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I don't think the Ace Attorney fandom and the band Tigers Jaw fan base are intertwined at all but Ben Woodman from 2-4 looks like Ben Walsh from Tigers Jaw and I can never unsee it :o xD

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the big top case was incredible you just dont know anything about the circus

point docked for making me defend some pedophile bruh That mf should've rotted in that cell

weaker set of cases however i would let franziska whip me

A weaker sequel no doubt as I felt a lot of the cases up till the 4th weren't that great, theres still some good ideas like in case 2 with the culprit but nothing memorable outside of that. You can tell, as it took me well over a month to complete. I struggled through until I binged the final case in a day.

Though what stole the show for me was the final case and ending in which the final case made me appreciate the psycho-lock mechanic more throughout.

The final case is what I NEEDED from AA and it did so well in not only being insane but being the turning point in phoenix's character which I BEEN WAITING FOR AHHHH THEY PUT HIM IN A REAL TOUGH SITUATION THAT I WAS SO INVESTED IN!!!!! while showing some of the nice development of a certain character I really love at this point in the story. The soul is still there and I'm so glad they pulled it off there.

The ending scene as well is actually really sweet too, franziska last scene was great. Music ain't that good here though, bummer honestly considering how iconic and memorable the first games was.

It's a very solid follow up to the first game, but the third case in this game is even worse than the first game. It's a long slog, and the second worse case in the entire series. It's followed up by the final case, however, which is one of the best in the entire series. All around fantastic game.

Going from first game to this game was a bit of a disappointment. Even from the first case I felt something was not right, every case feels seperate from each other and nothing connects to nothing, feels like bunch of filler dlc cases than a sequel with no focus or reason for it's existence, I struggled to continue multiple times, I even forced myself to continue with convincing myself it's gonna eventually be good and it didn't... until the grand and the best and the most awesome case in the entire goddamn franchise that is.

(and the sole reason I am not giving this game a 2/5)

primeiro caso legalzinho, o segundo é muito bom, o terceiro é um lixo e o quarto é masterpiece. Não sei como um jogo consegue ter uma disparidade de qualidade tão grande dentro dele mesmo. Justice for all seria uma obra prima se não fosse por aquele caso lixo do circo, odeio tudo relacionado a aquilo, o palhaço escroto, a garota, o triângulo amoroso pedófilo, a música insuportável. Mas enfim, o caso após esse foi tão bom que eu terminei em 1 dia e não consegui sair da frente da tv, cheguei a me emocionar nos créditos

disliked case 1
liked case 2
hated case 3
Loved case 4

Overall not as strong as the first game but still a fun experience.

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Yikes what a rollercoaster of a game, it kinda sucks and is in some cases the best AA game up to date, it feels like one of the many games i’ve played that takes a step forward and then a step backwards, I normally didn't talk about development history but this game had a significantly smaller development time than the other games in the trilogy with only a few months to write the story and it shows, so i’m gonna do a review of each Turnabout since it’s the best way to get my thoughts across in a rational way.

Before the there’s some universal issues across the board, first of all the soundtrack is okay but sorta forgettable there are some stand out themes like Matt Engarde’s and Adrian Andrews theme but it’s sorta overall kinda bad comparing to the first game and even Trials and Tribulations, second I don't like Von Karma’s gimmick, she’s a cool character but her gimmick gets old very quickly and isn’t really funny after that and finally it may have been due to ROTA and Translation but the way Phoenix’s talks about Edgeworth is so melodramatic and poorly written, I don't mind him being out of the story but the way it’s done in the trilogy kinda sucks I’ll get more into that in T&T, well without further ado let’s review each turnabout.

The Lost Turnabout

A boring start imo, I don't like most of the new characters in this game as they try to make them way more comedic and it doesn't work, but more in that later, but first it’s sorta shooting yourself in the foot with a tutorial segment like this given how every single game in the franchise does have some interesting ways of doing it, mainly with PW, T&T, AJ and DD have you play as a rookie attorney with the help of a mentor figure (Haven't played SOJ yet so I don't know how it’s handled there). So I sorta understand why it’s like this, but amnesia? That’s not a good way to reintroduce the mechanics imo, a cool idea would be to play the case of when Edgeworth was a kid defending Phoenix in his school, which would also tie into the main themes of the game, sure they may had to make a ton of new assets which couldn't be feasible for the time this game had but maybe imagine them as adults (?) idk i’m just brainstorming. Anyway, the case's biggest issue is it’s too handholdy, even compared to the first case of the first game and I feel each new character introduced here wasn’t good, Richard is so annoying and I get that was the idea but make him endearing like Frank Sawhit and Maggey only has one joke and that she has bad luck, I don't like it and it gets older very quickly. Overall a terrible beginning for this game.

