Reviews from

in the past

el mejor juego de super héroes de la historia

Fav from the series but asylum is quite good too. City is fine but feels a bit primitive once you play this.

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after playing the other 2 games I decided to replay this one
finally complete the arkham trilogy for the first time
and yes I did say arkham trilogy because I don't own arkham origins and while I would like to play it one day tim sweeney decided not to bless me with the game for free on the epic games store unlike the other arkham games

Arkham Knight!

this game is super interesting
out of the 3 games its very easily the odd one out
the other 2 games were dark and gritty but still had that comic book flair

this game is just dark, gritty, semi realistic and a whole lot of sci-fi robo shit to go along with it

I mean look at his new suit
looks like a mcu suit

but thats not to say thats a bad thing
its atmosphere and visuals is the best in the series I think and hold up really fucking well to this day

everything about this game is practically the best in the series
the combat? perfection
the gliding and overall movement? fantastic
the stealth? amazing

ironically its all the new shit that ends up being pretty bad
the batmobile

now I don't hate it as much as everyone else
and hell I think being able to drive the batmobile at all is pretty damn cool

it looks cool as hell and the overall idea isn't even that bad
the execution just wasn't very good...

the thing I imminently noticed when using it is that it controls like shit
I try doing a high speed chase and just crash into literally fucking everything

now I saw another review either on this site or on youtube saying how
its supposed to control like shit
you're controlling a big heavy tank

and you know what
fair enough
it does feel like im driving around a absolute fucking beast
it just gets really annoying at times

battle mode for the batmobile however is the exact opposite
it controls so smoothly
its perfect

whats not perfect is the whole reason for battle mode
aka the shooting

you see ive been playing these games on controller since I feel thats what these games were made for

and I don't know if its the PC port or what but I swear there is no aim assist when shooting any of those guns

I know thats a corny complaint but trying to aim on a joystick is horrendous plus the whole combat loop with the batmobile is boosting/dodging out of the way of incoming fire while also accurately shooting targets especially since the main gun has to reload after every damn shot

so yeah not being able to aim properly is pretty damn annoying

also there really only is 3 things to do with the damn car

1. the chases
2. the races
3. the combat encounters

the first 2 suck cause of the car controlling like ass and the last one sucks because of aiming the gun plus the encounters starting to feel repetitive due to there only being like 3 or 4 enemy types and their idea of game design is to just throw them all at you at once

yeah the batmobile kinda sucks

another new thing the game tried was a more grandiose story
and while its probably my favorite in the series
its not without flaws

the biggest and most obvious one is the arkham knight aka jason todd

now I didn't get to experience the marketing for this game and rocksteady lying about his identity

and on my first time playing this game I already knew who the arkham knight was cause its a hard to avoid spoiler

and this is a replay so obviously I knew who he was

but even if I didn't this game spells it out for you like crazy
there is no mystery

the whole game the arkham knight just goes on and on about how much he knows about batman and taunts him about being a old man and knowing all of his tricks

and then out of nowhere joker is just like "hey wanna know a story about a robin who has never been mentioned once in any of the previous games who I kidnaped and killed and also maybe has an extreme hatred for you cause of me?"

wow the game really does make me wonder who the arkham knight is

ok whatever
the twist sucks
but I still think the overall story told with him isn't that bad
I actually liked the more batfamily story this time around
tbh I just wish they got more screen time
I mean hell nightwing is basically only shown off in the side missions
and tim gets treated like shit in all of these games (rip btw)

to briefly mention scarecrows involvement in the story
he was good
he felt very different from asylum but I do prefer his appearance here more

and now for the other controversial part of this story
the joker!

I know hes overused like crazy
but dammit man not only is he the best part of this story
hes the best part of this game
hell this is also his best performance in the whole series!

hes so good in fact that I beat almost every notable villain before actually beating the main story just to get extra joker dialogue

keyword being "almost"
I did all of the riddler missions just for him to tell me to fuck off and don't come back until I do all 243 riddles

yeah no fuck that shit

however this is a good time to go into side quest!!

also probably the best in the series

I mean no way in hell am I doing the 3 quest lines dedicated to taking down the militia cause thats boring as hell

and I also don't feel like doing 243 riddler shits

but the rest of them are pretty damn good!

