Reviews from

in the past

My detractors would have you believe the toxic lie that I ripped off AVGN's whole personality. That is 100% a lie.
James has never been a meaningful content creator, like me. If anything, HE ripped off ME (ree) because I invented the 'let's play.' It just pisses me off because avgn is super rich, while I gotta beg for donations for the rest of my life.
Y'know, it's been tough... :'(

Completed on a New 3DS. An okay game; somr of it is decently fun, most of it is (intentionally) frustrating. I'm an AVGN fan, but even then, this game really didn't do much for me. Overall, there are just better platformers out there.

If you think this is difficult you suck at video games.

Not really a fan of the AVGN humour, but this is actually a pretty decent platformer on its own merits. Very solid controls and physics that make the tightest of platforming challenges feel safe. All the levels are nice and varied with their own obstacles and challenges. You've got your standards like ice level, some less standard but still common like fantasy world or candy land, then there's Beat It and Eat It which...could only exist in this game.

Playing on normal was a pretty good balance of difficult but fair; rarely did I feel like the game was throwing unavoidable BS at me. Even the last level which feels like it is unfair at first can be breezed through when you know the layout. But of course if you want to experience the game with the frustrating limits of games of old that the AVGN himself tends to play, there's options for that.

My main gripe when playing on normal is that the lives carry over between levels, when in reality starting a level with 10 lives is pointless if you're as bad as me because you want all 30 of them to make it to the end. Considering normal mode had infinite continues I see no reason to not just reset the lives between levels but it's a minor thing.

This game is hard as fuckballs but its fun tho

It's childish humor thrown into an "unfair" old-school style platformer. Honestly it's gameplay is closer to Mega Man than anything else - Jump and Shoot, and plenty of insta-kills.

It's really good and fun for that kind of game - if you're into that sort of thing, definitely worth playing.

this game was really hard. especially the last boss. it hurt my thumb soooo bad. whatever. diarrhea bufallo dogshit

I get it, it's supposed to be bullshit like the games he reviews, but you could've spent that time and effort trying to make something worth playing and engaging instead. Difficulty is obviously not a problem but you have to do it right in order to make me want to learn and keep playing and this game does not do that at all and hopes that throwing references in your face will be enough to please you.

Wunderbares Retrospiel, das sowohl durch die vielen Anspielungen auf die Serie, als auch auf klassische Spiele punkten kann. Überzeugendes Platforming mit vielen kreativen Feinden und tollem Humor. Bockschwer und ne echte Herausforderung.

really frustrating and repetitive, but i guess that's the point?

Pretty standard but good platformer. The level themes are funny and on point to AVGN.

Mostly competent except when it wants to be and otherwise pretty dull and frustrating. Like I had seen a decent amount of gameplay for this over the years and went in the assumption that it'd be like a okay 7 and man it was not

If you thought you were playing some kind of crap, you didn’t. The game was created for fun and memes from the reviews of the current reviewer of old crap on old consoles. For fans only. And yes - THIS GAME REALLY SUCKS.

Если Вам показалось что Вы играете в какое то дерьмо, Вам не показалось. Игра была создана ради фана и мемов из обзоров ныне существующего обзорщика старого дерьма на старых консолях. Для фанатов только. И да - ЭТА ИГРА РЕАЛЬНО СОСЁТ.

The Game Over screen being this caught me off guard.

I don't know what I was expecting, but I'm pleasantly surprised that I'd rather play this game than have a buffalo take a diarrhea dump in my ear.


If you like retro side scrollers, this game is for you. As the description says; is a Mega Man/Castlevania inspired game. Run, jump, shoot stuff. But with the AVGN on the lead.

If you've seen at least one of his videos, you will feel comfortable playing this game. Pure unfiltered goodness. The levels are all inspired in his videos too, among some other parodies.

A bit unfair at times. You will die a ton. It captures that spirit of the NES games very well.

I should note I played the updated version of the game released on Switch, so the extraordinarily steep difficulty of the original was something I thankfully didn't have to deal with.

While not a very unique platformer experience, AVGN Adventures is still a rather fun time all things considered. The difficulty of the re-release feels just right for what it is, and the controls feel absolutely solid. I understand if this isn't for you considering that it's rather simplistic in terms of design and if the primary selling point (that being the charm of The Nerd and references to the show) don't stick with you; this game can easily be argued to be an "acquired taste."

Nevertheless, this was a fun platformer experience and I'm looking forward to playing more with the second game.

What the fuck? That Youtube nerd a video game? I bet his head was so far up his ass he was inspired by all the shit that was inside and took a massive dump and this fucking bullshit came out. Well let's see how it is.

(I played the remastered version of this game where you have infinite lives and checkpoints and whatnot, on its Normal mode)

It's actually quite entertaining. Yeah it can be bullshit at times and the Haunted Mansion level existing alongside the Assholevania one is a little redundant, but it gets a lot of laughs out of me. Especially with how much shit they got away with in the Atari Adult game level holy fuck. Among all the references to unlicensed adult games in this stage, I don't think there will ever be another game that will have the balls to have Custer's Revenge as a boss fight ever again and that alone is worthy of respect.

3 Stars so the graph looks like the nerd flipping you off

It's a serviceable 2D platformer made pretty much exclusively for AVGN fans. Only a couple hours long. Can only be played on the remastered releases with the new fair difficulties. If I had to play through the entire game on a limited number of lives and have to do it all over again? I'd rather eat a heaping bowl of kookaburra feces garnished in chimpanzee ass sauce and wash it all down with a gallon of James' piping hot piss stream as Freak Zone Games gets nine inches deep in my freak zone.

A good game that knows what it wants to be. A lot of homor from the AVGN series that may not hit for everyone. Cheap deaths are menat to be intentional for comedic sake which could turn players off. The overall level of difficulty for the game is lower than what you would expect. Amazing for the fans, decent playthrough for anyone wanting a 2D sidescrolling platformer.

I had just sat and watched like more than half of the AVGN Seasons a week prior to playing this game and I'm really glad I did. I had seen the whole series for years, but now that I refreshed my view on it, it kinda made the game really fun as a huge callback to all the episodes, each episode having representation somewhere and just felt like a novel comeback to something long forgotten.

The platforming is pretty tight as well as the shooting is pretty good, it's no Contra, but it feels great. The difficulty REALLY ramps up if you play the stages in orders from left to right, kinda goes from a fun romp to my god why is this so precise? since this is a remaster, some things were adjusted such as bosses and collectables just to name a few, but mostly for the better.

The music is actually extremely good for most of the stages, it really reminded me of old NES jams but slightly modernized.

Something I may find myself repeating in the second game review, but the best part about the game is The Nerd's dialogue, it reminds me of how funny he once was without effort and was skirting the line of being over the top, while now he feels like a parody of himself...ironic since this game is a parody of the show, but the dialogue is prefect.

This is a very enjoyable retro homage, featuring the AVGN. It's not without its bullshit, but the bullshit feels intentional, as part of the game's theme. It's tough, but I wouldn't say it's unforgiving unless you play the highest difficulties. The best part is honestly just the music and the visuals. Some of the songs stick in my head to this day.

Exactly what I'd expect out of an AVGN game.

The music fucking slaps but the game itself is pretty meh.