Reviews from

in the past

Bem legalzinho, mas é melhor jogar com o Tails ou Knuckles ao invés do próprio Sonic

Boah ich fang halt echt an das Spiel zu mögen es ist krass

Nose me gusto y este pendejo es mi infancia

Played the mobile port on my Kindle Fire a while back, and defeated the final boss. After failing to recover all of the Chaos Emeralds, the "Try Again" screen was less than encouraging, and I did not have the motivation to restart, so I will not be returning to this game.

I have a lot of nostalgia for the classic games, and I still have a place in my heart for Sonic 1... but I'd be dishonest if I didn't say this game isn't as great as some may remember it. The pacing is all over the place with these levels, and I speak as someone who mildly enjoys Marble Zone... but absolutely can't stand Labyrinth Zone, and also not the biggest fan of certain level design choices in Starlight Zone and Scrap Brain, though I recognize this is an early 90's platformer.

It's a very important game that has its place in history, but Sonic 2 and 3&K - and dare I say even CD - are much more worth your time and funner in general. But go back to it if you really wish to see where this series started, as it still has its value of course.

Best way to play Sonic 1, só não dou nota mais alta porque ainda é Sonic 1, porem com 16:9 resolution 60fps, leve melhorias nos sprites, Knuckles e Tails jogaveis, time attack, save files e até mesmo tem a opção de por 7 esmeraldas do chaos.

Recomendo. Depois que joga essa versão voce nem quer saber mais da versão de mega drive.

This is definitely the first game in the series. While the version included in Sonic Origins Plus has many enhancements, like the spin dash, drop dash, 16:9 support, it still isn’t as good as Sonic 2 or 3K. The name of the game is speed, but many of the zones aren’t built around it. Hell, as soon as you’re out of Green Hill you’re in Marble Garden, my least favourite and slowest level. It’s still a good game and still holds up, but the others are so much better.

sega you did not just put a fucking “game over, watch ad to continue” in this game
anyways it’s a good remaster

This review contains spoilers

The beginning of the journey, huh? (Even though my first finished Sonic game was CD). Let's see what you've got in you, Sega.

Green Hill Zone. I'll just say it, it's a perfect zone. Amazing soundtrack, looks amazing, good enemies, it's just fitting for the first ever Sonic zone in history. The bright and cheerful atmosphere, as you zoom through the level bouncing on enemies, it's a good zone. The boss is also everything a Sonic boss should be. Unique, challenging, but not too hard to get the hang of.

Marble Zone. This is also a pretty well made zone but I will never see this zone in a good light. It is a very well designed zone, but it's just not the zone you'd place as the second zone in a game. A new player will not be able to get the hang of Sonic easily. I will forever stand by the statement that Marble Zone should have been pushed back to be a late-game zone, as we can all agree it was torturous for people like us who just began our Sonic journey. The boss was also a good, challenging, appreciatable boss just like Green Hill Zone.

Spring Yard Zone. This zone is a unique case. This zone looks like a dream I'd have as I fall asleep to a high fever. Fever dream, to summarize. It's just so... it's trying so hard to be an aesthetic and quirky zone but I just see it as "Batshit Dream Zone" because of the theme of the zone. "Spring Yard" is also not a fitting name for this zone. HOW IS A ZONE WITH A COTTON CANDY LOOKIN SKY A SPRING YARD?? Really just, its a weird zone, I don't have any good or bad thoughts towards it. It has good level-design, and the boss is just like the other 2 ; unique, challenging, but you'll eventually get it.

Labrinyth Zone. What the fuck? To clear it up, I had barely any problems with traversing through this zone. It was pretty goddamn easy for me, but what troubled me and what makes this a horrible zone is that it's a water level, and that how it looks is just not my type. Water levels are so anxiety inducing, slow paced and torturous, but the zone itself looks like something from an ancient mummy movie. I'm good. The boss fight was hell in the first few attempts, but it's actually quite easy to get the hang of. You just need to be patient, and you'll zoom right through.

Star Light Zone. I'm gonna say this outright ; P.E.A.K. The zone has a banger soundtrack, the zone itself looks so unique and fun, and the level design is just perfect. In the words of Homelander, "It was perfect. Perfect. Everything. Down to the last, minute, details." The unique enemies you can't kill, the gimmicks these enemies have, like the bombs, the mechanics, like those rising and falling cubes, all combined with the beautiful combination of a technological look for the zone, while there's a natural look at the same time. This zone's looks and its soundtrack make you feel nostalgia for something that never happened. Come on, you must appreciate it to some level. After the painful Labrinyth Zone, you relax to the starry night sky, zooming through as a fast hedgehog, while also being vigilant for the enemies, just an enjoyable experience as a whole. The boss was also peak like the rest of the zone. It sets a role model for all Sonic bossfights to follow. It should be somewhat challenging, but fun, and most importantly, unique, not some crushing robot chasing you, destroying everything in its past. The difficulty may have been toned down for the boss, but it will always be appreciatable for me.

