Reviews from

in the past

É um kart racer competente, até. Nada que chegue ao nível de qualquer Mario Kart, mas tem uma seleção até grande de personagens da série, visual e som bacanas e tenta se diferenciar com a mecânica de pegar peças de carros do inimigo e deixar você customizar seu kart. Valeu a curiosidade.

adding a half star because napalm man is playable and hes the best robot master
removing a half star because napalm man got insulted despite being the best robot master

You're seriously better off riding a dog in real life

I remember when the petition was going around to get this localized. I'm so happy that it eventually finally did (in Mega Man X Collection, for PS2/GameCube/XBox)

An overall underwhelming, sauceless kart racer with some decent charm and interesting ideas, if nothing else. Kart models look charming (while character faces look a bit... Off, to put it nicely), but the track design and actual gameplay doesn't have much going on. The item system being based on hitting multiple obstacles in the course, as well as having items that interact with said obstacles is a neat enough idea in a vacuum but makes the item economy far too sparse, and the gimmick of being able to steal enemy racer parts for winning a race, to mix and match parts to build your ideal kart is super compelling on paper, but deserves to be in a better game where there's simply more going on with the rest of it.

The driving in this game is weird, it's not stiff but it feels like you are spinning the floor below your car instead of steering around a car. The way you get items is pretty original but the items themselves sure do suck ass though

I like this game quite a bit, but I don't think it's great. I think it's a great game for Mega Man fans (with an *, because a lot of the charm gets cut in the EU release sadly) and a decent kart racer that didn't really get what made Kart racers fun at the time.

We'll never get a sequel for this game, but it kinda deserves one.

who knew Spring Man was so popular

Certainly is a game of all time. I can't really give this game too much flak as its release date was too early to really take inspiration from the kart racers that would go on to define the genre later in this generation. It basically tries to be a mega man take on Super Mario Kart. The game has this customization mechanic where winning races lets you take parts from your opponent and allow you to tune your car to your liking, but no matter how I changed my car I could not understand for the life of me how the turning worked and pretty much slid into most walls. The item system is a bit strange as well, focusing rather on destroying a number of objects on the course to earn an item rather than the usual item box formula. There's also a really dumb difficulty spike on the last race with wily, where I just had to hope the game gave me the right items at the right times to win. Despite all the jank, there is a decent enough level of charm and production to it. The music is awesome and there's plenty of funny dialog in the racing interviews so it's aight in my book. It could be fun with a friend in mutiplayer as well, probably. If you like mega man and can handle a slightly dated kart racer then like sure go at it I guess

This game has one of the best soundtracks in the entire series. That's saying a lot.

As a racing game though, it's just aight. You got what you paid for with stuff like this, back in the day.

Yeah, sorry, I know Batlle & Chase has a few fans, but I’m not quite sure how. Some decent fanservice going on, I suppose, and I like the illustrated, animated driver portraits. I also love the concept of a Mega Man kart racer on its face. That’s about all this has going for it. Unfortinately, this is a kart racer where it feels like you’re controlling the track itself instead of a kart. All of the tracks feel like they came out of a first grader’s notebook, too. As far as I could tell, you also have to hit 10 obstacles in between each weapon pickup to free up your slot again? Who came up with this shit? A couple of points for some originality, but little more than a participation trophy. Battle & Chase is unattractive, hollow slop that shoots for Mario Kart 64 and ends up somewhere closer to South Park Rally.

It's not that good but this was the first game i ever played as a child, 10/10

This is not a great game by any means. But it has great music, decent controls and that Mega Man charm that makes everything just a little bit better.
