Reviews from

in the past

Ain't no way. Ain't no fucking way.
The game is set. The rules have been laid out. The previous chapters have done their fair share of heavy lifting, and it's time for some pretty substantial payoff.
It's time to play.
And play on this chapter does.

OK. THIS FINAL PART WAS PERFECT. I still have some issues about the middle of the episode(which I didn't like much) but the beginning and this end makes it very good!

Now we are talking, this where things gets really fucking good, still one of the best eps of umineko

Esse daqui já é bom pra krl, é onde realmente começa a ficar interessante e fica mt bom

Very solidly paced chapter imo. This one was very fun and kind of hilarious. I feel like this one reveals enough for the mystery to still be far out of reach but getting closer is super satisfying. I guess I don't really like EVA-Beatrice very much. The ending was great though.

Fui engano pela maldita bruxa. Autor me fez de gato e sapato.

con tal de no ver a los heteros este episodio mejora

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rosa deserved it tbh

Contestando a mi review del cap 2: Tiene pinta de que no

stopped reading the VN, it drags on for too long and overstays it's welcome, will continue reading on the manga release.

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I feel like this is when things really start coming together. It also might be my favorite section of the story overall. The idea of Beatrice trying to earn Battler's forgiveness for all the terrible things she did really resonated with me.

Of course, it's revealed to be a lie at the end, but I definitely think there was still a lot of truth to it. I believe in a later episode, it's even explicitly stated that Beatrice was being honest in most of those moments as well.

So the end really is kind of a fakeout, and this episode really illustrates the romantic turn their relationship will eventually take.

Also, a lot of the Ushiromiya family finally get some much needed development. Eva especially. I also actually started to like Krauss, who was maybe my least favorite character up to that point.

jesus fucking christ dude what the hell

Eu daria 5 estrelas se não fosse a porra da Eva Beatrice

Muito por causa da trama da reta final, teve uma melhora significativa e consequentemente deixou umineko melhor.

no way this one episode took me a YEAR

Banquet of the golden wig

Hoy no ceno

Nunca. Nunca confiem numa branquela, loira e com olhos azuis.
Deixando brincadeiras a parte, o ep 3 prepara a base pro 4 e também é muito melhor do que todos que vieram atrás dele. Agora, segundo meus amigos, estou entrando no meLHoR ep de umineko, então vejamos se ele vai bater o 3 que até esse momento é meu favorito.

Best episode of Umineko, tied with 5.
Mystery is top notch, the new characters blow it out of the park, and even though solving the murder here is on the simpler side, it feels great to crack it.

se m ha caído la mandíbula al suelo

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Semi-espetacular. É muito bom o desenvolvimento da Beatrice, mesmo sendo descartado logo depois só que em partes. Aprofundamento de temas, e parece que daqui pra frente o desenvolvimento dos personagens só irá voar mais alto, promissor.

best episode so far by a wide margin


"Oh yeah, it's like 'sucker merry barrellers'. What do you get when you take out the e's and r's?"

Bravo Ryukishi for writing the greatest line in all of fiction.