Reviews from

in the past

Ron Perlman is fantastic in this. It's got a great skin on the isometric rogue-lite fundamentals, but i think it suffers from a BIG lack of progression.

I understand that I'm pretty bad at roguelites, the only one i have EVER finished a run in is Binding of Isaac, oh fuck also Dead Cells, but i end up putting a lot of hours into them, Enter the Gungeon, wizard of legend, Nuclear Throne, they all make me feel like im getting better, or at the bare minimum, unlocking new things, but i managed to get to the second floor of this game maybe 5/6 times and no matter what, whatever gun i was using would be 6+ hitting basic enemies, with sometimes multiple in one room.

A bit of a struggle, i hope it gets balanced cause it's dripping with charisma

the style is really cool and Ron Perlman adds some flair but the game gets old REALLY fast. repetition is one thing, it's a roguelike after all, but it just isn't very good at being a roguelike. the rate at which you unlock new things to play with is pitifully slow, it makes the game feel more like grindy work than an actually fun game that I want to experiment with.

when it has its moments, they definitely stick the landing and it's tons of fun, but you have to go through a lot of BS to get there. I'd recommend it, just play in short bursts. also the shotguns fucking suck don't use shotguns.

I keep trying over and over but I can't get into roguelikes. It looks cool though.

I'm willing to bet the cover system was designed to harm me rather than help me

Loved the aesthetic and voice work, but the gameplay didn't gel with me at all.

It’s decent for a rogue like game. Each area feels wildly different to the next and some peachy narrative with bounties. Only issue I have is the lack of creative weapons.

Rating: 7.2/10 - Good

Pretty basic roguelike with a rough start.

This game tries to do the Dead Cells thing of having you get points that allow you to choose the next weapon you're going to unlock, but it worked with DC because they had plenty of gear from the start.

The gameplay is good, unresponsive but good, everything feels slow but that works in your advantage since it gives you plenty of time to react and think of what you want to do next. This makes the game incredibly easy but at the same time, also provides a breather from the slew of roguelikes that market themselves as "hard as souls-likes". So if you want something a bit easier that won't punish you much, this game is here.

The story is ok, Ron Pelrman is in it and he does a decent job with the work he is given, but the story and the dialog are too cut and dry for him to properly shine. The plot is a simple revenge narrative that is mostly there as set dressing. they do stablish the protag as someone who lived in hardship, but they never do anything with it, so it lacks impact.

not bad of game,love the artstyle,but the roguelike aspect is not that great

Aesthetic, fair, but also a little cheap.

Fajny pomysł, Ron Perlman mógłby mi czytać kołysanki do snu ale poruszanie się postacią jest strasznie toporne i system strzelania mało satysfakcjonujący. Nie oceniam, bo pograłem może z 2 godziny.

Dublagem, trilha sonora e gameplay extremamente satisfatórios, Ron Pearlman deu aula nesse aqui

Vengo de jugar Enter The gungeon y me encuentro con esta shit

Um bom RogueLike, porém no capítulo 04 existe um acontecimento "aleatório" para concluir o game. E isso o torno um pouco frustrante.

An interesting take on the genre by making it somewhat more slow paced and strategy dependant, each move is more risky and more rewarding at the same time. The art style and narration are pretty good as well. Shame it's a pretty bad roguelike, the progression in the runs is the same as in Dead Cells which is just boring, you pick up one of three stat upgrades and carry with you 2 weapons at the same time. You also collect currency to spend on unlocking new stuff which is also pretty boring. Overall a good game and worth a try if you are a fan of the genre just like me but don't expect nothing great.

If you could ignore lack of enemy and weapon variations, you could love it. Because the feeling when you kill someone from you cover with western style gun with perfect timing... That feeling is something special...

Didn't really like it. It just wasn't fun for me.

Roguelike ambientado en el salvaje oeste con una jugabilidad que recuerda ligeramente a Hotline Miami con tiroteos rápidos y frenéticos a doble stick, aunque cae en la repetición demasiado rápido. A destacar el estilo artístico y la voz de Ron Perlman.

A solid Roguelike (lite..? idk tbh) a fun, exhilarating experience that I definitely enjoyed my time with. Only complaint is that it didn't save my achievements after I beat the game... I also found the content quick easy once mastered, and variable experience with actual in-game coin shopping, mostly not being helpful to my runs. Fun game, solid recommend.

Incredible art direction, great music, found gameplay loop but tedious grinding and lackluster story. Doesnt help that on PS4 there’s some very nasty bugs that either break the game or almost shattered my eardrums. Disappointing because this game really has the potential to be an all timer but just needs more time in the oven

i like what it's doing. i like how it looks and sounds. but i also dislike how every single rogue-"lite" that comes out these days is shackled to the boring and unimaginative metaprogression system standard set by games like dead cells. after only a couple hours in i have given up because despite really liking the gameplay and artstyle, i cannot be bothered to keep at it because this kind of attrition based progression system is always a total slog

I really want to like and play this game but it's just not doing it for me. Though the combat is pretty fun. The game is fine but just that.

El juego se ve durísimo pero tiene muy poco carisma y la mecánica de la oscuridad me pareció una puta mierda. No me gusta este juego y no creo que lo vuelva a tocar.

This is the first roguelike i actually enjoyed playing. It looks really good and i love the slow and methodical combat.

Jogo muito bugado, infelizmente.

Quite enjoyed this actually, art style is great

The combat is fun because it's slow and methodical, but that doesn't quite add up with the roguelite gameplay, which feels kind of forced onto this game because every indie just has to be a "slow-burn atmospheric roguelite with over 100 hours of gameplay that's all a metaphor for depression and anxiety in hell"

Top down shooters are not my strong suit and coupled with being a rogue type I just wasn't having it. Probably a decent game though, the art style was on-point for the setting.

Um Roguelike com uma arte linda, com esse tom de preto e vermelho em destaque tanto para os inimigos quanto para o cenário. West of Dead conta sua narrativa de forma fragmentada, abordando os fatos após salvar almas durante fases e derrotar foras da lei. Com uma trilha sonora belíssima e com a narração do astro Ron Perlman para o personagem principal do game (sim, aquele mesmo de Hellboy). Seu combate simples, porém muito bem trabalhado , a curva de aprendizagem neste combate de inicio, é bem íngreme, mas depois que você pega o jeito o jogo flui demais.
West of Dead só não recebeu uma nota maior por ter muitas bugs que atrapalharam algumas jogadas, como inimigo ficar invisível e não sofrer dano, save automático das fases parar de funcionar de uma hora para outra, áudio do game desaparecer e depois voltar todo estourado e vários outros.
Um bom Roguelike com uma boa variedade de armas e habilidades e com um ótimo desafio.