Scrap Brain Zone. This zone had some good level design. It also looks really good, really good as in accurate to a 'Scrap Brain'. I love the implication of ACT 1 being the outskirts, and ACT 2 being the actual facility. It's something unique that Sonic 1 did not hesitate to experiment on, and it somewhat worked!....Until they brought back Labrinyth Zone for ACT 3, but I will not burn down Sega Headquarters, as they gave us a shortcut for trying to zoom through the level and finding an opening.

The Final Boss Zone. Okay, first of all, the soundtrack is just so fitting to the atmosphere. It sounds hopeless and hopeful at the same time, giving us the feeling that if we don't defeat Eggman once and for all ('once and for all' haha, I wish), then several beautiful landscapes will be doomed and animals will completely bent to his will. Nobody can stand between you and Eggman now. It's time to settle the score. The boss fight was quite literally a quick reaction time thing, which is, something unique in gaming boss fight history. It's testing if your reaction senses had some improvement from all the sudden obstacles through your journey. Good job, Sega.

As for the Chaos Emeralds, they....the minigames aren't too hard, but I don't think I have the motivation to do it all over again, just for some stones and the 'good ending'. What even changes, Eggman's coming back next game anyway. Review end.

Final rating : 3 stars.

Good remaster, doesn’t save this game for me unfortunately. Spindash is basically useless because this game wasn’t really built around it so speeding up usually just leads to running into obstacles or even to your death. This game is really slow and isn’t what I want from Sonic.

"Rough Beginnings For The Blue Blur"

For a long, long time I considered running through this series, and after much delay I've finally decided to bite my tongue and check these early games out. As someone who previously didn't enjoy Sonic games at all, I wanted to find out why fans of the series are so in love with these titles. Therefore, I wanted to run through as many as possible to see whether I belong more to the camp that really dislikes this series (which I believed I was a part of going in), or if I can somehow go through a metamorphosis and come out a mega Sonic fan! What is the result so far after checking out the first entry? Have I started to like this series?

The answer is no - well "not yet" at least.

I was really disappointed with the amount of enjoyment I ended up getting out of this first entry to the series. It started off very strong with Green Hill Zone, a classic platformer level that sets the mood just right for a Sonic game. The music was awesome, the visuals really good looking, and the game flow speedy yet consistent. It had solid platforming sections, some nice secrets to find, and the enemies were fairly balanced for the whole ride. It could really be called a near-perfect level - the only downside being that it was a bit too easy to complete. However, this set up a certain level of expectation that I had for the rest of the game, and therefore set up my inevitable frustration with where the design went.

The following level Marble Zone instantly showcases some big issues in this title. Instead of smooth ramps, cool jumps, and manipulation of the game’s interesting speed mechanic, you instead waste most of this section completing boring puzzles while waiting for platforms to move around you. Instead of directing the flow of the game, you’re grinded to a halt and therefore hit a huge bump in the experience. Thankfully, Spring Yard Zone isn’t too shabby as the next area, but it also fails to reach the heights of Green Hill Zone (something which will be a theme for this title’s “better” zones). The new mechanic of multiple launch springs is neat, but the area is much too large and starts seeing some unfair jumps and traps being thrown in the player’s face. Blind jumps aside, there are some questionable hitboxes for some enemies here, and the unfair difficulty of this game starts to bare its teeth.

The following three zones are what killed the experience for me. Labyrinth Zone was an absolutely dreadful affair involving even slower block puzzles, water mechanics, and cheaply placed enemies. Star Light Zone was the least problematic but still contained sudden traps and dumb enemy placements that would halt progression and cause unnecessary deaths. Scrap Brain Zone was terrible as well, with likely the worst stage in the game as its third level. All three of these levels showcased the worst aspects about this debut title - cheap enemy placements, horrible pacing, annoying water mechanics, lack of speed sections, and impossible-to-dodge traps for a first-time player. To top it all off, the minigame to gather Chaos Emeralds is very stupid - its essentially like pachinko except instead of gathering the most points possible, you manuever Sonic throughout a rotating block maze towards the Chaos Emerald of interest. It's an incredibly frustrating design and one of the worst minigames I have played in any platformer, yet the “true” ending is locked behind completing this nonsense (ridiculous as you only have ten attempts to win six times despite its difficulty).