Reunion, and Turnabout

A huge step-up from the last case, we get introduced to one of the better characters of the game, Pearl, we also get introduced to Psyche Locks (Or Psycho-Locks as I and Edgeworth like to call them) and learning about Maya’s Heritage is really interesting, however, before long it plunges into mediocrity in terms of characters, Morgan Fey while having a cool motive doesn't really leave much of an impression on me all around, Von Kormas aforementioned whipping, Grey Turner is interesting as the victim we meet I guess but doesn't really have much in terms of personality, Miney despite having a cool twist again doesn't leave much to me due to not really talking to her that much. And Director Hotti is probably my least AA character lol. But putting those aside I still really enjoyed the case it’s fun and the twists while predictable is still very good.

Turnabout Big Top

Fuck this case, every new character is either boring or horrible with the exception of maybe Acro but even that is somewhat ruined by something I'll get into this Turnabout. Moe is unfunny and rude but we're supposed to sympathise with him, Regina Berry doesn't have a personality despite her sheltered nature and everyone wants to date her for some reason? Even know she's a minor lmao. Ben & Trilo aren't as endearing this game thinks they are, they’re just kinda there and aren't written as the great dynamic duo that they're written as and Max, Max is such a bad character, being selfish, withholding information that could help with the case, trying to justify it with a redneck persona is the cherry on top of this crapcake of a character. The main 2 issues that plagues this turnabout is the insane amount of padding, Max being a catalyst for this especially with his psyche locks, and the way the murder is carried out of awful, it’s just plain stupid. Overall, a terrible case

Farewell, My Turnabout

A Masterpiece of a turnabout and my favourite case in the series, the case has some pretty high stakes, we see a lot of old and new characters, The new characters are actually really good because they aren't here to tell jokes or be “quirky” but instead are well-written characters, Matt Engarde being a great highlight to me as a stellar twist villain, using psyche-locks in an amazing & thrilling way and Edgeworth returning with his more colder personality is great and I overall have no major complaints about this turnabout.


Overall, this game was a roll-coaster of emotions, lot of good, a lot of bad but it can only go up from here. Though I’ll definitely revisit this game for the 2 cases only.

Hard to talk about this game cause I stopped playing it like a year ago and I was partway through Farewell, My Turnabout last time I played JFA so my thoughts are kinda scrambled for the time being.

At some point I'll replay this and the first Ace Attorney game, but I'm planning on playing through Trials and Tribulations first at some point in the future.

Here's my current ranking of the cases in Justice For All
1. Farewell, My Turnabout
2. Reunion, and Turnabout
3. Turnabout Big Top
4. The Lost Turnabout

The 3rd chapter blows, the 4th is one of the best in the series, otherwise your bog standard Ace Attorney game.

Kind of amazing how a game that plays, looks, and is mostly written in the exact same way as its predecessor can be so much worse largely due to such a downgraded soundtrack.

couldve been on the same level maybe even better than aa1 if the entirety of the game was on the same quality as case 4

crazy to think i managed to start and finish bleach before i finished this game really shows how boring it is i hate franziska. im so glad to have finally finished it jesus christ

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Faz muito tempo que to devendo zerar esse jogo, então vou fazer uma review longa e bem escrita, diferente das que faço aqui KKKKKKKKKKKKK

Ace Attorney Justice for All é um dos jogos já feitos '-'
em 2018-2019 estava lá eu, amando ace attorney 1, uma das melhores experiencias que tive com jogos em toda minha vida, então quando chegou no 2, aconteceu 2 problemas.

1 - Meu PC queimou

E agora, em 2021, finalmente consegui finalizar o 2 jogo da franquia, e o que achei de cada caso?

O Caso 1 é muito legal, meio desnecessario, ser um puta tutorial disfarçado em um SEGUNDO JOGO.
Seria legal se fosse outro estilo de jogo, onde não é necessario jogar o primeiro, mas com AA meio obvio que é necessario KKKKK
mas pelo menos o caso foi muito legal, apesar de bem simplão.

