Reviews from

in the past

One of the games that can be best described as it gets better after x hours. Your aversion may influence your time with it.

Se nem Void Stranger me fez curtir sokoban, nada vai

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Great game with a stellar soundtrack. Slowly uncovering more and more secrets and the unexpected ways that the game open up made me keep playing. The puzzles were good too. The difficulty scaling was just right and I liked the decently challenging endgame puzzles. My favorite parts were Mon's domain, the DIS part and NG+ itemeless. Most of the puzzles felt fair and doable but there were a few bullshit ones. For example, the room where the solution was to just pause four times. On the other hand, some of the secrets in this game were a little obscure but I did figure out most of them on my own. For the stuff I wasn't able to figure out on my own I had a blast discovering new things or just discussing the game with other players.
After basically doing everything the game has to offer I still crave more. I can only hope we get some updates or DLC at some point...

Oh yeah, fuck the shmup stuff.

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man i should probably play zeroranger huh

An excellent puzzle game from start to finish. Highly recommended for secret hunters too.

This game isn't "secretly good" its just plainly brilliant. The Whole Package. Just sit with it- have a good and meaningful experience!

Wow wow wow one of the most subversive games I've ever played. Made a video on how cool it is

Puzzles. "Sim é um jogo de puzzles/10"

Void Stranger expects a lot, but it is very rewarding in how it creatively expands in possibility within and beyond its many tiles. The soundtrack holds up to multiple playthroughs, and really brings out the energy and mood of its stages. The plot is sparse, but the characters(Major and Minor) are compelling. The emotional beats hit. Some fantastic set pieces. Killer vibes.

Supremely Satisfied Seeking Several Secrets, 5 stars

5 stars

This game fucks but its not for me which sucks because i found everything apart from the gameplay absolutely brilliant.

ich bin zu dumm dafür leider aber geht dumm

There is a genre of person that this game is specifically targeted for which I don't fit into. Really enjoyed the storytelling, but it felt like I had to constantly consult a walkthrough to get the story. I'm a big fan of esoteric puzzles with unclear but rewarding solutions. However the game design feels especially opaque here.

I thought maybe the flavor would get me through the puzzles, but it didn't.

An incredible Sokoban-style puzzle game that is much, much more than meets the eye. Requires a decent amount of patience and tolerance for friction between the lack of undos, the lives system, and quite a bit of repeating previously solved puzzles, but the payoffs are well worth the effort; this is a game that managed to constantly find new ways to surprise and delight me.

an unbelievable experience of a video game, and one that will probably affect how i play puzzle games (if not all games) from here on. there's parts of downtime when you're going through rooms trying to find all the secrets, but i honestly don't think the game would be nearly as good if it didn't make you redo sections - it makes it feel like you're really trapped in this void and you're trying to find a way out

This one is reeeeeally f***ing hard to get into. I'm intrigued but incredibly frustrated as well. I love learning hidden mechanics but the repeated puzzles really drag the brilliance down. 8hrs played

Onesto, non penso di aver il diritto di dire proprio nulla a 'sto giro, si rischia di dire troppo e allo stesso tempo c'è fin troppo da dire

Buona la quasi totalità dei puzzle

A giudicare dai commenti e dalle recensioni temevo potesse essere l'ennesimo gioco con contenuti meta-narrativi, o peggio in cui tutto gira attorno alla presa di coscienza dei personaggi à la DokiDoki. Questa cosa può spesso andare bene ma a una certa rompono il cazzo. Per fortuna non è esattamente così; si fa un uso sapiente di varie idee di game design e di scrittura (sia nella dimensione dei personaggi che della storia) senza farne abuso. Giusto il gameloop nelle fasi iniziali (diciamo nelle prime tre-quattro ore di gioco) può sembrare insistentemente tedioso, specialmente se non si presta attenzione. Per evitarlo, consiglio di armarsi di un qualcosa su cui prendere appunti o almeno di fare degli screenshot, è necessario ricordarsi quasi tutto

Per alcuni dei puzzle, specialmente tra gli ultimi 10 piani, ho dovuto ricorrere a delle guide perché mi han fatto marameo in maniera molto potente

Notevole la quantità di idee prese da più giochi celebri e riadattate allo scopo del titolo. Alcune decisamente plateali. Al contrario, ho notato poco citazionismo e omaggi ad altri videogiochi o ai fumetti, e quando questo avviene grazie a Dio viene fatto in modo non fastidioso. Uno in particolare mi ha lasciato piacevolmente sorpreso