I mean another on here review pointed out how they can be kinda repetitive
and gave man bat as an example
how you just glide into him and play the exact same animation 3 times over

or firefly where you do the same chase sequence like 3 or 4 times

and like yeah
thats fair

but I still had a ton of fun with all of them

also the man bat jump scare was awesome
and exploring his lab was haunting
so I overall disagree with the man bat hate

oh and pyg was also so damn good that I just feel a need to mention it here

oh and the hush one was good but kinda expected more from his build up in city

I also love how all of these quest lines including the main story and dlc play into the ever evolving GCPD building

so fucking cool
I love it

the big thing this games missing is boss fights
they were great in city and just no where to be found here


the combat here is the best yet but decided to remove the best way to show it off (also the best parts from city) in favor of more batmobile shits

this is why im giving this game a 4 stars while city is a 4.5

I think I prefer this game and this game is the best in the series at a lot of things
but a lot of it comes with some really lame downsides

oh and I guess I should quickly mention that apparently there is 2 knightfall endings and one is mid and one is good but the good one requires 100% the game

kinda lame

overall however
good game!

had fun playing through the whole trilogy of games

Was not expecting something this good. I gotta say though, using the Dark Knight trilogy suit in the Arkham franchise is peak. The open world is beautiful and one of my favourite interpretations of Gotham.

Batman: Arkham Knight is the final chapter in the Rocksteady Batman franchise, putting Batman against his greatest foes all in one night. Batman is going to need his full arsenal in order to take on the mysterious Arkham Knight and Scarecrow.

The base Rocksteady gameplay mechanics still remain unchanged, but the newly added moves provide even more combat options as you take on tougher enemies, both fist-to-fist and tank-on-tank. The newest addition to Batman's arsenal is a fully driveable and combat-ready Batmobile. Batman can race around the city in mere seconds while also being able to transform into a battle mode to take on a drone tank army. While fun at first, the majority of the story is spent in the Batmobile, either solving puzzles or taking on more drone tanks, which gets really repetitive later on, as it's mostly dodging their lines of sight and shooting back.

Those familiar with their Batman lore will probably recognize this game as a remix of a popular Batman story, revolving around the Arkham Knight. The game does well in providing the ending chapter of the Batman franchise, both in confronting the Arkham Knight and taking on supervillains who have banded together to destroy the Batman. The ending is satisfying, although expected.

Rocksteady seriously amped up the graphics and pushed them to the max, at first making the PC port nearly unplayable. Since then, the game has vastly improved and runs well enough. There are noticeable frame drops and visual hiccups, but nothing game-breaking. The design of Gotham City works very well in tandem with the Batmobile, no awkward narrow roads or tunnels I couldn't race through.

I can't say this is a perfect game, though. In introducing the Batmobile as a new mechanic, I felt it was extremely overused. Certain plot points in the story revolved around doing X task with the Batmobile, which is fine a few times, but it happens too often. Although not forced into constantly using the Batmobile, it seemed highly encouraged even though flying through the city was much more convenient. Also, anyone familiar with Batman's history will probably be able to guess an important detail regarding the Arkham Knight, and I found it slightly disappointing.

The season pass includes access to Riddler challenges as well as skins and expansion stories. Although extremely short, the mini-stories are well done and worth doing at least once. The season pass is worth a buy if it's on sale.

Overall, Rocksteady delivered a fun and engaging finale to Batman. With all new mechanics and a well-thought-out story, Batman fans will definitely enjoy this game, even with some Batmobile overkill. Great job to Rocksteady for culminating three games' worth of content and gameplay into one epic finale.

No sé como vivía antes sin jugar este juego (por favor desmantelen el Batmobile)

Batmovil = Mejor videojuego de Batman

Já quase comecei esse jogo umas 3 vezes, dessa vez eu vou até o final kkkkkkkkkk

Uns bons dias depois eu finalmente finalizei e MEU DEUS QUE JOGO EXTENSO! Descobri que das 3 vezes que eu tentei fiz só míseros 10% da história, dessa vez eu fui persistente e consegui encerrar a campanha, só não busquei o troféu Knightfall por preguiça de encontrar os fucking 243 troféus do Charada (o que a maioria dos players não fez)

Eu poderia digitar um longo texto falando sobre os vários defeitos mas também as inúmeras qualidades dessa obra incrível. mas quem jogou sabe! No exato momento que estou fazendo essa review a trilogia está pela bagatela de 25 reais, acho que vou comprar e zerar o Asylum e o City, mas vou dar uma espiada no YTB antes.

