Reviews from

in the past


I actually thought the game was quite cool at first. It had an interesting setting and the gameplay was definitely innovative. Somehow, though, it lost me. Some passages were just extremely frustrating and felt unfair to me. The atmosphere was really good and I wanted to unravel the mysteries of this strange planet and its culture, but after trying to overcome some unfair challenge, the game made me rage-quit :D I'll play it again sometime, for sure.

Another World saiu em um ano em que muitos clássicos foram lançados, Sonic The Headrog, Street Fighter e Metroid 2. Ou seja, ele precisaria ter um bom destaque para conseguir garantir seu legado.
Foi então que Éric Chahi em sua maior loucura artística decidiu criar um game totalmente vetorial, conseguindo fazer gráficos totalmente inovadores para época, e não só isso, trouxe junto com essa estica todo um aspecto cinematográfico, contando uma ótima história sem ter nenhum diálogo.

Lester Knight Chaykin, é um cientista recluso que está fazendo pesquisas através de um acelerador de partículas, no entendo, em meio a uma tempestade, um dos raios acerta seu laboratório trazendo uma reação ao acelerador que teletransporta Lester para um outro mundo.
Nesse outro mundo, ele precisara lutar por sua sobrevivência, enfrentando animais ferozes, insetos mortais e uma raça alienígena totalmente hostil.

Gosto muito como ela é contada sem nenhum diálogo e mesmo assim consegue te prender totalmente.

É, não é lá essas coisas. O jogo é de plataforma com algumas sessões de tiro, bastante inspirado em Prince of Percia, trazendo aquele estilo de pulo bem realista. o que atrapalha em muito com precisão de alguns pulos. Em alguns momentos, o jogo exigia certa agilidade na qual eu não conseguia entregar direito pela necessidade de parar e ajustar o pulo, já que eu nunca conseguia cair no lugar certo quando estava correndo.

Vale a pena?
Super! É um jogo curtinho, sabendo tudo o que precisa fazer, você consegue zerar em meia hora. Vale bastante pelo fator histórico e artístico da época. Principalmente porque quase tudo no game, com exceção da música, foi feito por apenas UMA pessoa, praticamente um indie de sua época.

Na real só passei muito estresse pq me forcei a pegar troféu do game (tá aí uma lição, não se force a nada, principalmente pra conquista fútil)
A vibe antiga do game é gostosinha.

wouldn't have bought it, or even beat it, without early game grumps

i respect what it represents i guess

It's gorgeous, I'll give it that.
Looking past the visuals, it's a series of quick-time-events for which you have no context or direction until you fail them multiple times.
That's not to say the game can't produce moments of genuine joy, but the misses outnumber the hits, and each section slowly becomes frustrating and tedious.
Yet, I find it hard to fault AW in light of its elegance and intuitive nature. Sure, my first reaction to nearly every situation I was put into was, "Huh?" But there are only so many actions available to the player, so they'll probably get it eventually.
Unfortunately, "they'll probably get it eventually" isn't quite good enough for me. I get what AW is doing, and I even like a lot of it in practice, and the whole of it in theory.
I suspect this is a game that feels better its second time through. The player's role as "guy learning the script" has never been felt more acutely than when playing AW, so it stands to reason that once you know the script, the performance is more enjoyable.
For now, though, it just made me groan too god damn much.

TL;DR: It's nice to look at, but you sure as shit can't play it.

Wish I liked this more, but it truly has aged so poorly in it's mechanics. It's the awful Crash Bandicoot game design of "anything that looks remotely dangerous will instantly kill you" mixed with punishing setbacks and a clunky control scheme.

And it's a shame, because when you aren't frustrated trying to make a super precise shot or jump, the game is cool as hell. It looks fresh and impressive even today - in 1991 it would have felt unbelievable. the pixel art is gorgeous, and its minimalistic storytelling is done in such an understandable and digestible, yet still mysterious way. Even in its punishing gameplay, it makes the world at least feel dangerous and that the only way to survive is to know what's coming and perfect your moves.

Walked so a lot of other games can run, but it walks very, very slowly in 2023.

normal mode is baby mode but at least you won't have an aneurysm

Another World is a masterpiece of the cinematic platformer genre and Atari age. Although mechanically simple, Another World paints an incredible alien landscape that feels shockingly real with ease.

Some random game on my library I played hard as hell. Had to look up a walkthrough to even beat this game. Would not recommend.

Despite the cryptic nature of the game and the fact that I had to look up a guide for several of the puzzles, It's definitely very impressive for the time it came out, especially being developed mostly by one person. The sound design is absolutely crunchy in the best way possible, the gunplay is actually neat and satisfying when pulled off right, and the visual rotoscope style is entertaining. The game is really short when you know what you're doing, but when you're playing for the first time you might get stuck sometimes. The checkpoint is mostly fair and starts you right back where you died. It will definitely piss you off, but it's an overall nice experience.

Hard as hell, but who could forget mycaruba?

I think this game rules only when there’s a degree of separation from it, with that separation being not actually playing the game. It’s great in an academic sense, it’s really impressive for it’s time and in some aspects it’s aged incredibly well. That being said it also has hammer-to-brain levels of tedious trial and error, making me go fucking loco and koo koo. I also had to watch the final sequence on youtube because my big buddy stopped getting triggered, despite starting from the same checkpoint each time.

Looks very impressive for the time and even today but just way too reliant on trial-and-error design in puzzles to be an enjoyable experience.

An incredible bit of independent gaming. I think everyone should try this game out at least once. Surprisingly intuitive for its age.

Apesar de ser muito difícil e restrito as próprias regras de sua narrativa, ele utiliza dramatização das cenas pra contar uma história através de um modo extremamente a frente do seu tempo.

