Reviews from

in the past

Got pretty close to finishing this but I can't get passed the last stage. Playing on easy, I've managed to clear 85/90 lines but that's the best I can do. Tetris is hard. The blocks broke me.

What it’s like to play Tetris at a rave

Any Tetris game is like crack to me so ofc I loved this

I dislike how fast it moves on the last level on beginner setting. It really ruins an otherwise fantastic version of Tetris for those of us who just want to chill and enjoy the basic flow of the game. If I wanted a challenge I'd switch to one of the other settings.

I played SO much of this when I was in the hospital waiting for surgery and while I was recovering.

- Tetris ultra chill -
Cuando lo jugue por primera vez en gamepass me parecio uno de los mejores tetris hechos, tiene de todo, PvP, retos, graficos muy bellos junto con una musica y ambiente super tranquilos y hermosamente hechos.
Su forma de ser hasta ayudan a trascender xD

when you get so high you start getting scared

anyone else regularly rewatch the Tetris Effect announcement trailer and get just a little too emotional about it? no? just me?

Fuckin blocks almost makin me cry

Pues un tío ha cogido y ha dicho voy a hacer mejor el Tetris y lo ha conseguido con dos cojones toreros

No te lo pasas ni pal copón más difícil que mi puta madre soy malisimo.

This 5-star review is not earned entirely off the merits of this specific game. Rather, I consider Tetris Effect to be the definitively best version of modern Tetris, and Tetris itself is a perfect game.

Tetris Effect especially understands Tetris as a meditative experience. It enhances that meditation through gorgeous music that reacts to your placement of pieces, and ephemeral relaxing visuals.

Tetris changed my life, really. Tetris is a patient companion for when the mind is too chaotic. Tetris is beautiful.

What's that old saying? If it ain't broke, don't fix it. Very little about the fundamental gameplay of Tetris has altered since 1984, which is a testament to the simple genius of its concept. Tetris Effect simply builds upon what Soviet software engineer Alexey Pajitnov created almost forty years ago. Suitably named after the phenomenon in which players would find its puzzles impacting their thoughts and dreams, Effect bolsters the game with a phantasmagoria of hypnotic images, sounds and sensations. Oh, and it's really challenging. Like, I mean, really fucking challenging.

my favorite vr experience so far it makes me feel like a little rat wired in up a chair who keeps pressing the button for stimuli

how the fuck does tetris make me cry. how did they do it

I saw god and he played me bjork and told me to build

they did it they made Tetris 2

Tetris but Colourful.

beat my dad at this so hard he yelled at me.

This isn't just Tetris, this is Tetsuya Mizugishi's Tetris, and if you know, you know. Fans of his previous work have undoubtedly already played this and loved it; if you didn't love his previous work, this won't change your mind; but if you loved this game, and have never played another of Tetsuya Mizugishi's games, then, please, add them to your backlog.

There are two feelings when you play Tetris Effect. One is the laser focused mastery of the genuinely difficult, satisfying Tetris challenge. The other is going from vibing with the aestethic to absolutely ascending to it. It's when both of these feelings connect with one another that this truly becomes an "Experience".

i don't know how they agreed on the idea of tetris but with the aesthetic of a new age hippie, but i'm so fucking glad they did

tetris effect (2018) is what happens when tetris is given a six-month residency in Las Vegas

I really like Tetris. I think the Game Boy version is probably my favorite that I have played, and it's definitely the best version that I've played, but I have enjoyed some bad Tetris games in the past. For example, I spent more time than I probably should have with Tetris Ultimate on PS4. By all accounts, that is a bad version of Tetris, but the core modern Tetris gameplay is still there even if the presentation is unbelievably sterile. So, when you put what is by all accounts a better version of Tetris at me, I should really, really enjoy it, but it just doesn't really connect with me in the way that it seems to have for others.

I should preface that I have not played this game in VR, which, by all accounts, seems to be the superior way to experience this game. I think a lot of the visual gimmicks are really neat in the main campaign mode, but a lot of the levels go by so quickly that they don't really have a lot of impact for me. The soundtrack is something of this game that had been hyped up constantly before I played this game, and I was thoroughly underwhelmed by it in game. It should be noted that the game does some really cool things with its soundtrack as it connects to the actual gameplay, but a lot of the songs I did not enjoy at all, including the game's opening song, which just did not work for me at all.

It's difficult because what is here is very cool and I respect it a lot, and it's clearly a solid game, but I don't know how I ended up feeling underwhelmed by a Tetris game. Perhaps this was not helped by seeing multiple tweets prior to playing the game about how people were brought to tears by the experience. I don't mean to diminish the experience of those people because I 100% believe that the game had that sort of impact on them, but it just left me feeling like I didn't "get" Tetris Effect.

man tetris was so great they really did tetris 2

Tetris effect better then sex?

You're never going to get a better Tetris experience. Enough said.

perfect in every way. delivers on every front. this is what a video game should be.