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Dying Light is my favorite game of all time and I was so unbelievably hyped for this... Then it released and I was promptly disappointed. The rpg elements are not nearly fleshed out enough to be fun and the story is uninteresting and ultimately has no consequences. Aiden isn't good because he lacks literally every quality that made Crane good in the first game, I'm not saying Aiden should've been a copy of Crane but he also shouldn't have been the exact opposite. Crane was a badass hero who could take on damn near any odds and would do so to protect his friends in Harran, but Aiden gets punched in every cutscene and goes through the story not giving a shit about anyone at first and just trying to use them to find his sister, which means literally nothing in the end.

That out of the way, it did manage to improve on the first game in a few ways, really only combat and parkour, the most important categories. For combat, human enemies are much less frustrating to fight and actually have decent ai, but the zombies are biggest non challenge ever, there's barely any volatiles at night, howlers are useless replacements for an actual interesting infected in the screamer, and the other special infected types just do not show up enough to even be slightly memorable. The parkour though, is greatly improved in every way. In the first game you had a pretty low to the ground area to parkour on, and while it was fun there it had much potential to evolve, which it did. The newly added skyscrapers in the Central Loop allow for much more vertically and variety in your parkour, and the revamped grappling hook, which is far better as it isn't a fast travel option, and the paraglider add even more traversal methods besides running. The addition to allow actual wall running now is also greatly appreciated. Overall the parkour is much more fun and the combat is slightly better but pretty much everything else is horrible, truly disappointing.

no começo achei que estava mto repetitivo e sem sal depois melhorou mto tanto o enredo como a gameplay

The most broken game I've ever played two player. Couldn't watch the final cut scene because the game refused to load it. The story was so drawn out and uninteresting too. The only things I really liked was the parkour and the world. I liked it at first but the more I played it the worse it got.

Just not as good as the first game, parkour feels floaty, the story isn't as in depth as they promised, combat feels dumbed down and almost as if every weapon you use in inflatable. Night time is a joke and the only way this game can become better than the first is through a lot of updates.

Dying Light 2 Stay Human é a primeira grande decepção de 2022. O game prometeu uma campanha excelente, com escolhas e consequencias, evolução de mecanicas e muito mais. Entretanto, o resultado entregue foi um jogo quebrado, que regrediu nos principais elementos que o tornaram único. Além disso, a falta de desenvolvimento dos personagens, tornou a campanha cansativa e até mesmo tediante em vários momentos.

A introdução dos elementos de RPG e o mundo aberto gigante mas com conteúdo vazio tornaram a experiência pouco imersiva. Pois, o sentimento de estar realmente naqueles locais foi pouco presente durante a experiência. Logo, o game apresenta muitas escolhas e poucas que realmente importam. Isto faz com que o jogador termine o título se sentindo enganado.

Por fim, Dying Light 2 Stay Human é um game que tinha a promessa de elevar a qualidade do título antecessor a um novo patamar. Entretanto, o resultado foi justamente o contrário, tornando assim a jornada frustrante e decepcionante para os fãs do primeiro jogo.

A strong second outing from Techland for this zombie open world RPG. The game has amazing traversal and is a joy to play. Narrative is a little underdeveloped and felt rushed in the later half, but this is still a must play for those who love open worlds to get lost in.

crappy story, lousy gameplay, boring missions, big tall buildings, instead of playing this, i play dying light 15 times.

ilk oyuna göre sadece grafikler farklı diğer hiçbir şeyini sevemedim

çok güzeldi şimdi siktir git

I hated this, I forced myself through it. The first was so good, why did this have to be so bad? Thinking about this makes me angry :(

The game has a good narrative and the cinematographic values of the cutscenes were really good. The story at points does feel a bit stretched out and it could have been shorter. The side quests are, however, quite boring and most of the times it is just go here, kill this, get this and these characters are all just a bit lifeless. The world is also amazing with a more European style to all the architecture and some great vistas.
The gameplay is amazing with fun platforming and gory limb cutting. The only negative aspect here are some bugs and the sometimes unresponsiveness of the controls.
Overall, I enjoyed my time with this game but I do think the original is a bit better as it is a bit tighter with its storytelling and the amount of quests presented. Still I liked it enough to complete it.
(Ps. the Ultramarathon trophy is, however, a bs time slug)

This game is nice, it really is, it's a massive improvement on plenty of the gameplay elements from the first game. And alot of the features added in subsequent updates really highlight this game well. But the story isn't for everyone, I enjoyed it but I can definitely see why it wouldn't be enjoyed by someone else. I also on subsequent playthroughs outside of the very endgame don't understand why you would do anything other than side with the peacekeepers. Whenever I thought about it the survivors don't do much to earn your trust outside of a simple "I'm sorry" and playing the sympathy card against a militant force despite being ready to hang you in front of everyone moments earlier. I also find it hard to give a fuck about most of the characters in the DLC. They're not very well written.