It really bugged me that the gameplay felt hamstrung by the poor level design choices, cheap enemies, and inconsistency with focus on speed in this title. It felt like a game that was focused more on speedrunners and high skill players than those looking for a more casual and fun experience. The presentation is astounding, but needed more simplicity beneath the surface in order to let this platformer shine through. I would Not Recommend playing this one unless you can put up with a lot of cheap deaths and slow paced levels (despite the advertising of speed all throughout the experience). It’s a rough start for the Blue Blur, and I hope the sequel manages to polish some of the stains left from this entry.

Final Verdict: 3/10 (Poor)

I was get too bored whenever I try to play this game. I don't know why

Played the excellent PC decompilation by Rubberduckycooly. This was my first time going through the Headcannon port not on a phone and man, they really are some of the most impressive retro remasters out there. Sucks that there's always been so many strings attached to accessing them. Good shit. Game is good also. Play it :^)

Meu carinho pelo Sonic aumentou muito depois de jogar esse jogo

the addition of the spindash kinda saves this game

Zerei umas quatro vezes, sim o jogo é bom e bonito.

С теплом буду вспоминать стар лайт зону)

I don't miss the old way of game design where the levels were so bullshit that you would be stuck on them for three days so you wouldn't beat the game in an hour.

I have an S22 Ultra which is possibly the widest screen known to man, and while this game supports that and looks very nice, it messes with the fire projectiles in Labyrinth and makes it much harder to not get hit in some sections. Kinda lame.

I have really mixed feelings on this game. On the one hand, it was the begging of this franchise (which may also be considered as the sin) and I respect it for it, on the other... there's no big reason to play this game unless you really like Sonic, because the next classic games just did that better - Sonic 2, 3&K (Hydro City is probably one of the most awesome Sonic levels there, much better than Labyrinth Zone) even CD to a lesser extent. Especially if you played later games at first, like me, you're gonna feel a little underwhelmed.

What makes this version better than the others though is extented screen, remastered special stages. However the quick save is gone (I mean it's not Steam version we talking about anyway), and I really miss it because of how it helped me in other classic Sonic games.

So overall, I enjoyed this game most of times (I even started to appreciate Marble and Spring Yard zones little more), but I don't really feel need to come back to this one, unless for Green Hill and Final zone

Also, I strongly dislike how I didn't have the possibility to play Sonic + Tails or other characters from begging, why would you Sega do this to me :|

Definitely the best way to play the first Sonic game, with widescreen and the spin dash makes it a lot better, but it's still the first Sonic game so it's a pain to play past Green Hill Zone.

Good game that peaks at the first level.

The one that started it all!! Overall, it’s a very solid Sonic game if a little boring at times. It’s no where near as dated or bad as people say but it does have a heavy case of first game syndrome even with this 2013 remake.

Green Hill is still one of the greatest beginning levels in all of gaming but the way the game falls off after that is quite noticeably. It peaks again with Starlight Zone but everything inbetween (and after) is just good to ok.
Playing the original version definitely does show a lot more of it’s age in terms of design (thanks to the lack of a spindash) but even with the 2013 remake, the level design is still a bit unrefined and is nowhere near the peak of the series or the formula.

The overall aesthetic, controls, music, and gameplay is still very solid; it’s really just the unrefined gameplay that brings the game down. Being the first game in the series, it’s to be expected.


So glad to finally be able to play this game on a platform I actually enjoy playing games on. Fantastic remake that saves an already pretty enjoyable game. Fans have fixed the definitive fan remake.

Sonic 1 is a game I like but I have to admit it sucks.This port just makes it playable.

See Sonic Origins review.

Peeling back the enhancements here reveals this is still Sonic 1. This game is a lot more platforming-focused than subsequent titles which does make a lot of sense, but unfortunately that also means it loses some Sonic appeal for folks who are already fans of the series. Not bad by any means, but not always my cup of tea, either. Still, the spindash and widescreen alone make this a preferred way to play the game. Though, right now the best version is the multiplatform decompilation by RubberDuckyCooly, since Sega have replaced the Google Play Store version of this game with a free one with ads and bugs that didn't originally exist, Origins being potentially worse in terms of bugs (haven't played it yet).