O Caso 2 é bem melhor, da um tapa na cara no jogador e trás ele de volta a realidade, com a Maya (DE NOVO) como um ponto central dessa historia. Ele é bem fechadinho, muito bem escrito e é legal para todos que acompanharam as aventuras da maya e do phoenix no primeiro jogo, por que aqui meio que volta, parece até o segundo caso do primeiro jogo. O vilão também é muito legal, apesar de ser irritante demais de inicio, quando aparece a personalidade badass dele no fim, o cara fica muito foda

Já o Caso 3 é meio..... fodase? ele é legal mas é simples e desinteressante demais. E......... só isso mesmo. Pelo menos o VILÃO É FODA, tem uma puta frase dele no final, gostei bastante.

E por fim, o último e melhor caso do jogo, o Caso 4.
O Caso 4 é um dos mais interessantes de AA inteiro, não superou o do 4 do 1 pra mim mas mesmo assim é super interessante.


nesse caso você é forçado a defender um ASSASSINO, isso vai contra a tudo que foi ensinado na franquia, é muito foda e cheio de dilemas legais em relação aos personagens. E claro, o caso é muito bem feito também, e bem complexo, não é atoa que é o dobro do tamanho dos casos normais desse jogo.

Enfim, eu gostei bastante, não foi melhor que a experiencia do 1 mas o caso 4 valeu tudo, ele tá no top 3 melhores casos da franquia até agora. ENTÃO, A GENTE SE VER NO ACE ATTORNEY 3

2-1 is bad, 2-2 is really good, 2-3 is the worst case in the series by a really wide margin, 2-4 is the best case in the series. How did they manage to put the worst and best case in the series in the same game one after the other?

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Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney Justice for all is a pretty interesting title to talk about, the “black sheep” of the trilogy as it were, the game at large has a really interesting general consensus, where most folks would agree that while the majority of the game isn’t good, the final case is one of the series’ absolute finest, and makes the whole thing worth going through just to get to that point. I feel that that viewpoint does a lot of JFA a bit of a disservice, though admittedly I do have some somewhat spicy takes about this one. There’s some general gameplay improvements here like being able to present character profiles as evidence and having a more flexible health system, but the main new addition here is the Psyche Locks, which I’m a tad conflicted on, while they do make investigation segments more interesting, their actual in-universe presence is pretty contrived and annoyingly glanced upon, like Phoenix is basically given a magical lie detector, but not only does it not work in court for reasons literally never touched on, but Wright doesn’t just have the bright idea to go up to everyone and ask whether they’re the culprit or not, know I know that sounds silly, but the game literally establishes in case 4 that Phoenix is ALLOWED to use it that way, it just never happens for the sake of the story, which kinda bothers me a lot, but overall it’s whatever, I can suspend my suspension of disbelief.

As for some more hot takes, I actually really like the soundtrack here and prefer it to that of the first game’s even, the OST isn’t quite as catchy and doesn’t have as many “banger” tracks per-se, but it makes up for it with some truly gut-wrenching emotional and dramatic pieces, from Announce the Truth to core to the credits theme and to ALL the Reminiscence themes-GOD these Reminiscence fucking HIT. The first game had some good emotional pisces, but the stuff in JFA just genuinely gets to my heart, and I can’t get enough of it.

On to the cases though! The Lost Turnabout kinda faces a dilemma where it needs to explain the game’s mechanics in case the player hasn’t picked up the first game yet, but that wouldn’t make much sense in-universe seeing as Wright already knows how to lawyer, so the solution is was using a somewhat generic amnesia plot line giving the characters an excuse to go over everything again. Yeah it’s kinda annoying, but it doesn’t really bother me too much. I know some people who HATE this case, like consider it the literal worst in the series even, but honestly I don’t really get that, like yeah it’s really simple and the tutorial stuff is annoying, but the characters are mostly pretty fun, and there’s some fun contradictions, really I think it’s mostly just inoffensive, and being a tutorial case I don’t think there’s really much reason to get too up in arms about it.

