Reviews from

in the past

The limited scope makes this Total War game a well oiled machine. And my personal favorite in the series.

our men are running from the battlefield

shameful display

My favourite Total War game in terms of setting, land and naval combat, and responsiveness on potato PCs. Realm divide isn't my favourite but it's definitely a challenge. The now spun off expansion, Fall of the Samurai, is a great change of pace and does 1800s combat better than Napoleon Total War.

This was a great introduction to the genre! I really loved how this game is dead simple to start.

I love the setting of the game and wish there was somehow a sequel that was a bit more challenging.

Overall the game was great, it was however quite easy to beat the campaign. It was a good introduction, however, I wish it became a bit harder

I was expecting this game to be a lot better than it actually was. Still though, this game is a solid one and there's lots of fun to be had. I haven't touched Fall of the Samurai yet so this is just a review for the base game. Rise of the Samurai sucks, the base game is great. The UI was not only simple but it was arguably the best in the series at that point. The tech tree is fun to play around with and so are the units the game has to offer. The multiplayer was revolutionary for the series as it now allowed players to fight against each other in campaigns rather than just battles. Each clan felt unique and fun to play as, and the goofy animations from the first game were back in this one. The thing that makes this game a 4 star instead of a 5 star is the realm divide feature that makes every clan in the game declare war on you mid game, if you're not prepared for that sort of thing you've already lost.

Solid total war, played it on a potato of a pc. Might come back to it

Narrative: 3 - Gameplay: 4 - Visuals: 4 - Soundtrack: 4 - Time: 5
Stars: 4

I surely took my time with this one. Not only I've played a total of 71 hours according to Steam, but I've been playing this one on and off since 2013.

The thing is, I love strategy games. Board, card, or video games, real-time or turn-based, I don't care. As long we sit and plan our next moves, figure out the most efficient way to turn the tide to our side, or even stress about a bad early-on decision, I'm in.

When it comes to real-time strategy, it started with Warcraft III and Age of Empires III. Both of them hold a special place in my heart to this day. The thing is, those two are in the middle of what they can be. The systems around city management and resource gathering aren't that complicated and the military tactics that one can draw are very limited by the population cap. When I found out about Sid Meier's Civilization VI, that first itch was finally scratched. A game where the complexity of itself was the protagonist of it all.

And that's just the thing, I thought that Total War would be the one to give that spotlight to military engagement and tactical strategy on the battlefield (excuse me XCOM, I mean medievel-like battlefield). I guess that, over the years, I never gave a chance to it. Because, let's be honest, there are a ton of mechanics, keyboard shortcuts, and skills that we need to internalize before enjoying the gameplay. It took me 10 years of flirting, but when I put in the work, it just clicked.

Total War: Shogun 2 rose to my attention and obsession. When and how to attack, how to work with my units according to the situation, developing while thinking which weather would best suit my army; those became my priorities, that was the value of the game. I haven't played all of the battles myself of course (that's what building a brutal army is meant for). But, when the battle mattered most when every single decision could change the outcome... That gave me the thrills and made me think, what an incredible game.

I think that now this door is open I'll keep exploring the franchise. But enough of the historical background, Japan is sufficient. It's time for fantasy warfare, it's time for Warhammer.

The best Total War game ever made.

Might literally be the only decent Total War game.

in the top 3 of best ttw games

I'm sooo bad at strategy games, so much UI reading is killing me, I want to have fun not read MENUs

I suck so bad at these kinds of games but I enjoyed playing the easy mode version. Another core memory of mine is shouting "TIME AND HONOR ARE BOTH BEING WASTED" to my sleeping friend Patrick.

Para amantes de campanhas japonesas, este jogo lhe faz sentir como se fosse o proprio oda nobunaga. Possui o combate entre unidades de infantaria mais bonito da franquia

Arguably the greatest historical Total War, but definitely the most polished and a great entry into the franchise. Shogun 2 may be narrow in scope, focusing only on Japan, but thanks to it the campaigns feel focused, straight-forward and engaging.

I love the samurai theme, the integration of political and military decisions, the battles, the clans, the mods too.

fajny i mosny sabaf sitef, fajny okres, kampanj f total warah to gowno ale tutaj je najlepsze fydanj fiec, multiplej fajni nafet

Most balanced and feature complete Total War game ever made. CA at its finest alongside its stand-alone expansion

One of the greats of the total war franchise. Showing it's age.

I grabbed this game when it was free on steam some time ago and i recently gave it a try. I wanted to give RTS games a try for a long time because i never really liked them buuut i didn't manage to get into the genre. I might just bee too simpleminded for such games.

Lo estaba jugando con unos amigos y no volvimos a jugarlo, tal vez en algún momento lo intente otra vez

I watched a lot of history and military channel as a kid. A lot of what I learned about medieval warfare tactics from that worked pretty well, and was really fun to execute on

it could use some tuning that future total war games have but it scratches my brain just right

Full with Rise of samurai and Fall of samurai

Entretenido y extenso. Por desgracia mi ordenador no lo sabe correr de forma efectiva, pero pude disfrutar un par de campañas y me dejó comprobar que la fórmula Total War me gusta.
Si algún día hacen un Shogun 3, ojalá te dejen jugar con el mod de Portugal también.

fun until you start winning too much and the game decides you can't have fun anymore

The amount of fun I had with this while playing with my friend...

Man, time flies by. Great atmosphere and art design in general. Battles are super engaging, and the last-minute victory aspect is a straight shot of dopamine to the brain.

Play it with a friend!