Reviews from

in the past

A first person shooter in which you won’t get a gun for the first 50 hours and there is only one enemy: Canada.

By the time you do find a gun, you will feel quite foolish to be holding it. For one, you won’t know how to use it, and you’ll have only four or five bullets to learn; your aim will sway and shake from the cold as you look nervously down the sights. For two, what are you going to do, exactly? You can’t shoot a Canadian winter to death.

And by this point, perhaps you won’t want to kill Canada anyway. The snowscape is haunting and beautiful, and every time you stop to get your bearings, each frozen scene looks like a perfectly painted postcard… except for the wolves moving like shadows at the far treeline… except for the thudding of heavy snow from the pines that might instead be the thudding of a bear just over the next hillside… except that every moment spent admiring the scenery is bought with your calories, with heat, water, fatigue… and now there are terrifying gray clouds scudding in from the west…

Do you truly want to take that shot now? With those wolves nearby, with the blizzard coming on?

Or do you break for your cabin, and try to survive another long night, hungry in the dark?

The Long Dark might well be my favorite game of all time. It came along in the post-Minecraft boom of lonesome survive-em-ups, but after a decade of constant development it’s still unsurpassed in the genre. Every time I install, for instance, a survival mod for a game like Skyrim, I find myself thinking “I see you’ve stolen a bunch of stuff from The Long Dark, but I wish you’d stolen more.”

Here the basic mechanics are tuned as taut as violin strings, working in concert and in conflict with each other to always leave you feeling pressured, and make every small gain feel like a hard-fought epic win. The sound of the snowy woods is wonderfully authentic, the art style is painterly and original. Mass Effect’s Commander Shepard [i.e. Jennifer Hale or Mark Meer] plays the Canadian voice of your internal monologue, and it’s weirdly perfect. Much like the real Canada, it’s occasionally monotonous but sometimes breathtaking.

I played over two hundred hours on the early Steam builds before switching to the PS4 version, since it looks gorgeous on a big tv and it feels more fun to chase for trophies on a console. I think the game is best on the second-hardest difficulty (“Interloper”) though I dial it down to play on the slowest day-night cycle, because I like to have a bit of time to think and chew the scenery between life-and-death decisions. (That said, it’s worth noting that nearly all of the games trophies can be unlocked on any difficulty level. Faithful Cartographer, here I come.)

You may not enjoy it as much as I have, but I absolutely would recommend this to anyone. It’s been a five-star game since about 2014, and Hinterland’s ongoing updates just keep making it better.

My survival game of choice, I think. Cold, quiet isolation punctuated by sharp bursts of oh god oh shit my leg oh i'm so fucked

You’ve fallen through the ice at -20°C, turning a normal supply run into a fight for your life. Your clothes are soaked-through and beginning to freeze, you have no choice but to throw them off and scramble to safety, praying you have enough useful consciousness to make it there. Building a fire can be difficult at the best of times, and your shaking hands and soaked supplies aren’t making it any easier. It’s all going to come down to the resourcefulness you can show in these agonizing minutes that will make the difference between life and death.

Stories like that are exciting, right? That’s what this game should be about, those moments of survival where you’re perched on a knife’s edge and have to be smart to survive. But oddly enough, The Long Dark has such a weird balance with its survival gameplay that players are never really put in situations where these moments could occur.

The best way to break down the problem is to analyze the game’s five meters: heat, energy, hunger, thirst, and status. To keep your heat up, you can just stay inside, rest near a fire, or wear clothes to slow the drain when you’re outside. Your energy level drains proportionately to your physical activity and replenishes upon sleeping, and hunger and thirst work in a similar way. Status is essentially the catch-all score card, being diminished if you’re overworked, hungry, dehydrated, sick, or injured. That sounds sensible, but consider what this incentivises players to do: minimize physical activity and stay inside. This solves the heat, energy, injury, and sickness problems, and it also kinda solves the hydration problem. Water can be easily melted from snow, and since your environment is so snowy, you aren’t even required to go outside to collect it. If you’re in a house with a stove, you can boil enough water to last roughly two weeks in an hour, trivializing this requirement entirely. So, the only reason to ever leave your house is to gather food, in a process which still doesn’t prompt the sort of player-driven stories the game needs. Simply following a road and cleaning out settlements gives an abundance of food, and you can even survive about four days with no food before your status drains to zero. So, the optimal way to survive is to do nothing for three and a half days, eat a big meal, then do it again. When you’re out of food, move to the next settlement, pick up endlessly respawning sticks along the way for building fires, and do it again. In each settlement, there will be more than just food too, so the ammo, clothes, and other supplies you find make it easier and safer every time.

