Reviews from

in the past

Pretty good substitute for Megaman Fans that want coop and enjoy Roguelike

Tried this just to check it out and got hooked, but the overall feelings are mixed.

20XX is Megaman+Roguelite, a genre that never interested me but the MM side caught my attention, this is a nice mix of genres resulting in an addicting experience.

I liked the controls here at first, just had some problems with the dash since it seems a bit slow compared to the inspired game, but once you progress to harder levels with challenging (and unfair) platforming will you notice that they could be a lot better.

The random aspect of the elements' positioning here can turn into a huge mess by the latest levels, creating sections that require almost perfect timing to not get hit, those ice and fire turrets annoyed me to hell, and on my last run, I just gave up on trying to beat with Ace after dying at the final boss and during the last escaping phase due to dumb positioning of mechanics like disappearing platforms (which they did not had to bring that from Megaman, geez) combined with the turrets I mentioned above, and everything else. It went from fun to frustrating.

The music is great and does justice to its inspiration, Vaculabs track is a banger.
The graphics are pretty meh and that was the reason I did not try this before, it looks a lot like a Flash game, but it works.
The game's content is huge if we talk about items, upgrades, and game modes, but within the game itself, it has repeated stages and enemies, getting stale quickly. I liked the bosses here although they are not my style, I'm more like robot masters, you know?

Oh and for whatever reason my game was glitched during the cutscenes so I could not get the game's lore, it looks interesting tbh, but who cares? It's all about shooting and slashing everyone while sprinting among platforms, like a true Megaman (X) game.

i don't think these two gameplay styles mesh very well :(

It's an low-budget indie recreation of X era Mega Man but as a roguelite with randomized levels. Earn one currency to buy health and other things in a run, earn another for unlocks and persistent buffs, the usual. Nothing feels particularly memorable or especially well crafted. This feels like it would have been a killer Flash game fifteen years ago.

A good respite for Mega-man fans. The music and gameplay are nice and fun. The boss fights and power-ups are interesting and varied. However, I could not bring myself to enjoy the platforming and jumpling puzzles to get to the boss rooms. It was always a brutal, unforgiving and frustrating journey. There's the skill issue but also it's really taking the fun out of the best parts of the game even in Normal mode. The two main playable characters are cool, the DLC unlocks two more. Overall, I find it difficult to recommend for casual players who might even enjoy some platforming. This game makes it too tedious to reach the ending. It is a great indie game, but you should consider buying it only if you enjoy carefully jumping and shooting across countless moving platforms and enemies.

repetitive even with the level generation

Rogue-Like virou realmente o "survival" da nova geração, onde toda empresa quer fazer um jogo do gênero sem se preocupar se isso vai fazer sentido.
Aqui temos uma versão 25 de março de Mega-Man, só que UOU >>ROGUE-LIKE<<

O jogo simplesmente não tem alma e nem nenhuma característica que torne ele algo além de realmente uma cópia rogue-like de megaman. Os bosses são horríveis, com dois ou três ataques super fáceis de desviar e repetitivos, que só vão se tornar difíceis pelo jogo aumentar exponencialmente suas barras de HP.
A parte plataforma é péssima, com coisas geradas aleatoriamente que vão te punir por não adivinhar que os controles mal responsivos do jogo iriam te foder. Praticamente toda vez que você for perder uma run, vai ser morrendo pra alguma parte plataforma gerada aleatoriamente.

E a cereja no bolo: o sistema de salvamento do jogo NÃO FUNCIONA.
A cada fase da run você supostamente pode salvar e sair. Mas se por qualquer motivo seu jogo fechar ou crashar, >>Pau no seu cu<<, vai perder todo o progresso e voltar pro menu

it's fun but i don't like how it generates the levels

Es un roguelike simple pero muy entretenido, que seguramente te enganche durante unas pocas horas con sus mecánicas.

Pese a su simplicidad, creo que tanto el combate como el plataformeo estan bastante logrados, sobre todo porque tanto los enemigos como las mecánicas de plataformas varian dependiendo el tipo de nivel haciendo que cada uno se sienta diferente. Eso sumado a los potenciadores y diferentes armas hacen que no se haga aburrido, logrando una progresión excelente. Creo que donde flojea este juego es en los bosses, que son bastante regulares y no se adaptan bien a las mecánicas del juego, es un quiero y no puedo.

La banda sonora me gusta mucho, aunque el apartado artístico no me emociona demasiado por no decir que es muy feo. Me hubiera encantado probar el coop, que estoy seguro que me hubiera molado, y hubiera hecho el bucle jugable más entretenido.

En general me ha gustado, no es un juego que te volará la cabeza pero es bastante completo, las 7-8 horas que habré jugado las he disfrutado

Megaman always fun but the non-bespoke levels sometimes not great.