After really enjoying the first game back when it came out I had high hopes for this sequel but it didn't quite reach my expectations. The core gameplay is really fun at times and full of promise but the level design especially in the second open world area didn't feel great to me and the story just spins further and further out of control the deeper you get into the game. It also just feels full to the brim with needless open world guff designed to slow your progress through the upgrade trees.

bad techland. a foul omen when you first boot the game up and they reference Who Do You Voodoo Bitch from legendarily awful game dead island. much ado in the marketing about the Factional Systems and how they would effect the Storytelling and Map in this game but it seems to have come at the cost of the actually solid straight gameplay systems that the first game cultivated. and then the story fucking sucks!! it's just as bad as the first one and there's so much more of it! there's more to do on a purely technical level but it's all dispersed randomly across the map and it feels useless. the only mildly interesting idea this game has is the darkness timer that still feels wasted by not being tied into any core gameplay loops. it's like if you had volatile stealth from dying light 1 but only in certain building interiors and nowhere else. and now there's gonna be a fucking layers of fear 3. what is happening in poland right now????

-First cutscene (2-3 minutes)
anniversary event ad
dlc ad
uhhhh okay techland

Eu curti a esse jogo. Acho que a história não é tão interessante como a do 1° jogo, mas gostei muito do protagonista do 2° jogo.

O jogo é bastante divertido (na maior parte das vezes). o parkour, o grande charme desse jogo, é excelente e bem divertido (pelo menos pra mim); o combate é muito bom também. O problema pra mim é que esse jogo ficou bastante difícil do meio pro final, e acabou ficando bem estressante, principalmente no combate contra os outros humanos e chefes.

Morri tantas vezes que acabei ficando muito irritado e isso me fez deixar o jogo de lado por mais de um mês. Na verdade, eu comprei o jogo em janeiro, e só agora em abril eu completei ele, então na verdade eu fiquei uns 2 meses sem jogar por conta da frustração que tive. Mas é aquilo, não sou um jogador muito bom, então não necessariamente você, caso jogue, tenha alta dificuldade e frustração como eu tive.

O mundo aberto é bem grande, com vários locais internos para explorar, muitas missões secundárias para fazer, eventos específicos que ocorrem em determinados locais e em determinados momentos do dia. É um jogo realmente bem longo, caso você decida jogar o máximo de missões secundárias possível. Porém, eu duvido muito que atualmente o jogo tenha 500 horas de duração, como a Techland, desenvolvedora do jogo, disse que teria.

Outra coisa muito bacana é que de fato a árvore de habilidades é bem grande e diversificada, e os upgrades possíveis para a própria cidade em que o jogo se passa são muito interessantes e bacanas.

Eu curti o jogo. Eu ainda gosto mais do Dying Light 1, principalmente por conta da história, mas ainda assim foi uma experiência divertida, ainda que chata e frustrante nas incessantes batalhas que se sucedem no final do jogo.

I enjoyed this I think it improved on stuff from the first game

This game makes me so sad, dude. Imagine having the best, most hyped game in existence turned to shit. This is what Dying Light 2 is. I'm sorry, but god is this game just... Wrong on so many levels. The first game came out of nowhere, with no expectations, and it blew everyone away. It was literally Dead Island, a game loved basically universally, with PARKOUR! And now, with more development time and a higher budget, Dying Light 2 is somehow worse than its predecessor. Maybe it's the charm the first game had, or the time period, or the nostalgia, but the first Dying Light can't be beaten. Especially not by... Whatever this is.

Random RPG elements: Why are some of the basic features in the game relegated to RPG Skill Tree bullshit? Why did this game turn into an RPG in the first place? It's okay to have a skill tree, but christ at least make it something interesting and not just "Generic RPG Element #241". One of my favorite genre of games is RPG but this just ain't how you do it. You can't have one foot in the Open-World, Action, Horror Game and one in the RPG, Skill Tree, Ability-Based Game.

10/10 Story: Somehow, the first game's anonymous and generic ass story was so much better than this one. Who cares about Mia, or all the weird plot points they tried to bring up. Aiden has about the same charisma as a broom and while the voice actor is good, every other voice actor (except maybe for Hakon) sucks. They sound so much like "videogame characters" and I hate that. I love campiness, hell Evil Dead is one of my favorite movie franchises, but jeez at least don't make them sound like they came straight out of Oblivion. Give me back Crane, for the love of god.