The immediate argument to be made against that is “of course you want to stay inside, this game is meant to be realistic”, but realism isn’t interesting on its own. What is The Long Dark’s realism in service of? It’s interesting for a few hours as you learn the ropes, but after that there’s nothing left to maintain the engagement. Players can make the game more punishing with the impressively comprehensive custom difficulty sliders, but if they don’t change the fundamental dominant strategy of sitting on your arse, then that’s all the game will ever boil down to. To test that point, I decided to pretend the goal of the game was to traverse the longest route from one end of the map to the other, and this was a journey I found incredibly enjoyable. I set personal rules like not allowing myself to overburden my pack or store items in safehouses, and it ended up being a tense and interesting experience that I genuinely enjoyed. It’s this sort of challenge that would let players build personal stories, not the blank sheet of paper that is its main survival mode or the bland fetch quests of its story episodes. I may have had a great time making my own fun out of it, but I can’t recommend a game where I had to invent my own objectives, set my own rules, tweak difficulty sliders manually, and hold myself to those limitations in the face of their artificiality. Crafting games just shouldn’t require you to craft the game itself.

One of the most enjoyable survival games I have played.

+ Finally, a survival game with NO supernatural elements and no zombies. Only the environment, weather and animals. Refreshing!
+ Really engaging gameplay of managing your health, temperature and scavenging for items.
+ The loneliness and the cold drive home the point that you're on your own.
+ Great, artistic "watercolor" artstyle, but one that is not overwhelming.

I'd definitely recommend this game for anyone who hates survival games in general.

One of the more slept on Indie survival games. Putting aside any issues with the devs, the world of The Long Dark and it's gameplay is one of the most uncompromising and harrowing survival games out there. Every inch forward feels earned, and walking into a shelter in the middle of a blizzard you just trekked through while carrying a mountain of loot and finally sitting down, lighting a fire, and being safe is an experience only this game can offer.

Um jogo de sobrevivência e exploração legal de se jogar. Se você curte esses gêneros, provavelmente vai curtir The Long Dark. Não curti esse jogo por ser muito monótono, dá vontade dormir depois de 30 minutos jogando.

can confirm this is exactly what canadian winters are like

I was pulled in by the art and the environmental storytelling of the world, but the gameplay didn't entice me enough to stick around. I don't feel like it's fair to hold its nature as a survival game against it in a review when that's simply my personal preference.

One of the best survival games out there. Sense of fighting for survival is so well done in here

Peak vulnerability fantasy. Multiple things I’d change but overall mood and core gameplay loop so cohesive and meditative.

I really enjoyed this game. It’s probably one of the few games that captured what Jack London first wrote about when it came to the horror and beauty of the cold. The game became so engrossing that I would spend hours doing mundane tasks like lighting a fire in a small rocky depression while hoping the howl in the wind wasn't another timber wolf.Going through inventory and panicking as I realise I don’t have enough food and only a few bits of ammunition left to go hunting. Should I risk hunting rabbits in the cold with a broken jacket or should I trek back over the hills to the valley where there are plenty of deer? But will I be attacked?

I can go on. I have a million stories that are unique to my experience. That total immersion is fantastic.

The kind of game you never really finish. You just walk away for a while and come back knowing you have a lot to learn all over again. It keeps feeling like a new game with more things to find every time I pick it up again. It'll be shelved from time to time, but I'll never abandon it.

It makes you feel the isolation of never finding another living person, the desperation of watching your wood supply burn away as the wind rages on, the euphoria of figuring something out and surviving something risky. It's a deceptively complex game with simple goals: don't starve, don't die of thirst, don't freeze. There's no hand holding, there isn't even a tutorial. Things are intuitive enough that it isn't really necessary. There's a thriving, welcoming community to help you out if you get stuck. Highly recommend if you need to burn through a few hours.