Reunion and Turnabout is an interesting one, cause honestly I’m not even sure what the general consensus on it even is, like It’s considered the second best case in the game by most, but at the same time people still push the narrative that everything pre case 4 is pretty bad, and when it comes to this case, I honestly don’t really see it. It relies a lot on the supernatural aspects of the series which I don’t enjoy much, but it subverts your expectations and ends up being a really clever murder plan using no channeling whatsoever. It seems hopeless at first, but is really satisfying to nail down. It introduces us to series staple characters like Pearl Fey and Franziska Von Karma, both of which I personally find to be really enjoyable, and the culprit here is a definite highlight, Ini Miney isn’t the series’ first “tragic villain”, that title goes to Yanni Yogi, but I think she’s the first one I ended up actually feeling really bad for, she has a really unique tragic backstory, and it does a similar thing to turnabout Samurai where it’s not completely clear whether the victim Turner Grey actually drugged her or not, you get why she’d want to kill him, but like it’s still fucked up and tragic. Honestly I think my biggest issue here is that I don’t like Maya needing to be the defendant again, this on top of her being kidnapped in case 4 is really frustrating, she’s a fun character and has great synergy with wright, but she spends most of the game being a damsel in distress which is just really disappointing, making the only full case in the game where she gets to really shine is…

Turnabout Big Top, from the very early days of the Ace Attorney fandom, this case was the very commonly agreed upon “worst case in the series”, and through all the changes in opinion this freaking fandom has gone through over the years, this title has impressively remained pretty intact, people REALLY don’t like this one, and alright… I’d like to make clear that I do get why people hate this one. The subplot with a bunch of the characters wanting to marry a 16 year old is bad and creepy, some of the characters can be kinda annoying, and there are some pretty ridiculous leaps in logic. All of that is true, yes, but here’s my take on it, this is one of the most subversive cases in the original trilogy in a lot of ways, and I think the general circus setting makes the tragedy here really fascinating. Firstly the defendant Max Galactica is barely even likable, which is kind of a series first, the dude is a total self loving jerk, with the quote on quote “nice humble guy” here being, of all people, the culprit. The entire circus gang here is really interesting to see in this time of crisis, the headmaster loved by everyone has passed away, but most of the crew seems not all too bothered, and I feel the game uses this to display the way many try and cope with grief, from Moe trying to just laugh it off and hide his depression, to Regina dismissing the notion entirely. By the end the circus crew is forced to accept everything that’s happened, including that one of their own is responsible, and Phoenix’s take down of him is raw and unfiltered, a depressing reality check for everyone involved. It was an extremely bold choice to make the culprit literally disabled, and while Acro’s want to murder a kid, but here’s the thing, Acro is a disabled man literally doomed to the circus for the rest of his life, him existence being made into an endless comedy being stuck only knowing these annoying over the top clowns, I honestly think it’s reasonable that he’s somewhat go insane, regardless of how good he hides it. The tragedy here isn’t quite as compelling as the one from case 2, but dammit this shit is still really heartbreaking, at the end the circus crew is forced to face the brutal reality of everything that’s happened, but come to know that they have each other, and can move forward to a brighter tomorrow.

