Reviews from

in the past

The game's difficulty comes mainly from: A) old style jump controls (ie. you can't change trajectory once in the air, except with the double jump), B) somewhat newbie-hostile level design that results in plenty of trial-and-error gameplay, C) unforgiving health system where you lose gear when you take damage, and D) long distances between checkpoints.

And yet... this isn't as rage-inducing as I would've expected.

It kind of reminds me of Celeste, in the way that you first need to figure out a sequence of actions, and then execute it with little room for improvization or mistakes. Also in the way that you will die a lot. The difference is that Celeste has waaay more checkpoints, an interesting story, and actually enjoyable fluid movement.

While I've never beaten this and have uninstalled it several times, it has never made me go "I'm never playing this again".

The entire difficulty of this game is based on the clunky controls. Not great

I don't know why I torture myself buying these games I see streamed online and think "hey, I'll have just as much fun with Volgarr as these guys are!" Pure foolishness.

Yeah I'm not good enough for this crap.

A very hard and challenging 2D platformer. Great music and amazing 2D pixel art. The levels are well-designed and very reminiscent of super ghouls n' ghosts. Very addicting and just a great time overall.

No joke, The lowest game I have ever played on my personal games tier list. Trash.

Simple gameplay kept engaging throughout with satisfying difficulty & level design. I'm a big fan of the very deliberate design choice where most actions are commitments that need to be thought out beforehand & Volgarr does this extremely well. Plenty of cool little details to discover & the soundtrack kicks ass.

This game is fucking hard. But fair. Enemy placement is set in stone throughout each run, your jump movement is stiff but manageable, and there's actually power-ups galore if you're adept enough to find them. Same philosophy holds true for the bosses, tough as hell at first glance but completely manageable once you learn their patterns. Just pure old-school goodness right here, so freaking rewarding when you win.

There's "hard" and then there's "I feel like my controller isn't working."

There's "hard" and then there's "requiring such pixel-perfect precision that you're just going to be stuck."

I like hard games, but this didn't feel hard to me, it felt shitty.

got this game for free, pretty cool and fun but only when you play well. otherwise kind of embarassing for me.

Jogo dos inferno, difícil pa caralho, talvez eu volte um dia pra zerar ele...

Every once in a while I go back to this and sometimes I get just a bit farther, most times I just end up wasting 1-2 hours playing the same bullshit levels over and over. Fun aesthetic, but the difficulty is off-putting, even as someone who enjoys difficult games.

El único aliciente de este juego es que es difícil.

An absolutely outstanding action-platformer. The branching paths based on how well you're performing give it more longevity than average too. A must play if you're a fan of the genre.

It looks really damn good and it's fun for a bit, but not enough to motivate me to keep going honestly.

A personal fave because it kickstarted the Good Game Design series. Certainly not for everyone but I loved the brutal difficulty because it made it that much sweeter when I finally beat it!

This game is really REALLY good, the platforming is tight, the jumping and combat animations are perfect, the graphics are good (for 2013), the enemies are hard as fuck but also fair; I die constantly but it feels like I suck and I can do better. It incentivises you to speedrun levels and to git gud, as you die over and over but discover new ways to interact with the environment to go faster, skip sections, kill your enemies before they have a chance to react, and it feels very rewarding when you manage to complete a level.

I don't understand why Volgarr has such a low score here, it's a really good game.