Reviews from

in the past

A game with what I feel is like, a 2010s version of one of those screenplays every single film student in the 90s wrote after seeing Pulp Fiction, between the laughable attempts at tough-guy dialogue in the opening segment and the equally laughable attempts at profundity throughout. Its depictions of poverty, crime, and drug use all feel blaringly inauthentic ("a baggie of heroin" is an all-timer in the annals of bad video game dialogue). I have absolutely no clue why Devolver liked this enough to publish it.

A game that tries way too hard to stress moral ambiguity in the actions of its characters and ends up being a borderline-pessimistic story where nobody is allowed to do a kind thing without having some sort of ulterior motive, rendering every character unlikable and the story nihilistically hollow while pretending to be some great exploration of ethics.

Interesting character and lover selection, that allows for gay relationships. You play as one of the supporting characters and offer a drink to the character that you want to play as, then you play as the selected character when you find the person you want to be in a relationship with. Gives you a lot of different choices, and does a good job keeping a lot of them in a moral grey area.

Terrible choice menu that appears quickly while dialogue is still on the screen, likely you will accidentally choose things. Annoying mini games. Ridiculous coincidences and absurd situations. Characters wax philosophic to people they just met. Has to show that everyone is "sometimes" a monster by giving people random racist or offensive lines, could have been a good character trait if it wasn't constant for every character, this also makes people already portrayed as terrible people more comically evil. Characters show up and interact with you and many leave without any real point or resolution. You are supposed to be writing a journal entry at the end of each day, at one point when someone finds and reads it they question you about your choices, some even if you did not write in the journal on those days. In the last town you can make about $2,000 a day by boxing which makes things really strange when you have $15,000 and your character is still saying he doesn't have any money and is amazed by a $10,000 first draft book deal. I also got punched out at a wedding, no, I just KOed four other boxers IN A ROW as part of the story, you don't get to take me out in one punch. I thought it was just one of the times a character was being an ass just because they all have to have an obvious negative quality when he complains about strippers and their life choices then immediately goes on to say that we shouldn't judge the meth dealer because we don't know what lead him to that life but later I stole about $150 from a stripper and that wasn't something that was brought up as bad things I've done, so now I'm wondering if the devs have some problem with strippers.

I'd recommend it to people who want to play something different but I think it's too tedious for me to do that.


This game feels like a parody of the excesses of narrative-focused indie games, and I don't recommend it to anyone. Probably the worst Steam game I've played that isn't an outright joke

Bellissimo il concept e bellissimo l'intreccio di azioni eseguibili che garantisce un senso di apparente libertà. Purtroppo, è effettivamente troppo ambizioso

[Main Story]
Congratulations to the creators for creating something incredible. I can not believe this was done with RpgMaker software.
As soon as I saw the announcement of the game in steam I fell in love soon, I'm crazy about this kind of genre.

It is undoubtedly a simulator of real life, each choice has consequences, good or bad. If you like love story this is definitely worth playing.

I can not wait for the "Sometimes Always Monsters"

I don't remember too much about this game but i remember it being decent.

Decent game about hitting rock-bottom. There are a few things that suck like "grinding" though, which keep it from being much, MUCH better.

this is the worst video game i have ever played

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Final "moral" choice can be easily resolved through money. Hope the devs didn't cut themselves on that edge.

A game that covers the life of your character while they struggle with daily ups and downs. The story is very down to earth, with plenty of choices which affect the ending of your story.

This game sucks. I saw they announced a sequel and went to see what they've been up to for the past several years and they made a "Karen outrage simulator," just to give you an idea of what level these guys are operating on.

Back to this game: It sucks, the narrative is badly conceived and poorly written.

Always Sometimes Monsters is definitely not a game that has disappointing moral choices, as it most certainly lives up to every expectation I leveled at it, and performs more than admirably in it's execution. And what a treat it is that the moral choices in Always Sometimes Monsters are so complex, because this gem which can be seen as inaccessible at times and obtuse at others, tells a story that is a standout title in video games as a whole, one that confronts the player with mature subject manner that is almost never discussed in games, the exact stuff that anyone who loves video games has been begging to see for years.

Always Sometimes Monsters is complex, potentially one of the most layered and intricate games I've ever played. It was even explained in an interview with the devs I was privy to that the average player will see less than 50% of the game. Rarely is a game so ambitious to try to explore such a complex story in a complex way that is actually meaningful, and you would be a fool to not see how uniquely Always Sometimes Monsters accomplishes this goal.

thinks it's real deep but it's shallower than a puddle of piss

very ambitious but flawed game I appreciate what they were going for

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(Review from my Steam account)

While I liked this game overall, I feel reluctant to recommend it. I really enjoyed the themes of the game: it truly captures how difficult adult life can be. As someone who first picked up the game in high school and play it again in his twenties, the themes feel so much more emotional to me now and I'm grateful I decided to give the game another chance after several years.

The gameplay itself I found very enjoyable, even for someone who doesn't typically play choose-your-adventure romance games. I felt so invested in all the different arcs and characters (especially Markansas!) in the game, and I was so shocked to see how influential some of my actions truly were throughout the game.

Unfortunately, however, I felt very disappointed by the finale. For a game centered on so many life decisions, I really expected to see a much more climactic epilogue. Instead, the outcome of the game is solely based on a series of answers you give at the epilogue and how much money you've earned in the game (which you can grind for at the final chapter anyway). I also wish that the endings had much more nuance to them; instead, the endings all share similar plotlines, except they happen to different characters.

While I still feel invested in the storyline and the characters (in fact I'm excited to play through the sequel to see what happens), I'm not sure if I am willing to replay or recommend this game because of the finale. It's an overall fun game, but it sucks that the mechanics of the finale almost makes the rest of the game useless.

Ambitious idea, with ultimately very flawed writing

Probably one of the most unpleasant games I've plated start to finish.

It's like a bad version of a flash RPG that you'd play online for 5 minutes, one that is super up it's ass too. Every character, especially the main character, is super unlikable, and the game is just pure tedium even if you can get past how little you care. The ms paint city is big, and devoid of anything interesting. Slowly walk around all you like, you will not find anything worth seeing. On top of all that, the controls are uncomfortable and can't be remapped. It's a terrible, terrible game.

I had fun with it but most of the ending's kinda suck

I'm marking it as completed, but I want to get back into it. For some reason, my game glitched towards an epilogue scene and I uninstalled it; I want to start all over again since I also got a bad end.
I liked how you could choose from a set of pre-made characters and pair them up however you liked (and those choices affect your life), the story was nice and it was like I struggled alongside my mc. Very realistic!