Nunca pensei que ia gostar tanto de um jogo de sobrevivência desse estilo, ainda mais por causa de 1 grande detalhe que me fez amar The Long Dark, o seu modo campanha.

Jogos de sobrevivência na maioria das vezes só possui um contexto pra te inserir naquele mundo, porém The Long Dark possui um modo campanha, denominado de Wintermute, onde você controla Mackenzie, um piloto de avião que após um pedido de sua ex esposa para viajarem para o interior do Canadá onde supostamente a esposa de Mackenzie havia algo pra fazer, uma aurora boreal estranha acaba simplesmente desligando o avião que cai no meio do Canadá, e você tem a missão de sobreviver e achar sua ex esposa.

Como eu havia dito, a sua campanha pra mim é algo que faz ele ser diferente dos demais jogos de sobrevivência por ai, pois pra mim existe um objetivo e um motivo para você continuar sobrevivendo, além de descobrir o que é a aurora e o que aconteceu nesse mundo onde se passa The Long Dark.

Sobre sua gameplay e gráficos, The Long Dark é muito bom nas 2 coisas, mesmo sendo um jogo mais lerdão e de sobrevivência, onde você precisa se preocupar com sua fome, água e temperatura, pois você pode morrer de hipotermia, é divertido e até relaxante em alguns momentos sobreviver naquela região abandonada e perigosa por conta da neve, ficar na frente de uma fogueira enquanto acontece uma tempestade de neve é uma das coisas mais fodas que tem. O jogo possui um estilo cartoon em seus gráficos, que me agrada bastante, ele é muito belo, principalmente suas auroras que são lindas e já me fizeram tirar prints do jogo na steam.

O meu segundo jogo de sobrevivência favorito, merecia muito mais reconhecimento, mas infelizmente não é tão conhecido no Brasil.

Spent a good year casually playing the story expansion for this survival game, Wintermute. Thoroughly enjoyed all four episodes and I wish there were more survivalist games like this that were light touch with the sci-fi elements. Not a big fan of the genre but this just felt right.

The mechanics of surviving this cold apocalypse are really well thought out and gives you many different playstyles. I haven't yet tried the Survival Mode which for many is the meatier experience but the crafted narrative was what I was looking for. That said, these elements were sometimes a frustration when in part due to scripted timber wolf encounters but still the rest of it made up for these "danger" moments. I'll consider this completed for now but will definitely return

I've given up on understanding what I'm supposed to do and will continue living knowing if that were me in their place I'd die in the first 5 hours

This game delivers on being a harsh survival game and that's not for everyone. Yes you will sprain your ankle if you walk up too steep a hill while carrying to much - yes that's a feature.

Game is really immersive and a great play once you start meeting it on its terms.

Survived: 25 days
My first try on Stalker, really nice. I explored the entirety of Mountain Town, but sadly made some bad decisions in my first couple days at Hushed River Valley (the second region I entered) and tragically died. Overall I loved it and I'm motivated to start a new run.

the survival mechanics in this game are great. fighting against the long dark's wilderness is so engaging

Meu jogo favorito de sobrevivência;
Relaxing game;

If you just play the story mode, its a 3/5.
If you play the survival mode, you experience the best survival game out there. Every decision could be death (on higher difficulties), nature hates you and will throw whatever blizzard or bears it wants at you, and no one is there to help you. The atmosphere is incredible, the world vast with secrets, and it only really gets boring after exploring the whole world and getting to day ~120. Then its just biding your time until death for the achievement. Shame my save got wiped because of the update, but whenever I return to this game the wolves won't know what hit them.

Ambientação muito legal, me lembra Bear Grylls, mecânicas de sobrevivência ótimas bem feitas... E pode ser meio lento as vezes, mas é muito massa. Bastante Walking Simulator e o jogo está lançando capítulos ainda.

This game wasn't for me. I've been wanting to try a survival game and I hear that this is one of, if not THE best, but I couldn't get into it. This game is super in-depth, and the art style is awesome. Overall, it's pretty cool but not for me.

Adore the graphics a lot, have loved this game for many years now. Scary sometimes but it's such an incredible game!