you are forced to learn defensive skills

the Good Normals (tm) game; yashamaru is raw

Yeah, the netcode is absolute trash, but the gameplay is tantalizing and fuuuuuck, you seen how fucking hot the ladies are? I was gonna rate this 4/5, but shit, gotta put some respect on this game's name.

The game is fun
(wish I could say the same about the netplay)

Ah the classic fighting game dilemma of pretty fun game but bad netcode. Oh well.

I actually like the gameplay well enough. The lack of reliance on memorizing combos really appeals to me but unfortunately there's barely any characters I actually like. I like Wu's design the most but her zoner playstyle doesn't appeal to me at all. The single player content is very lacking and I don't have a lot of interest in playing random people online if I don't substantially enjoy the characters. The visual style is certainly an upgrade from KoF 14 at least.

Looks amazing when you compare it to most modern day fighting games.

I was surprised at how fun this game was and how good SNK handled the "modernization" of their fighting customs by using Unreal Engine for this game.

Graphics and animations are great and the combat mechanics are fun. Here's hoping that future SNK games follow the lead of this game.

Great entry into the series and a good starting point if you want to get into Samurai Shodown. Easy to learn and hard as fuck to master, combos arent long at all the heavy hits do insane amounts of damage, but learning proper spacing and how to capitalize off of your opponents mistakes and mitigate your own mistakes will prove to be a great challenge. shit netcode of course ruins the online experience, but its being switched to proper rollback in the near future so not deducting any points for that any longer.

Excelente jogo de luta e um retorno digno de um dos medalhões da SNK.

Provavelmente meu jogo de luta preferido. As mecânicas funcionam muito bem e desde o lançamento o jogo é muito bem balanceado. Diferente da maioria esmagadora de jogos de luta, você entende o jogo rápido e não há muitos testes de conhecimento. Em pouco tempo vc está jogando o básico de footsies, leitura do oponente e reações, sem precisar decorar combos e criar blockstrings gigantes.

Infelizmente não há outros jogos de luta que chegam perto da pureza deste. E infelizmente esse jogo sofreu de uma das estratégias de lançamento mais dementes e que acabaram com o online. O jogo foi lançado para consoles, só um ano depois para PC pela Epic, e mais um ano depois na Steam, dividindo a base de jogadores demais e ainda tendo um netcode bem ruim. Foi dificil encontrar com quem jogar no PC.

The graphics arent my cup of tea and there is so little content for single player. Story mode is lazy and doesn't deliver much

But in the end it's a fighting game, and it works just as it should

É o jogo mais bonito da SNK, DISPARADO. Se tem um jogo que é rico em conteúdo, personalidade, complexidade mecânica e tá tendo suporte da SNK até hoje, é ele e KOFXV. Uma pena que é perigoso eu dormir no meio de uma partida de Samsho de tão lerdo que é.

The best game in the series bar none. Feels like they cherry picked stuff from older games that worked and built upon it from there. The single player/story stuff isn't the best, which I feel is especially unfortunate cause SamSho has a really interesting world and cast. The game also launched with really janky online but SNK did eventually make an attempt to fix that even if it took 4 years. Easy to pick up, super fun and with a fantastic roster of characters. Also shoutouts to the three series newcomers for being such perfect fits that it's hard to believe they aren't longtime veteran characters.