But finally, we’ve got the big one, Farewell, my Turnabout. In all honesty, I don’t really have much to say about this case that hasn’t already been repeated by many others over the years, but needless to say, yeah this shit’s amazing. I feel like most people coming into this series had a feeling that they were gonna play the “guilty defendant” card at SOME point, and DAMN did they play this card well. Matt Engarde is such a great villain, he’s a complete contrast to the culprits of cases 2 and 3, just being this insanely evil celebrity hiding his facade behind the mask of an oblivious airhead. The whole dynamic between him, Juan Corrida, and Adrian Andrews is so compelling and provides a fascinating critique of celebrity culture, with them being prived upon for pretty much their whole lives, leading to Matt and Juan slowly becoming hyper-obsessed rivals getting to the point of driving their former loved ones to suicide, all just for the ability to get back at one another, to be more beloved and more popular, it’s an exaggerated display of the most disgusting areas of celebrity culture that’s fascinating to see broken down here. One of my favorite details the game never really touches upon is that the woman driven to suicide by Matt and Juan’s rivalry, Celeste Inpax, was long assumed to have left a suicide note due to remains of ink on her corpses’ finger, but near the cases end it’s revealed that there never end was a suicide note, meaning that after Juan found her hanged body, he literally dipped her fingers in ink so that the public would assume that a note was left, all JUST so that he could get back at Engrade, absolutely depraved… Andrews then is the one left with bearing the consequences of the two’s maddening hate, and her character is arguably one of the most complex in the series, she’s heavily implied to be somewhat mentally ill with needing to always be heavily dependent on someone, along with being a survivor of a failed suicide, she’s not entierly “inocent” what with being the one to further frame the crime on Engarde, but still goddamn throughout this case her worst fears and anxieties are constantly being brought to the forefront, and it is truly saddening to see. Cases like these serve as an example for the main conceit of Justice for All, why the legal system NEEDS prosecutors. For most of the first games, prosecutors were portrayed pretty heavily as the “bad guys” with Edgeworth kinda being the face of them for Wright. And while Wright was the one to teach Edgeworth his wrongs back then, in JFA, after coming back from his self discovery and finding his reason to live, Edgeworth comes back, and manages to show wright the true meaning of the courts, it’s not just about needing to trust in a client, or get a client found guilty, it’s about both sides coming together to find the truth. Without a prosecutor, there would be nothing stopping Wright from just accusing Andrews and leaving it at that, but Edgeworth, despite giving Andrews some choice words and quite a hard time, was ultimately there to defend her, only when the shields and the swords are crossed, is when the light can be made bare to see. It is through Franziska Von Karma’s warped views that Edgeworth is able to confront his past, while Franziska is obsessed with victory and being perfect, Edgeworth has come to realize that you shouldn’t be perfect, that’s not what makes you a good prosecutor, a good human. It’s all about coming together, and using everyone’s opposed viewpoints and perspectives, that is the only way for the courts to prosper… And GOD there’s so much other great stuff I haven’t even gotten to yet, like how great Gumshoe is here as an ally to Wright, or how cool Shelly the killer is as a terrifying presence, with the final choice with him being so powerful, possibly leading to that absolutely GUT WRENCHING bad ending that never fails to hit me in the feels, but I feel like I’ve said most of what I needed to, Farewell, My Turnabout is just as good, if not even BETTER than most make it out to be, and even if the rest of JFA really WAS garbage, it STILL would’ve made going through the whole thing 100% worth it.

I know that I’ve kinda neglected to go over and dwell on a lot of JFA’s shortcomings, but honestly, I just really love this game at the end of the day, and I feel that despite everything, it makes for a fantastic followup that helped fully define with the series is, with deeper, more complex plots and characters that I still find myself thinking about to this day. Honestly, the fact that this game was somehow fully written by 1 person over the course of only FOUR MONTHS is insane, even if you hate JFA, you can’t deny that for the amount of time given, this script absolutely hit it out of the park, a true testament to the sheer power of love, dedication, and a WHOLE lot of alcohol.

Okay, damn. THAT took up a lot of my time, but I'm back on backloggd...

The writing, sound design and music are up to par with the first game, if not better in some examples. That being said, the game comes to a grinding hault on the third case with the most unlikable characters and infantile logic that made it very frustrating. The last case is great but drags on for way too long. The thing I liked the most would be the game's subtitle "Justice for All" and how it relates to the story's themes from start to end, very enjoyable stuff.

All in all, there's just a moderate amount of things that bring this game down for me. I gotta admit though, playing case 3 with drinking game rules was miserable yet enjoyable for me and my friends. If you want to partake:

1. Every time someone calls Regina cute take a drink.
2. Every unfunny Moe joke take a drink.

You will get absolutely trashed.

This isn't as good as the third or even the first game but it still bangs a considerate amount

justice for all is a strange game. the first two cases are nothing remarkable (i genuinely only remember the 2nd one because i like ini miney) and the third case is just awful. by all means 3/4ths of the game being bad is not a good sign but then... the last case is one of the best?? i dont get it. turnabout big top was genuinely so bad that i put the game down for 3 years before re-playing the original chapters and then a few months before i finally did the 4th case.

other than the cases being lukewarm until the end, i really like pearl and franziska (even if she shouldve gotten a lot more than she did in terms of development, she is nowhere near as good as edgeworth) and the returning characters are as good as they always are.

there isn't really much else to say about an ace attorney game. im giving this game 2.5 stars for ini miney and farewell, my turnabout and taking off 2.5 for turn about bigtop because fuck that case to hell, it is genuinely as bad as people say

If the first game is peak then this game is peak 2. Solved every mystery except for how did Mia's chest get bigger.

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Hot take: I like Justice for All a little better than the first game. Not by a ton; it has a lot of issues with the writing, which I'll get to in a bit, but I think the pacing is greatly improved and the magatama adds a lot to investigations.

