Reviews from

in the past

If CTR didnt exist you would be the best cart racer

One of the all-time great racing games and a Crash classic.


É um ótimo game, mas não é melhor que o ctr.

Unironically one of my favorite kart racing games, idc I will defend this game with all my life

played this at my friend chris’ house and ate his shitty hash browns and they gave me heartache but they were tasty asf

Special shoutout to the final boss being so bad that I docked the game half a star for it alone. Even Twinsanity's barely playtested final boss didn't drag the game down that badly for me. Didn't think I'd spend 3 hours of my life trying relentlessly to beat the cheating final boss of a children's racing game, yet here we are. And a special fuck you to the bait and switch ending after going to all that effort... no credits either? Miss me with that. I've forgotten what else I was gonna say about the game which speaks to about how forgettable it is over the original. Other than that, it's an alright kart racer I suppose.

Great racing game, led me to hate myself and others.

It is a sequal to ctr I guess, story is alright, new characters and karts are great. HOWEVER. The driving feels a bit slower and clunky, ESPECIALLY the anti gravity sections is where you really notice it. Other then that, it's enjoyable still.

(game boy advance version)
this has no right to go as hard as it does

El modo historia está guay, pero sin más.

Velo is the biggest chad in gaming

why the fuck was the gba port the best version of this game

At least this was better than the Tag Team Racing game. Too bad it still isn't remotely as good as the original CTR

Pretty solid successor to Crash Team Racing, it plays good, settings are nice.
Unfortunately, it really doesn't feel as fast as the previous game and the antigravity sections feel like they slow you down at times.
Very glad that the game's content entirely got a shining second life in Nitro-Fueled, because this game can be hard to go back to compared to CTR and Nitro-Fueled.

A solid kart racer, definitely a step down from Crash Team Racing, but still a solid time. The PS2 was not known for good kart racers so this one stands out. The controls are stiff and takes time getting used too. Some of the level designs are not very creative and drab. The final boss is very drustrating and seems like complete RNG whether or not you will win. Still a solid game though.

Remember when I nearly beat the game in one sitting and forgot to save and had to replay it? Good times.

It's a worse CTR but it's still pretty good.

This is obviously a pale imitation of Crash Team Racing's magnificence, but that doesn't mean it's terrible. I think it's put together just well enough that I can enjoy it nevertheless.
Huge shoutouts to how its mechanics predate both Mario Kart 8 and Team Sonic Racing by over a decade.

original crash team racing disk broke

Peor que CTR, pero entretenido

I don't like realistic car racing games, so this type of racing game is much a better option for me. Used to play a lot with friends and family, good times!