Reviews from

in the past

A really fun game. Wish there were more maps though

I really enjoy games where you can just do shit that would realistically kill the fuck out of you but instead you just get right up and walk away. Steep does that a loooooot.

And its kinda fun for awhile! but then the problems of snowboarding games come to roost, such as that you cant really control a whole hell of a lot of what youre doing because youre attached to the board, and theres no way of controlling what fuckin tricks youre pulling, etc. But it is pretty, and it is peaceful at times, but theres minimal structure, minimal guidance, and minimal explanation of the game at large. Plus you cant fuckin pause it which sucks.

I dont even know if I finished it but I played it enough and was like ‘yeah I can clear up the 30 gigs on the harddrive here’

snowboarding is just a fun thing to do in a videogame, it's a mechanic that feels good. Steep makes the argument that it feels so good that you don't need to build too much more around it, just make some big mountains and put down some race gates to go through. if you want.
they were right, Steep is fun.
Microtransactioned all to pieces but you can basically ignore all that stuff.

Mechanically great and gameplay is super fun, but many bugs and classic Ubisoft tropes we hate.

Started playing the game 3 days ago. I have played 17 hours so far. I think that sums it up.

A competent but basic winter extreme sports game. Seems to be built entirely around the Dopamine-type game design, where all you have is unlocks and levelups, and no direction whatsoever. If you don't enjoy snowboarding, you might as well be playing slots.

HELL FUCKING YEAH DUDE LOOK AT ME BREAK MY NECK ON A MASSIVE ROCK!! great game, it gets kinda boring after a few hours though

Iradíssimo, Ubisoft mitou nesse aqui, e vejo pouca gente falando dele, provável que seja subestimado

I discovered new numbers when looking at the hours I sunk into this game

feels clunky as shit and i played infestation survivor stories

Directionless. Passionless. Flat.

Feels good to pull of some tricks, makes me wanna try it for real.

Loved it but paragliding sucks, the wingsuit challenges were unreasonably hard and the races often focused too much on dodging trees in impossibly thick woods. The online multiplayer is fun but gets old quickly. The races needed to be more like SSX to keep them entertaining.The highlights were the long time trials but there are only two of these in the game. Damn shame. I still loved this game but it has a lot of flaws.

surprisingly decent snowboarding game

I had very low expectations going into Steep seeing how it came and went with very little recognition by any gaming press. I remember enjoying the old SSX games (that should receive a more honest revival) but was uncertain how Steep played. Yes it’s open world and featured some other ways to get around the map, but in the end, I just wasn’t sure if I would like the feel of the game very much.

After several hours with it, I get the same vibe with Steep as I do with Trackmania Turbo. It’s a very easy game to hop in for a quick activity or two whether it snowboard tricks, rocket wingsuit races, or a “follow the expert” mission.

It could also be just me, but trying to perfect the jumps, landings, turns, and tricks were difficult to pull off. Too often I found myself landing sloppy and coming close to wiping out or passing the goal which basically results in you needing to start over since it’s nigh impossible to go back.

Some of the most fun I had did involve crashing though. The ragdoll is somewhat enjoyable, although stiff, and I found myself making a game about how far down the mountain I could tumble. In fact because of how quick you can get going in the game, some of the wipeouts are especially hilarious such as using the rocket propelled wingsuit to go headfirst into a rock. I found myself doing this frequently during challenges, and it was hard to be annoyed because of the joy I received from seeing it happen.

Steep is not SSX, and that’s okay. It goes for something different and does it well while keeping it fun with a variety of activities to partake in. The world itself is huge and allows for so many options on how to tackle both the missions or personal challenges involving the terrain while providing the option to group up with other members. It’s not a complete arcade experience, but it’s part of the way there which might be good enough for some. If there’s even the slightest interest in giving it a try, hop on in and give it a try for a little bit. It might surprise you.

I tried to get into it but there wasn't enough direction to hook me. I love snowboarding games usually but this one didn't do it. Might try again later.

I played this because I saw it on the game pass and I gotta say It's a very fun game for what it is but considering I've never really been into skiing I didn't get captivated all that much. But if you're a fan of skiing, snowboarding etc then I'd imagine that you'd love this

You always hope a game is going to fill that SSX shaped hole, unfortunately this one didn't but its still a decent time and worth a look if you're into that sort of thing.

Why is playing a game with snow so comfy feeling

If you want to play an open (ish) world snowboarding game, just play SSX 3.

i am constantly chasing the high of SSX (2012)

Played quite a bit of this and it's a lot of fun. Really just a relaxing game you can throw on and just listen to music while you play. The gameplay is solid and the different sports/vehicles are mostly all fun to use.

This does not satisfy the SSX itch.

a very arcade game, and at the same time, a very realistic game.