The Lost Turnabout: A better first case than The First Turnabout, imo. Nick having amnesia is a pretty cool twist that also justifies re-tutorializing the mechanics. Maggie and The Drift King are really fun characters and Gumshoe is also there which is good.

Reunion and Turnabout: A very good second case. I like how it build's on the backgrounds of Maya, Kurain Village, and the Fey family. Pearl and Morgan are also great characters and it was fun getting to see Lotta again. The central mystery surrounding Ini Miney and how it plays out are also pretty neat. Franzy's my least favorite main prosecutor of the trilogy, but she's still got a lot going for her (even if it doesn't get fully resolved until Trials and Tribulations).

Turnabout Big Top: Hoo boy, this one's rough. You've probably heard before about how badly it handles the love triangle, and the defendant, and certain leaps in logic in the deduction, and certain parts of the trial, and all of those are true. With that said, I don't hate it, even if I think it's the weakest case in the trilogy. Moe the Clown is actually a pretty good character when he's not being so unfunny it gets a man convicted of murder, Acro's a really interesting killer, and I like the conversation between Franziska and Phoenix.

Farewell, My Turnabout: My second-favorite case in the trilogy. It has everything you could possibly ask for from an Ace Attorney case: High stakes, great characters, an intriguing mystery, Edgeworth catching the phone, and so much more. Edgeworth's return is absolutely glorious and really highlights how he's grown since the end of the first game, with him simultaneously being a rival and an ally. I love how the game tricks you into thinking it's just another Turnabout Samurai before immediately placing Maya's life on the line. And holy shit, Matt Engarde is a fantastic villain. Forcing Phoenix to defend a guilty man is probably the most interesting thing you could possibly do for his character, and it's fully explored here. All of this culminates in an insanely satisfying conclusion and an enticing set-up for the next game. This case deserves every bit of praise it gets.

i feel weird about rating this 5 stars. ill start with the bad. i really do not like turnabout big top. i don't think its irredeemably bad and i quite like acro and moe as characters, but the Pedophilic Love Triangle really just. dampens the whole thing for me and makes me not want to think about it.
the good absolutely outweighs this for me though. farewell, my turnabout is one of the best things i've ever had the pleasure of playing through. its genuinely peak fiction, no game has ever made me feel the sense of urgency it made me feel. the entire case feels like one long moral dilemma that culminated in my favorite climax of any case so far and made for one of the most satisfying endings i've ever experienced in a game. the 5 stars is basically for 2-4 alone. i do like the rest of the game, especially 2-2 which i think is also fantastic, but 2-4 is just on another level of storytelling.

favorite osts: this game somehow tops the first games ost in my opinion, again just dropping banger after banger. my personal favorites this time around are pressing pursuit variation and investigation core 2002.

This is a perfect example of a game that is more than the sum of its parts. I love halv of the cases in this game (2 and 4) and dislike the other half (1 and 3). Despite that the cases i do love made such an impression on me that i feel like it outweighs the mediocre parts. A perfect middle point in the series ending with one of the best cases in the series.

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This game has some of the lowest lows and the highest highs of the franchise. On one hand, there are the first and third cases, one which is forgettable, the other which is nonsensical, boring and at times, borderline creepy (uh, two grown adults fighting for a 16 year old girl?).

On the other hand, there's Case 4. My favorite case of the entire series.
There are few instances in which I cry while playing video games. For all the 6 main games and the 2 spin-offs, I only cried once with the Ace Attorney series - and it was with this game.
While Justice for All doesn't offer much in terms of a grand narrative, only really contributing with the introduction of (the utterly adorable) Pearl and her mother, Justice for All works with themes - that is, the theme of Justice.
"What is justice?", the game asks. Is it justice to lust after revenge? Is it justice to imprison someone who's sorry for what they've done? Is it justice to defend someone to the bitter end?

This game, in my opinion, is the one in which Phoenix has the most growth and character development. When Miles returns and tells Phoenix that he'll need to learn what it really means to be a lawyer, he's right. If in the first game it was Edgeworth who had to go through a personal journey, this time, it's Wright the one who's walking down this path.

So, even though the rest of the game is mediocre, I don't care. As I said, Case 4 is still my all-time favorite case. When Phoenix, Maya and Pearl finally reunite... fuck, that's powerful. And that's what I think of Justice for All.

at least one character in this game definitely has von karma in their phone as "mommy"

i love franziska . and yea turnabout big top was terrible but it was funny so its fine

franziska can fucking step on me and destroy me