Finalizando, no geral o jogo é maravilhoso, mesmo sendo feito em 2015 me impressiona a qualidade gráfica e de gameplay tanto a pé quanto no Biriba Móvel, o sacrifício da Hera é a parte mais linda do jogo e o Cavaleiro de Arkhan é unm dos antagonistas mais pau no cu e covarde possível, mesmo depois que você descobre quem ele é.

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This game was amazing. I just played it directly after playing Asylum and City and I can confidently say that not only is it the best of the three, but that it is likely the best superhero game I've ever played.

A list of the badass things this game has to offer:
- The batmobile is a great addition to this game. It feels MEAN and controlling it both feels and sounds fantastic whether you're whipping around the city streets or using it to help solve a puzzle.

- The combat feels crunchy and satisfying with more ways to take down opponents than ever.

- The new batsuit in this game is the coolest looking batsuit across games, movies, and TV hands down.

- The city is moody, rainy, and has enough personality that it becomes more like one of the characters in the game rather than a map to traverse.

- The graphics are incredible for a game from 2015. This game stands toe-to-toe with modern games graphically.

- You see your progress physically. As the game goes on you see more and more criminals locked up in GCPD every time you walk in. They will actively heckle you about your latest game activity. Also, both your suit and the batmobile become more and more damaged as the night goes on.

Some things about the game that disappointed me:
- The inventive boss fights from City are not present here. Every supervillain face-off was a letdown here as you come to realize each one is either just another combatant in a standard brawl, tank battle, stealth room, or doesn't face you at all and dies in a cutscene.

- Some most wanted missions become pretty same-y to the point where you know exactly what to expect next, such as the banks Penguin's goons rob or finding and scanning the bodies strung up around Gotham.

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Holy hell this was one of the dumbest games I've ever had the displeasure of playing. Any of legitimately cool little tricks this game plays with the ghost joker or twists on the very established arkham gameplay are undercut by the constant insistence on making long tedious sections with the miserably controlling batmobile and a narrative that somehow gets stupider with every new revelation. And then at the end batman kills himself. Or he doesn't. Who cares.

Não sabia que tinham lançado um jogo de Ps6 em 2015

O jogo é muito bom, sincerante, não vejo exatamente muitos erros, gráficos muito avançados pra geração, gameplay muito boa, jogo gostoso e jogar, ambientação sensacional de Gotham em uma noite chuvosa, personagens bem desenvolvidos durante o game, excluindo os outros da série. É um bom jogo.

sigma but sometimes too much sigma?

O melhor jogo do Batman, fechando com chave de ouro essa franquia, o único ponto contra que tenho são as Boss Fights, mas todo o resto compensa essa falha.

I grind those AR challenges like an absolute madman
Took 1 star off for Deathstroke fight / riddler trophy buffoonery

While it may not hit the same highs as Arkham City, Knight is a truly great addition to the arkhamverse, ending a story that is truly one of Batman's most memorable

The best experience I've ever had with a stealth game.
The DLC pulls this up to a 9.5, possibly 10.
My only reservation is with games that have context-sensitive actions, so you're basically guaranteed to have a time where the game doesn't correctly intuit what you want to do. But it works so consistently 99% of the time that it doesn't completely RUIN the game.

Que trilogia foda, eu só não botei cinco estrelas por que sinceramente tem melhor na trilogia, porém nada tira o mérito desse jogo ser fiel ao Batman que nós queremos nos jogos poha, um Batman fodao que tem um Batmóvel foda pra cacete, um Batman de poucas palavras, é isso que a gente quer no mundo dos jogos, é esse personagem identificável que a gente quer ser. Ótimo modo de combate e jogabilidade no geral, uma história perfeita, um plot twist absurdo de bom e os gráficos dessa poha bate com muito jogo atual.

Best super hero game so far, amazing.

meu herói favorito e o que foi meu único jogo favorito por bastanteee tempo

Every single Batman Arkham game is a masterpiece, this one included. I love how they innovated with the Batmobile, I loved the storyline, I loved every bit of these games and I am extremely biased. The Arkham games got me into open world games.

Um bom jogo e um bom fechamento para a série arhkam

FODA, SIMPLESMENTE FODA. Teve umas partes que foi meio estressantes, mais tirando isso... QUE JOGASSO

Sinceramente, para um jogo da grandiosa série Arkham, esse jogo uma decepção para mim, sem graça e com uma história mediana, um potencial desperdiçado