No firearms: WHAT?! WHY? I agree that gunplay was pretty pretty bad and boring in the first game (in all Dead Island-esque games to be honest) but it was an option that existed, and it makes no sense why they would remove it. And then it's justified in-game with the "no ammo being produced anymore" bullshit.

Floaty Parkour: It is so weird. The parkour in the first one was perfect, but this one just feels kinda... Meh. It's floaty, it's slower, and it's kinda clunky, especially when making long jumps. It feels like you're being magnetically attracted to what you're jumping towards.

Multiplayer sucks ass: Okay like literally, what sense does it make for a game that used to be SO FUN in multiplayer, to get relegated to this broken, non-working, mess of a system. No co-op story progression, no different characters, buggy sync between clients, goofy ahh animations 💀 and the worst offender... It just doesn't work. Especially at launch, it sucked to much ass. And people kept saying they would "fix it".

And that's the problem. Games nowadays can suck dick and everyone will say they're gonna be "fixed" and everything will be good and jolly. But that's not how it should work. If you release a game, you need to be 100% confident it'll be at the very least stable. Even AC:Unity, one of my favorite Assassin's Creed games, sucked so much when it was first released. Cyberpunk, GTA Definitive Collection, Battlefield 2042, Fallout 76. This is not how games should be released. Polish them. For christ's sake, you had SO MUCH TIME TO FIX IT AND YET YOU DIDN'T.

It is a huge letdown and I could smell it a mile away. It's such a downgrade compared to the iconic first game and I can't help but be sad at how many sequels are ruining their franchises nowadays. It truly is... Sad.

I could get into so much more but it's not worth it, not for a game like this. Shame on you, Techland. Shame on you.

im gunna try again in a few months but it all just felt incredibly mid

mid story , a lot of sound bugs and very limited choices

Combat with both the infected and humans was really fun, even if it was a lil' barebones. Parkour was very fun as well, even though I was annoyed with how stamina was handled at the start, I got used to it after a while and I think it added to the feeling of progression as I leveled up my stamina and could overcome higher and higher obstacles. Speaking of, progression felt pretty nice, you need to collect inhibitors around the world to increase stamina and health, and there are seperate skill trees for combat and parkour, with approximately 25 skills in each. I spent nearly 50 hours playing and finished (almost) all open world activities, along with some side quests. Just hanging around in the world and completing random stuff, even though the activities in the open world are pretty repetitive, was more fun than I expected it to be. Story is okay, choices don't effect much, which was my biggest disappointment with the game along with the fact there are waay too many parkour challenges. I did like 4-5 of them and did not bother with the rest. They are just basic "reach these checkpoints in a limited amount of time" activities and this many was not necessary in my opinion.Thankfully, they're all optional. Good game overall.

Loved the 1st one. This one the story and writing is just so bad, like I'm not here for some award winning story or quests in my zombie slaughter game but it's painful.

DL2 foi uma grande decepção para me em 2022 pois eu estava acompanhando seu desenvolvimento desde seu primeiro anúncio, e ele consegue ser 10x pior que o primeiro jogo que por outro lado é maravilhoso um dos melhores jogos de ação de zumbi já feito tudo que o primeiro game tinha de bom eles conseguiram piorar nesse game, começando pelo parkour que nesse game eles meteram um sistema de estamina que so fica aceitável lá pro final do game, o gancho que era super divertido no primeiro game se tornou uma corda chata que você quase não usa, os gráficos consegue ser pior que o primeiro game, a história é uma chatice as motivações do protagonista é um clichê do caralho, sem falar no sistema de missão que virou um FarCry da vida, você é literalmente um escravo de qualquer NPC que aparece na história, se você estava pensando em comprar esse jogo eu indico testar mas não espere um DL1 melhorado, Dead Island 2 ta a frente desse game

my favorite part of open world games is when you get instantly killed for walking outside of the mission area

Игра сочетает в себе кучу прикольных моментов которые контрастируют с кучей дерьмовых моментов. Вот вроде бы паркур стал намного лучше + боёвка стала круче, но блять наполнение открытого мира это пиздец, есть прикольные персы которые интереснее чем в первой части, но сюжет...

Dying Light begged for a follow-up and now, almost seven years later, Techland has finally made good on that idea after a worrying period of silence and multiple delays. The wait has given the time for Dying Light 2 to evolve into a more nimble and agile zombie, one that has stronger traversal and combat systems. But those upgrades have come at a cost as this undead corpse, in typical Techland fashion, is also covered with a fair bit of rotting, bug-infested flesh.

Read the full review here:


"Aiden está na hora da sessão de pegging"

"Sim Lawan"