Reviews from

in the past

Probably the best "traditional" Adventure Island game, honing in on the added elements of Adventure Island 2. Now they're taking a little influence from Sonic the Hedgehog! It's kinda lame that it reuses so many AI2 assets though.

juego muy variado donde lo mas dificil son los ultimos niveles pero uno de los mejores juegos de nes

Adventure Island II was a good title, so this game doesn't try to reinvent the wheel much. Some more varied levels, better bosses, and I think better vibe overall make this the best of the trilogy.

Adventure Island 2, só que com muito mais! Controle preciso e vários dinossauros pra montaria. Muito bom!

Really really good game, more of a good thing after 2.
They added some new level types and a lil dinosaur that can handle sand areas well.

probably one of the first auto runners out there, also very fun but I feel the skateboard powerup does more to harm you than help you sometimes lol

Really similar to Adventure Island 2, but i didn't enjoy this one as much honestly.
The main reason is the difficulty, and while it never reaches Adventure Island 1 level of cruelty (can't name many games that do though), once you get to 5-1, it is ON. From there, for my own sanity i just started using saves states.

Def an unpopular opinion, but Adventure Island 2 was just better, mostly because the later levels weren't designed by a fucking psychopath.
funny how easy that final boss is

Buena jugabilidad, gráficamente esta bien logrado, soundtrack aceptable, no es un juego fácil en el primer acercamiento, medianamente difícil, no posee password para continuar desde donde uno queda pero tiene continúes infinitos lo que facilita el avance, también posee atajos escondidos los cuales te avanzan de nivel y te ayudan a terminar el juego mas rápido, dentro de todo es un juego divertido.

very good NES platformer that still holds up today

Basically Adventure Island 2 but with better control. Great platformer.

We love a game with a timer that depletes unless you eat more and more food and then puts you on a volcano island, where there’s no food. Imagining a way cooler game where as Master Higgins runs or skateboards he sees the encroaching timer and contemplates eating either his dinosaur friend or parts of his own limbs just to get himself to the end of the level