Sem diálogos, palavras e até mesmo mesmo quaisquer indícios visuais na tela, esse jogo busca ser cinematográfico de uma forma surreal do que se poderia esperar de um jogo em 1991 e cumpre isso de maneira excelente.

A very early "trial-and-error" kind of adventure game from a great nostalgic past. It's not without it's difficulty however, as I have spent many times dying and having no clue as to how to continue. The story to it is simple and with no dialog, but it explains what's going on through simple visuals. Your character goes to work doing a scientific test with a hadron collidor, but at that same time a lightning bolt hits the machine and the mix up of energy causes a explosion that teleports you to a distant planet for away and everything after that is chaos. The creatures are strange and in many cases horrifying as they can kill you quite easily. A great re-made piece of nostalgia that's worth it if you're interested.

Imersão quase perfeita, mas infelizmente os desafios são muito artificiais e indecifráveis

é melhor assistir quem passou horas jogando isso pra ficar bom do que passar horas jogando isso pra ficar bom

Considering the age of this game it was highly enjoyable with simple trial-and-error puzzles. Very short but good story.

Man those redrawn graphics are ugly lol

You can play with the original pixel art, though, so if you like the original this is a perfectly good way to play it on modern hardware

Another World at once feels modern and old style. There's no UX cruft on screen while playing, and the game lacks tutorials—after getting dropped into another world it's up to you to figure out what your two action buttons do, what holding them does, what using them while moving does. The clean pixel art style and the slick presentation, which transitions smoothly in and out of cutscenes, makes it almost feel like an indie game from today. Even it's pace, which moves between puzzle sequences, action/shooting sequences, and short breather exploration sequences, feels incredibly modern—a precursor to the AAA Zelda-likes like the new God of War or Naughty Dog games.

What has not aged as well is the way it feels to play. The puzzles can be annoyingly obtuse in the way adventure game puzzles are, but the real problem is the action and platforming segments that you have to get through to solve them. The absolute worst case of this was the cave section, in which you have to do running jumps over biting pits, some of which have tentacle curtains hanging over them that will also eat you. You have to stop, shoot them one by one with your charged shot, then you can give jumping over the pits a go. Pressing the jump button once while standing will jump over exactly one unit of the ground, which happens to be the same size as the teeth pits. The most annoying room in the game has one biting pit, one unit of normal ground, then two biting pits, so you have to complete a running jump over the first pit and then tap jump again exactly when you land so you can hop to the other side. This annoying room is also centered between two more platforming rooms, and if you die in any of them you're sent to the start of the first room—you have to run through that one, stop, kill the tentacles, try (and fail over and over) to do the long jumps, then jump over a pit and another biting pit in the next room, before making it to a checkpoint. And after you get that checkpoint, you have to do it all over again in the opposite direction. This section climaxes with a platforming section where you are being chased by water that will drown your character if it touches you, and I died over and over trying to get through it. (Another modern touch is the unique death cutscene/animations you get, which is exhausting because you will see them often.) Altogether the cave sequence was a real gauntlet of my patience, and made this short game feel long. That's the worst of the game, but not by much—there's frustrating segments like this throughout.

The platforming and action sequences have an arcade air to them—it certainly expects precision. But I felt like the game wasn't very responsive, and I'm honestly not sure if it actually isn't, or if it's a consequence of the port or what. It never felt good to play or snappy in the way that great arcade games can feel like. This obviously compounds the difficulty of the action sections.

Still I'm glad I played through this game. It's hard to recommend since it's so trying, but the highly modern presentation still feels really unique. The game's plot is a 80s Heavy Metal magazine-style empowerment fantasy—your cool programmer character explicitly drives a Ferrari, and there's even female alien nudity. If you're the kind of person who has a Backloggd account, you'd probably get something from playing through it, or watching a play through.

Um jogo com 1 linha de diálogo que consegue contar uma história absurda.
Another world é uma evidencia da completa ruptura de narrativa e escrita.
Apesar da escrita ser um artefato que favorece muitas obras, não deixa de ser um adorno, sendo por tanto dispensável, ou como Another World faz se entender, insalubre.
Na medida em que a grandiosidade desse jogo não se faz presente apenas em suas mecânicas e puzzles tecnicamente a frente de seu tempo e, devo dizer, até inteligentes, mas pela valÇencia de suas mecÇancia, e arte a favor de uma narrativa íntima, curta e efetiva.
Aqui nos vemos perdidos, como um bom adventure te faz sentir, mas não apenas de forma concreta, também platônica.
Aquele sentimento visceral de ser um alienígena casa perfeitamente com mecânicas e puzzles em adventures ( nesse caso com ação) e ainda se completa com as diversas tentativas erradas resultando em mortes brutais e o loop cruel do: tente de novo.
Esse jogo me deu raiva muitas vezes por conta do controle e pelos checkpoints confusos, mas isso até que agregou a experiência na medida em que aquele inferno confuso fazia parecer tudo ainda mais onírico.
Excelente jogo, não me assusta ser um clássico.

Completed with 100% of trophies earned. Clearly revolutionary in its time (being a remastered version of the 1991 Amiga release), especially with its very impressive polygonal graphics, nowadays Another World shows its age, with rather clunky controls (while still expecting great precision at times) and very obscure requirements to progress through certain encounters. I'd say that it's still worth playing through Another World, especially if you do so with a guide to alleviate some of the frustration that might otherwise come from getting stuck in places, for the insight that it can bring to the history of the action/platformer genre, but do so in the knowledge that it's very old-school in much of its gameplay.

Man, this game had some SERIOUS potential, like 9/10 kind of stuff- but it is severely let down by the lack of checkpoints.

I get it's about trial and error, but this game took it too far. I got to the running away from water part and died over and over to enemies spamming the gun.

I think I played this game like 30 times a few years back