Consiglio di giocare/rigiocarsi ZeroRanger prima di iniziarlo

I'm too stupid to enjoy it I'm afraid

This was a real fun puzzle game, I like the Gameboy aesthetic so much along with honestly simple mechanic. I wish I could reach more of a clear benchmark for getting the story beats since I played for those hooks moreso than the puzzle. There also might be like 300 levels so maybe this is a shelf one

As much as I suck at sokoban games, Void Stranger is a genuine masterpiece, I'm not gonna describe the plot because due to how the game is structured basically any kind of information would be a massive spoiler, but good lord the game's lore and plot is god-tier.
The gameplay, while requiring multiple runs of (mostly) the same levels is so rife with secrets and skips that it takes away any repetitiveness it could have.
Unironical 10/10 game.

Void Stranger es un juego de puzles que lleva la idea del sokoban (juegos sobre empujar cajas) al siguiente nivel. No solo porque ofrece un montonal de niveles que son buenísimos véase por donde se les vea; sino porque, además, logra que esa filosofía de puzle permee a la progresión y a la historia en sí.
La historia es simple en superficie, pero críptica en su resolución. Aguarda a que demos con la clave correcta para poder avanzar y así darle un desenlace digno a los personajes. Una clave que requerirá que observemos el entorno, lo exploremos, nos familiaricemos con él y, solo así, tracemos en nuestro cerebro la ruta que nos guiará al siguiente cachito de historia que deseamos ver.
Es un misterio que nos envuelve y que nos exige mantener siempre la mente activa, no porque algo inesperado fuese a suceder, sino porque nuestro cerebro debe sí o sí dividirse en dos: una parte se concentrará en resolver puzles, y la otra irá rumiando los trozos de trama vistos hasta el momento.
Durante las primeras horas de juego, Void Stranger nos lleva de la mano para que podamos comprender su naturaleza. No obstante, llegado cierto punto nos suelta y nos lanza directamente a la incertidumbre. Aquí es donde comienza el juego barra puzle de verdad... y aquí es donde me perdió.
Que no se me malinterprete, he sabido reconocer la brillantez de VS, pero eso no es algo que esté peleado con una idea que me quedó clara cuando me pidieron que caminara por mi cuenta: este no es un juego para mí. Requiere una paciencia y una paz mental que desgraciadamente no tengo
No fue algo que me impidió ver el final verdadero, eso tengo que decirlo. En las últimas 15 horas de juego decidí utilizar una guía porque, ante todo, quería seguir avanzando, quería seguir descubriendo, quería seguir adelante...
El motivante para dejarte envolver por el aro de misterio de Void Stranger, no es otro que el estilo que tiene System Erasure por hacer las cosas. Música, arte, mecánicas, historia... es imposible no sentir fascinación por cada giro (no necesariamente narrativo) que el equipo tiene preparado para nuestra experiencia. En un momento estás en un juego de ritmo, en el otro estás manipulando la interfaz y, cuando menos te lo esperas, estás llorando por una canción (con letra) sobre la culpa y el arrepentimiento (¡En un juego sobre mover cajas!). Como digo, nunca sabes qué te espera en la siguiente hora de juego. No, miento, sí que tienes asegurado algo, pero me resulta difícil de describir...

Creo que en Void Stranger he vuelto a ver reflejada esa magia que me enamoró de ZeroRanger. Vine con todas las expectativas del mundo (normal, considerando que ZR es uno de mis juegos favoritos), y esas expectativas se fueron derrumbando con cada nueva hora que pasaba en VS. Sin embargo, me alegro de que de los escombros haya salido un juego distinto con una identidad más que definida. Un juego que quizá no me haya atrapado como me gustaría, pero no por ello me ha dejado de encantar. No por ello he dejado de ver la magia de Void Stranger.

got to hard mode, will pick it up a lot later too big brain for me rn

Absolutely incredible puzzle design and story. Even though I love puzzles games, it's rare to find one that compels me as hard as this did.

Never have I been so pulled into a puzzle game.

Hard as hell puzzles, wonderful story, and questions that continued to draw me back in until the very end.

Probably one of the best games I've ever played, for reasons that you will only understand once you play it for yourself.

One of the most insane experiences I've had playing a video game. The sheer amount of meltdowns and wtf moments while trying to figure out the story and puzzles was great. I almost never play puzzle games but this one consumed for 2 weeks.

There are still a lot of things I want to do but a break is necessary, you can burn out pretty fast playing this game.

Definitely recommend and absolutely go as blind as possible, the rewards are worth it.