Its a decent game, casual game to play very fun.

I saw this was based off of Mega Man and tried playing it. Its fine, just not for me. Movement doesn't feel that satisfying and the attacks feel like they lack any impact. Its probably because the game looks super cheap and animations lack impact. I know its a rogue-like but the levels all felt samey and bland. The bosses were fine, but they all felt simple. Its just not a game for me

Very well made Mega Man X Rogue-lite. The art style is a bit low grade, and the game gives off "Flash" vibes, but it's got it where it counts; the gameplay. Music is fantastic too.

It's a Megaman rogue-like!

Except it handles very well, unlike the 2D inspiration it draws from. There's moving mechanics that feels smoother and more forgiving than its inspiration.

The randomized levels and their orders add a nice touch to this rogue-like. I feel as though if this weren't a part of a 2D action-platformer like 20XX, it would be negatively impacted.

While it feels great to jump and slide through these levels, the weapons and their designs are lacking. Without a diverse array of weapons or enemies to use them on, the weight of the gameplay is really leaning on good platforming, which it has.

I almost made it to the end, but felt as though I had enough runs. The run-and-gun kind of action-platformer couldn't really hold my attention since the 90s, but this one came close to really catching me in its loop. That actually says a lot about how well done 20XX is.

banger ost, fun gameplay, nice characters, sometimes the random gen was kinda wack though

Really good roguelike! The controls are smooth and the music is nice, and the level generation is not half bad

Eu não gosto da pegada de Megaman.

Pegou as mecânicas de megaman e botou num roguelike. Parece o jogo perfeito pra mim, mas acho que pecaram muito no gamedesign e consrtrução procedual dos níveis

This is mega man X but a rogue like.

The base gameplay loop wasn't all that bad but it was never something that would keep me invested for long

Un clon de Megaman con alguna que otra idea bien plateada.
El plataformeo funciona la mayor parte de la experiencia aunque si tiene problemas en las últimas secciones, sumando el mal posicionamiento de algunos obstáculos del escenario aunque me gusta que sea aleatorio el escenario dependiendo del orden que lo vamos a realizar.
Por su parte, me gusta la variedad de habilidades que podemos conseguir, las partidas pueden variar mucho aunque algunas son más útiles que otras.
Los boses son sencillos y algo faciles.
En cuando a los personajes el que se parece a X está mejor planteado que el que se parece a Zero (además de que el escenario se nota que está planteado para el primero)
Diría que es un título disfrutable ante todo aunque si puede sentirse flojo.

Esperava mais... sempre quis jogar um MMX co-op mas deixou a desejar. Não gostei da geração de fases, os chefes são desinteressantes e o jogo se torna repetitivo muito rápido. Os desafios extras e sistema de upgrades nem um pouco intuitivo pouco ajudam em aumentar a vida útil do jogo.

+ combining Mega Man with roguelike design is a great idea
+ the controls are tight enough
+ pickups are varied and seriously change up the gameplay
+ meta-upgrades significantly reduce the general level of difficulty
+ different characters play very differently
+ boss weapons significantly change up the moment-to-moment gameplay
+ level select after boss fights offers tactical choices
+ boss weakness system is copied from the Mega Man games
+ difficulty of stages and bosses scales naturally over the course of a run

- controlling various boss weapons at the same time can get a bit confusing
- proceedural level generation can lead to unfair platforming challenges
- challenge rooms are exceedingly difficult and one-try only
- the action frequently becomes confusing due to effects clutter
- movement and jump upgrades feel necessary for a sucessful run
- the music and sound effects are unremarkable
- the animation style feels a bit off
- the final boss is unique but not that fun to fight

Magic Moment: Finally finishing that challenge room that you attempted a dozen times to find the double jump upgrade.

Playtime: 3,5 hours for one playthrough with the main character on Normal diffculty. 18 hours for all characters with some attempts at the highest difficult.

The aesthetics might be an acquired taste to some, but any fan of classic Mega Man action will find plenty to enjoy here. The roguelike elements fit well into the structure of a 2D action game, and the meta-upgrades are motivating enough to want to got for just another run. And what more can you really ask for in a game like this?

Play it and look forward to the full release of the sequel like me.

Este juego es un gran ejemplo de porque emplear un diseño aleatorio con mecánicas que alientan a ser diestros pero tambien precavidos es una pésima idea.

Ni loco voy a probar el juego con con las reglas autoimpuestas, suficiente tuve con una vez.

Fun rogue like in Mega Man style. I didn't play much but i liked what i saw

It was ok. It's my fault for not checking it was a rougelike before buying it, i saw a MMX clone and instantly bought it. Not a fan of the proceduraly generated levels since the stages are THE main appeal of MM games for me. However it's not too bad, it was fun enough for me to play it until i beat the final boss once. With that i had enough.